Discontinued The Venus Apollo


vaporizer review blogger
pakalolo had the same idea than me! the advantage is that you can use it with a water tool, bong, hydratube, nectar collector... and generally, that makes vaping more smooth. for example: the venus makes me cough a lot. A water tool reduces that a lot.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah just having an 18mm or even 14mm male gong connection be the mouthpiece would be really convenient out the gate for people, though the current mouthpiece does look nice (and would be a little shorter). Maybe both? With such a high price adding value by including both would be great

Not that it isn't already plenty valuable! That video was perfect, and its incredible you made this yourself dude! It looks so old school with the wood metal and glass, i never saw the touch controls coming! So elegant yet so advanced, truly brilliant design bro!

Now the name Apollo seems even more perfect to me for this enlightened device...

And the swappaple herb chamber looks excellent, perhaps another way to add value by including two in the box like the bulbs? People would love to carry around a prepacked unused chamber (and maybe a spare battery too), and the way it works here seems perfect. And this is pure convection swappable chambers, even better and more rare, like a mobile VXL Evo meets Herbie...

One thing I became curious about was smell, since the herb chamber is pretty open to the air, though this is still on demand vapor so better smell in that way, but would about in use and when resting? Do herbal scents leek much more here? Maybe a cloth/suede/leather carrying pouch would be another great accessory for this little guy? Goes with the classy vibe


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I like the ultra wide bore on the mouthpiece and air path, but have to say that making it protrude less from the end of the device would be optimal. On the other hand, a 14 or 18 (I like 14) mm gong mouthpiece would be fantastic. You'd benefit from thicker walls on the glass channel, for a start. I know it's a delicate high end device, but that glass looks thinner than I'd like. As others have mentioned, drawing from a tapered ground glass tip, like a glass on glass connector, is more pleasant. You also see a cooler mouthpiece overall with this, as the thick glass takes longer to heat up from the hot vapor.

I heartily approve of the use of lamp heaters in a vaporizer. It's such a nice on demand way of doing things, since the bulb gets to optimum temp much faster than other ways.
I like the ultra wide bore on the mouthpiece and air path, but have to say that making it protrude less from the end of the device would be optimal. On the other hand, a 14 or 18 (I like 14) mm gong mouthpiece would be fantastic. You'd benefit from thicker walls on the glass channel, for a start. I know it's a delicate high end device, but that glass looks thinner than I'd like. As others have mentioned, drawing from a tapered ground glass tip, like a glass on glass connector, is more pleasant. You also see a cooler mouthpiece overall with this, as the thick glass takes longer to heat up from the hot vapor.

I heartily approve of the use of lamp heaters in a vaporizer. It's such a nice on demand way of doing things, since the bulb gets to optimum temp much faster than other ways.

Agree with this. The one concern I have about the mouthpiece as is, which looks really nice by the way, is how it will carry in a pocket. Seems like it might break a little too easy if you move wrong or forget and drop your keys on it or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Great video @villekille2
The touch control is, as has been said already, elegant and a welcome surprise.
This is one of the only vapes on the horizon that really has my attention since picking up the Crafty and the Air(yes, signature is in need of an update!).

Before I forget, my contribution to the name search is, "The Beacon" although, having seen the touch control, I'm leaning towards a more Star Trek type name, like "The HiCorder":)

Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
Nice vid! Maybe there's a way to telescope a MP so the glass sits flush and something extends out?

I also would like to see the chamber a little closer and how the Mouthpiece fits with it, is the material enclosed by screens or is it open ended?

Two more name suggestions: 1. The Lighthouse 2. The Sentinel

Thanks for sharing this stuff.


Well-Known Member
It is 2 mm thick glass now, so 22mm outer and 18 mm inner diameter. It seems to be strong based on my experiences when handling them here. But I could believe a 3mm thick glass would be even stronger, and still would not limit airflow much. But maybe little bit limit vapors as the they are released from the top of chamber all around its surface area and now the tube connects quite seamlessly with the chamber. I feel only the herbs add resistance for the airflow, otherwise airpath is sized so well that you could easily breath trough this vape while having a walk and still get enough oxygen.

It is a longer for the video, to connect with the test setup with vacuum. The tube can be shorter, near the level of front panel, no problem, it just means that you have to insert your finger inside to move it up when releasing the chamber. with a longer tube you can get a good grip from outside too, for me it works both ways.

Nice vid! Maybe there's a way to telescope a MP so the glass sits flush and something extends out?

I also would like to see the chamber a little closer and how the Mouthpiece fits with it, is the material enclosed by screens or is it open ended?

Actually the glass tube can be telescoped inside, even if it is a longer one, if the herb chamber is taken away. It will then fit in the place where normally the herb chamber occupies the space. Or just have a shorter tube. I think some people might prefer a shorter tube for travelling and longer "comfort" tube for home. For me, it's perfect when it's about 15mm outside, and at least in my everyday situations, having it with me in jeans pocket, taking it out often, etc. doesn't seem to bother at all the small portion outside. But as I said, it can be made any length and even longer ones fit inside if the more robust chamber is removed.

There are screens on the bottom of the chamber, and on the cap that is placed on top of chamber
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Volute of Vapor
Hi, any news Villekille2?

Did you plan the first unit for the end of April?


Well-Known Member
Well I did finally spend good time testing in real world use with the latest hardware and software, without any vacuum cleaners :) And this helped to make some adjustments to power levels which in turn made the taste better. Seems I had underestimated the power delivery of our second generation heating element as it puts up more vaporizing energy with same amount of electrical energy, previous test sessions I did with the older heating element installed in my first prototype so it was understandable that some power level adjustment was necessary, and the taste immediately got back to the wonderful taste I was expecting. Now I have almost finished my prototype run, just flashed latest firmware after my adjustments. I now have 6 units left, and will not make more of them. So the next vaporizers will be when I get production running.


Well-Known Member
A photo of 6 vaporizers


Well-Known Member
Guess we are all waiting eagerly for updates, but it is clear this is a small company and as such it will take its time...

And we sure do not want to take them away from their work, which is making these beauties so they can be send out into the world for us to enjoy;)
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