@Mr Mellish - I aslo had light abv. Try heat lvl 7 with 40s heatup(50w). Load a basket screen and put it in the chamber. I get abv that couldn´t get any darker without combusting. With the basket screen it isn´t as frontloaded as without it, big clouds from seccond hit. And I think the flavor of the first hit is also better, but could be my imagination. I also boost between hits to get the unit up to temp. A few secconds after I start drawing I hit boost again. I´m still trying to see what works best, but I´m getting good results this way.
Still having a problem with off center uneven heating. No matter if tamped or not/ how much I put in/ w/wo cooling unit and so on. First time I tried the basket screen I thought it was the solution, but nope. Sometimes completly even abv, sometimes like a crescent. The basket sceen doesnt fit tight in the chamber. It has space to move arround. So I thought maybe it has somethig to do with this. When I looked at the light bulb with a lamp I noticed this:
My bulb is way off center and imo it makes perfect sense why I sometimes get crescent shape tan on my abv and sometimes if the baket screen accidentaly moved right over the bulb the abv is perfect. Just to illustrate:
Chamber and bulb in black, red and green basket screen positions.
Sooo could it be that the light bulb is just bent or is the assemlby just off and there is nothing I can do about it?
What is the vibration trying to tell me when boosting? After about 10s boost it vibrates once.
@villekille2 - You still remember my chamber and glass tube? Still no hurry, just wanted to remind you.