The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
I can fully understand as I also consider myself a vegan, although I know I can't by selling leather. However, I am very environmentally conscious and try to minimize the environmental impact of my packaging and products as much as possible.

I initially tried to create a hard case, but unfortunately it failed and I couldn’t find a good alternative that would be equally convenient for the user and affordable enough to include for free.

As far as I know, leather is a byproduct of the meat industry. Cows are not slaughtered specifically for their hides, which might otherwise go to waste so using leather could be seen as a more ethical choice, as it makes full use of the animal. You could argue that making a case from wood or metal might be worse for the environment in this case. Other leathers could be a completely different story ofc.

Happy to replace the case for anything in a similar price range, just leave a note with the order please.

That was for the Reloads, the Tempests are not on the way yet. I think there will be some delay as the cases and boxes are still not finished :(
Ah man, that’s a shame for the delays! You will have lots of day 1 support I’m sure. I know it’s only one customer but I’ve specifically put off a few purchases to support with this.

Quick question as well if that’s okay? The Burple colour posted way back when, is that what’s going to be on sale? I re-linked it on page 207.
I’m planning on ordering the purple when you announce orders, just want to make sure it’s the same colour; the pics on your site seem a lot brighter, I’m assuming it’s because it has a light directly on it?
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Well-Known Member
Look, I’m not getting into the moralities of veganism/meat eating.
This is directly from google as the highlighted response: “Globally this would see 300 million hides wasted and 6.6 million tons of surplus emissions every year. The US leather industry is helping cattle ranchers target zero waste by currently recycling 85% of cattle hides produced compared to a worldwide estimate of just 60%.”
There is so much hide wasted, that making use of leftover leather would be better for the planet than not.
This was always my understanding of leather. Cows are not killed for leather. It seems using leather is the only morally positive thing we do with these animals. Killing the same amount of animals and wasting the leather seems wrong to me.


Well-Known Member
Observe when the leather issue was raised, there were reactions but nobody directed or made any character judgements. Instead, the original commenter flipped it around and turned it on other forum members because they're "on the right side of history".

Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists

Record heat, record emissions, record fossil fuel consumption. One month out from Cop28, the world is further than ever from reaching its collective climate goals. At the root of all these problems, according to recent research, is the human “behavioural crisis”, a term coined by an interdisciplinary team of scientists.

“We’ve socially engineered ourselves the way we geoengineered the planet,” says Joseph Merz, lead author of a new paper which proposes that climate breakdown is a symptom of ecological overshoot, which in turn is caused by the deliberate exploitation of human behaviour.

“We need to become mindful of the way we’re being manipulated,” says Merz, who is co-founder of the Merz Institute, an organisation that researches the systemic causes of the climate crisis and how to tackle them.

Merz and colleagues believe that most climate “solutions” proposed so far only tackle symptoms rather than the root cause of the crisis. This, they say, leads to increasing levels of the three “levers” of overshoot: consumption, waste and population.

“Essentially, overshoot is a crisis of human behaviour,” says Merz. “For decades we’ve been telling people to change their behaviour without saying: ‘Change your behaviour.’ We’ve been saying ‘be more green’ or ‘fly less’, but meanwhile all of the things that drive behaviour have been pushing the other way. All of these subtle cues and not so subtle cues have literally been pushing the opposite direction – and we’ve been wondering why nothing’s changing.”

The paper explores how neuropsychology, social signalling and norms have been exploited to drive human behaviours which grow the economy, from consuming goods to having large families. The authors suggest that ancient drives to belong in a tribe or signal one’s status or attract a mate have been co-opted by marketing strategiesto create behaviours incompatible with a sustainable world.

“People are the victims – we have been exploited to the point we are in crisis. These tools are being used to drive us to extinction,” says the evolutionary behavioural ecologist and study co-author Phoebe Barnard. “Why not use them to build a genuinely sustainable world?”

Just one-quarter of the world population is responsible for nearly three-quarters of emissions. The authors suggest the best strategy to counter overshoot would be to use the tools of the marketing, media and entertainment industries in a campaign to redefine our material-intensive socially accepted norms.

I find that these days, the internet is treacherous with moral high grounds and any moment and forum can become a platform for any thought, opinion, theory, agenda that is "more correct", just because. If one were to look into the actual impact of the individual, especially when it comes to the farce that is recycling; even the collective efforts of individuals—lies to ease our own guilt and to deflect from the machinations for perpetual infinite growth through over consumption.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
As a leather craftsman, I'd like to add an extra note. It has been said that leather is made by recycling the skins of animals killed for food.

But it's good to know that there are 2 ways of turning cowhide into leather: mineral tanning or vegetable tanning.
Mineral tanning uses chemical tannins (chromium3) that are polluting for tannery workers and the environment. Tanning is quicker and cheaper.
Around 85% of the world's leather is chrome-tanned.

Vegetable tanning uses vegetable tannins such as bark, wood, roots, leaves and fruit. A long ancestral process, healthier for the environment. The result is a leather that is softer to the touch, more sensitive (patina over time), of very high quality, but also more expensive.
I use only vegetable-tanned leather from French tanneries for my creations.

Parenthesis closed, i'd like to say that i like to use the Tempest in the Forge, much more better than in the Wand as it heat faster, hit stronger with full extraction and homogenous avb (results I've always struggled to reproduce effectively with the wand)

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Well-Known Member
As a leather craftsman, I'd like to add an extra note. It has been said that leather is made by recycling the skins of animals killed for food.

But it's good to know that there are 2 ways of turning cowhide into leather: mineral tanning or vegetable tanning.
Mineral tanning uses chemical tannins (chromium3) that are polluting for tannery workers and the environment. Tanning is quicker and cheaper.
Around 85% of the world's leather is chrome-tanned.

Vegetable tanning uses vegetable tannins such as bark, wood, roots, leaves and fruit. A long ancestral process, healthier for the environment. The result is a leather that is softer to the touch, more sensitive (patina over time), of very high quality, but also more expensive.
I use only vegetable-tanned leather from French tanneries for my creations.

Parenthesis closed, i'd like to say that i like to use the Tempest in the Forge, much more better than in the Wand as it heat faster, hit stronger with full extraction and homogenous avb (results I've always struggled to reproduce effectively with the wand)

That thing is crying out for a vibrate function.


Well-Known Member
Would be great to have leather alternatives that work well at high heat (also for the Dani decapper) as an option.

But hopefully this thread doesn't get hijacked into a meta discussion concerning the pros & cons of leather. If interested in discussing this topic from an ethical perspective, check out the debateavegan subreddit.


Well-Known Member
Aja, chevere camiseta, acompana bien las ultimas discusiones... :)
Gracias! Great spanish amigo! A good combo between an awful history event of my country (spain) and an epic humor series :D:D (maybe not much related with the discussion)

About the single flame. I guess you use a big single flame(?) (you need almost the same time than me with triple flame)
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Well-Known Member
I know that it hasn’t released yet, but has anyone been able to test the tempest with the flare IH? I know the wand is the most common but I’ve read speculation that it’s not as powerful or efficient and that the devices shines with something a bit stronger like the forge. But that’s a wild investment for a heat source for me personally.


Hit It & Quit It
About the single flame. I guess you use a big single flame(?) (you need almost the same time than me with triple flame)
I recently got Blazer Firefox 2.0, which I believe is inferior to OG model.
Got a refund for it and torch left for free, as seller was having pics and description of OG, but shipping 2.0 lol.
It does the job done tho...
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how the flavor of the tempest is compared to the volcano hybrid?
We are not meant to compare. I can be guilty of this too much.

However the Tempest has exceptional flavour. This is often one of the first things new users report on. It's in my top 3 tasting vapes of all time. My Volcano Hybrid wasn't. I wasn't a fan of the hybrid heating flavour signature of thr Volcano.


Well-Known Member
@Brenyo I find the priceing on the Eu website a little bit strange. When you convert from (190) pounds to euro it should be 229 euro.
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Well-Known Member
@Brenyo I find the priceing on the Eu website a little bit strange. When you convert from (190) pounds to euro it should be 229 euro. Even at CENTRALE vapeur and the tempest will cost 249 euro Why should someone buy from madheaters European website. I feel discriminated.
Not that I want to answer on behalf of Brenyo… I’m curious where you’re getting 190 from. The plain titanium is £229, the coloured versions are £249. If anything, you’re getting a discount


Well-Known Member
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It’s £190 pre tax in the UK, that’s where he’s getting it from. If you’re in the UK it defaults to showing the tax, it doesn’t when your not. The price in euros is the same as in the UK after tax.
Not that I want to answer on behalf of Brenyo… I’m curious where you’re getting 190 from. The plain titanium is £229, the coloured versions are £249. If anything, you’re getting a discount


Well-Known Member
It’s £190 pre tax in the UK, that’s where he’s getting it from. If you’re in the UK it defaults to showing the tax, it doesn’t when your not. The price in euros is the same as in the UK after tax.
Did not realise that! Thanks for explaining


Well-Known Member
It’s £190 pre tax in the UK, that’s where he’s getting it from. If you’re in the UK it defaults to showing the tax, it doesn’t when your not. The price in euros is the same as in the UK after tax.
ok now I understand…


Hit It & Quit It
@btka to the 229€ (190£) you also need to add import fees and tax, which your country customs will ask. And shipping.
There were testimonies in this thread of people paying like 80€ in customs fees and taxes on top of 229€+12€ shipping...
So 249€ is still a good price, you don't lose your time with silly customs, and most shops will ship for free inside EU for that price.
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Well-Known Member
You are right… was confused because madheaters uk website show prices without vat when your not from uk… but thanks to @Sunny
he pointed out that the prices I see on madheaters um website are without vat when you look at the site from EU, it only shows the prices with vat when you from uk… my fault… and I want to emphasize that it is very correct and nice that @Brenyo would not take double taxes (from uk and abroad)… and also thanks for the opportunity to order from EU… so everything is all right…


Active Member
I find it super respectable that @Brenyo engaged with the leather discourse. I noticed the paper-based packaging for the Revolve V2 and I appreciated the eco-friendly choice. I'm not a vegan but I really hate wastefulness.

Looking forward to Tempest day 1. A delayed release is better than a shitty release.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, work life got crazy and I haven't been on as much (btw slow down! If I don't check this thread for a few days there's pages and pages to catch up on lol). Anyway, I finally posted my review for the Tempest on the MH website and figured I would share here as well. You can look at my previous posts to see the pictures of my beautiful baby if you want:

"I was lucky enough to get in on the initial beta drop on Oct 29th in a green-purple color that I absolutely am in love with. It is light, but solid, everything made with precision. My visual indicator is a bit off, but with trial and error I was able to dial in my sweet spot with the Wand and have left it there for the better part of a year. Though I have used it nearly every day since, I am still blown away by the versatility and utility of this magnificent chunk of my spirit metal (titanium).

I tend to more or less clear the bowl in one heat cycle and the flavor is absolutely outstanding! I can use it with the Wand in the middle of the day or in pitch darkness. When I do more than one heat cycle back to back with multiple bowls or I just took the first one slow, in really dark conditions the light from the Wand allows me to see the visual indicator and stop heating exactly where I want it. Mine may not be "accurate," but it's consistent and that is ALL that matters!

The Tempest has not let me down once and I HIGHLY recommend pairing it with a Reload Gen 2 (or more than one) and the Wand induction heater. It makes it dead simple and with how chaotic my life can be, I do not necessarily have time for the ritual of a torch (but the option is there!). It is such a natural pairing that I can confidently complete my entire session start to finish including loading and emptying the Tempest blindfolded. In less than 3 minutes. I imagine the same is true for many others with this combo. I can't do back to back sessions like that, though, because a reheat not from room temperature will require you monitor the visual indicator to know when to stop rather than let the Wand run to timeout on whatever your perfect initial heat cycle setting is.

This is a small device that is pretty but you wouldn't think too much about the insane cooling inside. It's never too hot for me and always comfortable. The first time I used it I didn't think I heated it enough because I didn't get anything only to exhale a pure flavor cloud that gave me the biggest grin! It is the only vape I ever really need again. It is an absolute marvel and I waited nearly 8 months to put this review because I wanted to honestly and confidently say this is borderline perfection. I don't believe there is any product out there that reaches perfection, but this tops the list of contenders and while I historically overspend on hardware and accessories, I have not purchased another flower vape since this touched my hands.

Get one. You will not regret it. But temper (hah) your expectations. It will not be some miracle face melter compared to other popular competitor products. But it is insanely fine-tuneable and does everything nigh perfect and with the stock sleeve has never gotten too hot for me to handle.

It's the best all around manual vape device ever created. Bravo"


I have been unable to come up with a valid complaint after months of mulling. @Brenyo had a winner from the beta and has shown dedication through his engagement with our community to fine tune it even more. It's been awesome to witness and I wish Brenyo the best of luck with a smooth launch!


Pranayama; of a sort.
I know that it hasn’t released yet, but has anyone been able to test the tempest with the flare IH? I know the wand is the most common but I’ve read speculation that it’s not as powerful or efficient and that the devices shines with something a bit stronger like the forge. But that’s a wild investment for a heat source for me personally.
I am bugging the Flare guys all the time as I really want to see if the Flare is powerful enough for the Tempest

As a leather craftsman, I'd like to add an extra note. It has been said that leather is made by recycling the skins of animals killed for food.

But it's good to know that there are 2 ways of turning cowhide into leather: mineral tanning or vegetable tanning.
Mineral tanning uses chemical tannins (chromium3) that are polluting for tannery workers and the environment. Tanning is quicker and cheaper.
Around 85% of the world's leather is chrome-tanned.

Vegetable tanning uses vegetable tannins such as bark, wood, roots, leaves and fruit. A long ancestral process, healthier for the environment. The result is a leather that is softer to the touch, more sensitive (patina over time), of very high quality, but also more expensive.
I use only vegetable-tanned leather from French tanneries for my creations.

Parenthesis closed, i'd like to say that i like to use the Tempest in the Forge, much more better than in the Wand as it heat faster, hit stronger with full extraction and homogenous avb (results I've always struggled to reproduce effectively with the wand)

I love that picture, I am determined to get that same setup when I get the chance

I recently got Blazer Firefox 2.0, which I believe is inferior to OG model.
Got a refund for it and torch left for free, as seller was having pics and description of OG, but shipping 2.0 lol.
It does the job done tho...
out of all the torches I got lately, the Blazer Stingray is getting the most use, the OG Firefox was what I was using most before I got the Stingray
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Pranayama; of a sort.
From what I've read, it's rated at 120w, a bit like the Wand, isn't it?
All I remember was that the Flare was 3x18650 instead of the Wands 2x18650, the Flare has an adjustable wattage (but I don't remember the range) and from the video I saw it was working with an OG TA so I have some hope that it will be more powerful than the wand - It won't be more powerful than the Forge but it should be a more affordable option that should work for the Tempest.

I spend ages writing a "how to" with the Forge and the Tempest/TA today using debug mode... while I was doing it I was doing bowl after bowl and I sort of lost count... I haven't don't that in a while...


Well-Known Member
I recently got Blazer Firefox 2.0, which I believe is inferior to OG model.
Got a refund for it and torch left for free, as seller was having pics and description of OG, but shipping 2.0 lol.
It does the job done tho...
Looks powerful. I use small torches since I dont like to carry big ones. Now i understand your times :D
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