That reminds me.... after a lot of playing around, after multiple different torches.... I decided I prefer the use of the Wand as an initial heat up for the Tempest, to get a full, consistent heat across the whole oven as compared to using a butane torch...
I HATE admitting that as I wanted it to be torch first... however - I can't add heat with the Wand - so after the VI drops below the first mark, I can't successfully reheat with the Wand unless I let it cool, but with a single flame torch I can add additional heat and get more out of the bowl without having to cool the device... so It kind of saves the ritual by having that in the process to complete a bowl (usually a sandwich/rosin bowl - - a single heat is often enough to extract the herbs without requiring a reheat / adding heat during the session)
One other thing I realized that I prefer the native experience with the Tempest on a stem with the airflow closed - as opposed to using it on a Prophet with the airflow open.
Its like my lungs have an absorption limit, it can only absorb so much THC out of the air at one time. If I take the whole bowl in one breath, it doesn't have the same effect as if i take the same bowl and spit it over 5-7 smaller breaths. To me it feels like taking smaller breaths allows the body to absorb more overall in comparison to taking one big large breath - in addition to having a layering affect, with each breath layering the affects on top of the last.
*shrugs* just my subjective experience
We are so spoiled with the Tempest
I have been getting grief because I have lost the love of Dinovaps I used to have because of the Tempest and TA family of vapes

but when two devices literally make me pack away everything else its... something to be excited about.
Thanks for doing the legwork on this. Really helpful.
It wasn't so much leg work as a excuse to try different materials in as many devices as I could get my grubby little hands on and then use those materials in the Tempest - I still haven't put my gem cut in - only because I actually like my two setups - 2.5mm boro on a WPA (open airflow) and 3mm Zrc on my native Tempest stem with a Wooden sleeve (almost closed airflow) - I don't feel the need to change them anymore.
Funny the other devices, my other ball vapes are all but empty of gems at the moment, I have one with gems as I use that occasionally, but not as often since I got the updated VI and discs and got a TA (and put it on my Revolve Gen 2 with a wooden sleave).
... and all the Dinovaps are in their little tubes and are packed away ... I'm probably going to look to get rid of most of them if not all...
Good idea, thanks, there’s plenty of space for 2. I thought it would reduce the airflow quite a bit, but it’s perfectly fine actually. You can tighten the 2nd screen onto the first and it’s pretty much fixed in place then, it def won’t move anywhere. It’s not easy to tighten it without the Reload tool, other screwdrivers can slip out. The leather case will have a tool for it as well.
Now you have me curious as to the different features you have added to the case, the decapper you mentioned so does that second as a screwdriver or is there more to the case than what I have imagined?
So @Brenyo with both screens do you like screw in one at a time or both together?
One at a time was the way I did it, Brenyo said to "tighten the second onto the first" so I assumed one at a time.