The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to vape hash in the tempest? If so, what's the process?

Also, will there be much differences in the final release Tempest and the pre-release ones? I was probably the last batch of pre-releases.

I'm wondering whether to buy a 2nd one or maybe just a new head when it's released.

Any date for pre-orders yet? 😀


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to vape hash in the tempest? If so, what's the process?

Also, will there be much differences in the final release Tempest and the pre-release ones? I was probably the last batch of pre-releases.

I'm wondering whether to buy a 2nd one or maybe just a new head when it's released.

Any date for pre-orders yet? 😀
I love vaping hash, I just put a few nice chunks in a bit of cotton and sip away. Summer time I have been running it with the wand at around 450F or so. You can scale up as much as you can fit. <3 Hash


Pranayama; of a sort.
Any date for pre-orders yet? 😀
I literally wake up, check my email, check the site hoping to see that notification :)

Great write up! Very informative. Would be interesting to see if the flare has a similar issue with the coil getting too hot and shutting off. I guess it’s preferable to ruining the induction heater though.

And glad to know you’re pestering the flare guys as well, I’m hoping to pick one of those up later in the year, after the first round of sales have been consumer tested.

How easy would you say it is to get a complete extraction, like your ‘low and slow’ method above, is with a torch? Would this be simply lowering the torch a little below the 2 lines to add more conduction, or using a single flame to heat slower?
I actually decided to do the "low and slow" method on the Forge because it was my favourite way to use the Tempest with a Torch. I don't like the little torches for the Tempest, they don't have the power, well a Triple flame small torch kinda can get there, but I find it easier to manage with a larger torch that has been turned down.

I made a video of it before, I will find it


Well-Known Member
I've tried smaller quad, triple, and single flame and I've had best results using this eagle single flame torch . Aiming it at the 2 rings on the cap. With a triple and quad torch it just seemed to heat the vi faster than what the actual temp of the herb was. I also check the site more than I like to admit for the update kit. That's how I got my factory 2nd purple reload when they were out of stock. 1 day I checked and purple was there which matched my tempest, next day gone. Hate that this will be the 3rd shipping charge coming from UK to us, but you got to grab when it's available because everything goes fast!
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Well-Known Member
currently I flip the wand and watch the visual indicator get to the mark I want to get to.

I read people using the wand this way, but how does the pipe (I don't have a Tempest yet) not fall through the hole? It sounds like the pipe is "hanging" off a lip?


Well-Known Member
I read people using the wand this way, but how does the pipe (I don't have a Tempest yet) not fall through the hole? It sounds like the pipe is "hanging" off a lip?
There is a Tempest wand adaptor. It's just a bit of silicone and a glass bowl to hold the Tempest. It has a bottom, so you could heat the Tempest free hand if you wanted to.

When using the way mentioned in the post you queried, you hold the Tempest with the tip facing up, and place the Wand bowl over it like a hat. You can see the visual indicator move, through the glass insert, allowing to chain bowls back to back saving time and energy heating from cold.


Well-Known Member
One can also just reverse adaptor
Best position I've found for the adapter is so it's sitting just proud of the red bit at the bottom. Can't achieve that flipping it the other way round.
I read people using the wand this way, but how does the pipe (I don't have a Tempest yet) not fall through the hole? It sounds like the pipe is "hanging" off a lip?
As @RedZep said there's an adapter and it's closed at one end so it can't go right through.
I can hold them both upside down with one hand casually while out and about so it's easy enough to do.
Since it's upside down you can't see the screen to say it's timed out, but you can see the lights go out, so long as it's not too bright.
In that case you just need to keep an eye on it.
But then maybe in that instance that's where the calibrated click discs come in.
I don't have calibrated discs, they've never clicked once, even when I was really trying to make them click....


Putin is a War Criminal
I don't have calibrated discs, they've never clicked once, even when I was really trying to make them click....
I think some of the drops don't have any click disks in them. I had a later drop, and my disks do click fairly accurately. I'm hoping the ones in the update click even more accurately.

Added: The click is really more of a reference point, so "more accurately" above may be something of a misnomer. A little closer to my taste would describe it better.
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Well-Known Member
I was using my tempest with the wand this afternoon and the last 2 times I was heating up I had the really squeaky noise coming from my wand. Seemed to be heating right but I've never heard this. Hoping it's not breaking because the wand has been so essential to my tempest, especially not having click disc's. I use it everyday. Has anyone heard this noise from their wand?


Well-Known Member
I was using my tempest with the wand this afternoon and the last 2 times I was heating up I had the really squeaky noise coming from my wand. Seemed to be heating right but I've never heard this. Hoping it's not breaking because the wand has been so essential to my tempest, especially not having click disc's. I use it everyday. Has anyone heard this noise from their wand?

My Wand does this, too. Charge it until it has a full charge. That should take care of the sound.

Also, I sure can't wait for the Tempest and all the accessories to up and ready for ordering. I am smacking my hands together and rubbing them in anticipation. I've been using a beta since November of 2023. The "honeymoon" phase is over for sure. This is my go-to vape. I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
I think it's better to have low expectations.
You expressing hope/concern that it is released this calendar year is not setting
low expectations, as it is June. You are merely expressing dissatisfaction and impatience. These negative emotions may be warranted due to previous delays, however they are not reflective of the current reality.

In short, of course it will release this year. Current realistic expectations are a matter of weeks not months.


Well-Known Member
A bowl to make the wait easier... :spliff:
Nice :tup: Using single flame now? Thought you had quad or trip in previous shots.
Added: The click is really more of a reference point, so "more accurately" above may be something of a misnomer. A little closer to my taste would describe it better.
Yea I kind of like my early click. It lets me know the VI is about to start moving and to pay attention :D


Well-Known Member
I actually decided to do the "low and slow" method on the Forge because it was my favourite way to use the Tempest with a Torch. I don't like the little torches for the Tempest, they don't have the power, well a Triple flame small torch kinda can get there, but I find it easier to manage with a larger torch that has been turned down.

I made a video of it before, I will find it

Been going through the sub so if it’s posted here I may have seen it! Going to keep trawling to get every bit of media to satiate my impatience ✌️

Just got myself a ‘masterclass professional’ blowtorch and this thing seems so overkill! Getting the end of the flame to heat my armoured cap takes some finesse..

Almost sent it back immediately, but tried it on my terpcicle and worked absolute wonders. Killed a .4g bowl with only a 30 second heat up. Made me feel much better about waiting for Tempest release 😂

Dialled it in now with the armoured cap too. Not ideal with the size, but working great. Not sure if it would be too much for the tempest as it may directly heat the visual indicators unless I aim low.

Using this between the two does give me another tempest question though, is it possible to get really dark, like black, roasts with this device? As honestly, I like to see this kind of full extraction.

Once the VI is at the farthest point, are you riding the line? Or can it be pushed a little further? I honestly don’t like to see green or yellow in a finished bowl, makes me think I’ve missed some material.

Pic of torch:

How I like my roasts 😉:

Apologies to mods if the discussion and picture of non-tempest stuff is not allowed..
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Well-Known Member
Been going through the sub so if it’s posted here I may have seen it! Going to keep trawling to get every bit of media to satiate my impatience ✌️

Just got myself a ‘masterclass professional’ blowtorch and this thing seems so overkill! Getting the end of the flame to heat my armoured cap takes some finesse..

Almost sent it back immediately, but tried it on my terpcicle and worked absolute wonders. Killed a .4g bowl with only a 30 second heat up. Made me feel much better about waiting for Tempest release 😂

Dialled it in now with the armoured cap too. Not ideal with the size, but working great. Not sure if it would be too much for the tempest as it may directly heat the visual indicators unless I aim low.

Using this between the two does give me another tempest question though, is it possible to get really dark, like black, roasts with this device? As honestly, I like to see this kind of full extraction.

Once the VI is at the farthest point, are you riding the line? Or can it be pushed a little further? I honestly don’t like to see green or yellow in a finished bowl, makes me think I’ve missed some material.

Pic of torch:

How I like my roasts 😉:

Apologies to mods if the discussion and picture of non-tempest stuff is not allowed..
I'd say it's possible, but I find it easiest to achieve through an additional heating cycle (or two; YMMV). I'm using the Forge on Cascade mode and find that the initial cycle has tons of flavor and gets the material to a golden brown color, while the second cycle will have more of a roasty flavor and get the AVB to more of a coffee brown.
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