for kief, I already talked about it in the thread.
not many of us have tried it, or at least, it didn't generate a fascinating discussion, from memory...
i made sandwiches myself for a while.. no problem, except that I found it less practical than "just flowers".
The ideal is to keep the screen integrated into the vaporizer clean (even if it's not very complicated to clean or change it...), so you just want to avoid kief or hash coming into contact with this screen.
i thought that the high heating was harder to control but it's just that it's less permissive and you shouldn't exceed the preheating time...
but after that, it's a little easier to get vapor.
with the low heating, you have more margin. there's less risk of burning.
but the downside is that you have to preheat long enough... (I count up to about 7 in my case).
or else...
you have to reduce your inhalation speed. this is the most technical aspect but the most important...
the slower you inhale, the more time the air has to be heated and therefore heat the flowers. therefore more vapor.
this is even more true if you have old or discharged batteries.
on the other hand, if you add air resistance in your stem, it can help to obtain vapor more easily. it could be adding more cooling beads, a mouthpiece, slightly more tightly packed flowers or even custom stems...
(to summarize, the important points:
- preheating time
- speed of inspiration
- state of charge and age of your batteries)
I hope I haven't added more questions than anything else....
if you want more details, don't hesitate!!
And... yeah, I know my avatar is exaggerated...