I've been following this for quite awhile and am very intrigued with all it offers.
It seems to have everything I want in a portable except the time it takes to warm up.
@villekille2 will the newly added 2 extra adjustable warm up options speed it up? How much?
Also, what's included with the unit and what's the warranty offered?
I'm concerned with the Intl. shipping as I'm in the US. Will there be any warranty service or retailers in the US?
Looks like a fantastic vape, I hope you have a great product launch!
The adjustable extra settings don't put any extra power to the halogen, so it can speed up only if you adjust it to be cooler, or if you adjust to be hotter then it takes longer. If speed is the main wish, there is a possibility to just switch to a higher wattage bulb.
But I felt after my testing that this is the ideal one to get best overall experience. And yes I felt the same, that this feels like an ideal portable in everything else but the need to warm up, but good things take time

But Apollo also does work with a higher wattage bulb, you can even double it, and as you can adjust so many things, you can make it work fine. Just then choose the power range for low temperatures, and lessen the warm up time and choose the lowest boost power setting, and you would have halved the warm up time. But I wanted to think this from all perspectives, and for example the longevity of batteries.
The package includes the Apollo Vaporizer with 2 18650 batteries installed and an external battery charger. The official warranty period is 2 years. At the moment there are no retailers or warranty service on that side of Atlantic as all is in the beginning, but naturally it is in the plans to have. And I will gladly supply any spare parts necessary, and I have had the intention to make it as strong as possible in every way.
Electronics part is very robust, all is inside the wood without contact to the external world as there are no mechanical switches or potentiometers but all is adjusted trough the wood with touch sense technology. The components in the heating element have been tested for 2 years, hundreds of units without failures. Glass tube is very strong, I actually right now made a little test for you guys and threw it multiple times to the floor from 1.5 meters and nothing happened. The charger is not my own design, but one which has got very good reviews and is a popular model and according to my trustworthy German supplier's statistics, very rarely gets any problems. But of course, always something will sometime happen to someone, and then we'll just fix it or send a replacement or a spare part, main thing that vaping can continue.
And thank you for your wishes

Wow, this looks phenomenal! A couple questions: Does the Apollo run on a session timer, or does it stay on as long as you leave it on? Since it's a convection vaporizer, I'm guessing that you can take hits on demand without continuing to cook your herb while you aren't hitting, correct? Beyond that, a couple logistical things: I didn't see anything about whether any 18650s are included with the Apollo, so I'm going to guess we need to get them separately, right? And lastly, are you planning on keeping the price at 250USD, or do I need to get in immediately if I want that price?
edit: oh, and one more thing I forgot. How is the Apollo as far as hooking up to glass? Can you get a standard 18mm adapter, or is that sort of thing still in the future?
Thank you

) I have put a timer to turn it off in case of inactivity for 4 minutes. This timer is reset each time the user presses boost. I put the timer there to turn it off if someone just forgets it on table. Now it won't spend all battery energy for nothing.
It is a convection vaporizer, but also a halogen vaporizer with highly powerful heat and light radiation which is absorbed very effectively by the herbs, and this is one of the secrets of the wonderful performance in vapor production.
Herb cooking should not be an issue in normal circumstances, but if you leave it on with high power for long times with inactivity, the energy of strong light and heat radiation will naturally start cooking the herbs. But the boost function addresses this issue and depending on the user, there are so many ways to use this.
If someone happens to like to hit it just once with many minutes in between, it can be done without cooking of herbs. As it is very easy any time to just swipe your finger up or down to turn the power level lower or higher, you can just do so, and the halogen will be so gentle that no cooking of herb is possible. And when you want to take a hit, you can just let your fingers rest on the touch panel area a couple of seconds before hitting it, (activate boost) and this way it gets back to the ideal temps.
The ergonomics have been designed so that when you hold it in your hand, you can hold it comfortably without touching this lighter colored wood part. But when you want to boost it, you don't really have to look where is the boost button, you just can lower the tips of your fingers on the ligher colored wood of Apollo, and that is enough to boost, it's really easy and simple

The standard way of use is to just do like this when taking a hit, and same time the vapor light will be active inside the glass tube. But in case of a wish to have longer breaks between hits, just adjust the power level lower in the beginning, and boost it some seconds before taking a hit and you'll get perfect vapors this way too. It's probably hard to understand from my explanations, all I can say that once you have been using Apollo for a couple of sessions, you'll feel the beauty of being able to feel the vape and control it like it was an extension of yourself in the world of vapors.
There are 2 x 18650 inside the Apollo. I will ship them with batteries installed.
About the glass, the standard glass tube of Apollo has the following dimensions: external diameter 22mm, internal diameter 18mm, length 80mm. I don't currently have any adapters of any sort.
Let's say that this is the introductory price for now. There are not yet cool product boxes and it's very beginning and I appreciate the trust of people ordering at this stage.
I added payment options for bitcoin for lower fees compared to paypal, and also bank transfer with full information for direct deposit.