The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Active Member
That's pretty much what you'll be getting at release anyway by the looks:)
I'm not looking for just anything, I collect pieces and I like to collect complete pieces and kits so having a tempest piece with a random pen case just isn't going to cut it for my collection, I can wait for the official case.


Active Member
this may of been asked i apologize if it has. I have some spare revolve gen 2 glass sleves will those be compatible with the tempest or because of the increase in heat will they break? I plan on buying a couple glass sleves when the tempest releases but curious if older gen parts like the glass sleeve will work
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Active Member
this may of been asked i apologize if it has. I have some spare revolve gen 2 glass sleves will those be compatible with the tempest or because of the increase in heat will they break? I plan on buying a couple glass sleves when the tempest releases but curious if older gen parts like the glass sleeve will work
I'm nearly sure I've seen someone post here within the last few weeks pics of them using the glass sleeves with the tempest.


Well-Known Member
this may of been asked i apologize if it has. I have some spare revolve gen 2 glass sleves will those be compatible with the tempest or because of the increase in heat will they break? I plan on buying a couple glass sleves when the tempest releases but curious if older gen parts like the glass sleeve will work
I use the Revolve Gen 2 glass sleeve with the Tempest no problem. I don’t know what the difference will be with Tempest glass sleeve when it arrives other than cosmetic. Heat would not a be problem that would cause breakage.


Putin is a War Criminal
I think we heard that the glass sleeves designed for the Tempest are a little thicker.


New Member
Has an official release date been announced by chance? Looking forward to getting one! I’ve seen the website has been updated for it.
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PSA: Take your screen out, replace it and/or clean it often.

I've used the same screen for over 300 sessions, I've soaked it in iso inside of the head, and it always "looked clean", until I swabbed the backside and an all black qtip head came back out. I'm gross, don't be me.



Active Member
PSA: Take your screen out, replace it and/or clean it often.

I've used the same screen for over 300 sessions
How in the name of Jayziz have you not noticed or had a desire to clean your device in over 300 sessions? How have you been enjoying your sessions 😅

I've my device a week and I've cleaned it 4 times and replaced 4 screens since then, I found it very noticeable when the screen was getting clogged.

It's much more flavourful when that mesh is clean so I pop them out and into my ultrasonic cleaner. I'd recommend every 2 - 3 days going forward 😅


Well-Known Member
clean your device in over 300 sessions?

I have been cleaning, but removing the screen hasn't been part of disassembly, so on the very edges, it accrued more reclaim and gunk, at least since the last iso bath in the ultrasonic cleaner.

In between which, I do a lighter cleaning that I've detailed in this thread. After even session, I blow it out.


Putin is a War Criminal
I've probably had fewer than 300 sessions, but I have not fully disassembled the head of my Tempest yet. I have still been cleaning it by soaking it in ISO and then rinsing it with hot water. To be perfectly honest, I have never taken the screen out of the bowl, so I guess it's possible that it is dirty around the edges even tho it doesn't look like it is. It has remained at half bowl setting since day one and has only slipped out of that position once and went back easy with a poker. I have only taken the ball retaining screen off once to see how the balls looked after ISO soak and they seemed fine tho I did not pour them out. I'm thinking it's time for a closer inspection, so I may pour them out this weekend. I picked up a tea strainer for this purpose. If they turn out to not be staying clean with ISO soaks, I may just give them a blast in a spoon like @BushRanger did.


Well-Known Member
soaks, I may just give them a blast in a spoon like @BushRanger did.
This works well! Got all that charred stuff off my 2.5’s. Takes a good sized flame, more heat than I thought, and some patience. White like new now 👍
recommend every 2 - 3 days going forward
Using mine enough for a cleaning every 3 of 4 days for sure. Like other vapes, I disassemble everything and manually go at the parts with iso, swabs, pipe cleaner, heat gun. Ready to go shorty after if I’m not including a cap soak/rinse.
5 days with the Tempest and I really love it!
7 days from UK to France, 16 euros for customs taxes with some accessories.
The only problem was the delivery 10 minutes before going to work :wave:.
I ordered a blue unit, a very deep blue, very beautiful. It looks massive but is very light. The heatshield can become very hot with 2 fast sessions .
I prefer the ergonomics of the rosewood stem, it is very pleasant in hand, very soft and remains perfectly cold.
I like the combination of blue with rosewood, but black on rosewood is a must !
I used a Revolve Gen1 glass rod and it fits perfectly and does not heat up too much. The extra thickness of the next generation will surely be beneficial.
It’s my favorite setup at home, with wood when I go out.

For now, I use it in full bowl but half filled, 330°C , all airflows closed, MTL.
I like not having to heat between each puff, and being able to take time for that.
You can finish a bowl in 1 or 2 heats.
The VI is perfect for monitoring during a 2nd heat, because it heats up very quickly!
With the Wand, the click is not missing that much.

I really love this little bomb and there is still so much to test!!
Waterpiece, torch, the 150 configuration of the Tempest, heating temperatures, height in the Wand ....
I throw myself body and soul into science and tempestology, with you all my brothers .

Thank you @Brenyo, good work :tup:


Active Member
very noob question. So i dont double reply how do i quote two different users under one reply i feel so dumb haha.


Putin is a War Criminal
very noob question. So i dont double reply how do i quote two different users under one reply i feel so dumb haha.
Just hit reply in each of the posts you wanna quote. And you can go back and add more to your post, rather than posting again, by hitting the edit button. If yours is the last post showing, then that is the recommended way of adding info. The edit button will show for six hours. After that, you can double post.


Putin is a War Criminal
I'm really lusting for that rosewood stem. It came out after I had gotten my Tempest. I figured I would wait to get it until the final parts are available and they can all be shipped together. Clearly (see what I did there), I have other stuff to buy from MH at that point as well, including another head.

Added: Follow @TedJones instructions above for multi replies. I have been doing it wrong all these years... :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for your detailed replies, I really appreciate it!

Is it possible to buy dosing capsules or a second bowl perhaps so if I wanted to take it outside I could maybe pre-load some?

How long does the cap stay hot for after use and is it necessary to remove it soon after use, or is it just if I want to smoke another bowl in quick succession that I would be removing it?

Do you think the ispire wand is a necessity or a good investment maybe? I've ordered a torch flame for the Tempest, but I was thinking of maybe getting the wand.

I might try the torch first and see how I get on!
Ok, I'm surprised to report that the VGoodiEZ DynaVap dosing capsules worked pretty well; the cap is a little loose in the Tempest bowl, but airflow and flavor were still solid. If say they're an option if you want to nanodose (capacity is much lower than the half bowl setting).


Well-Known Member
I ordered a couple of bits from mad the other day, inside was a little packet with the final VI coil/spring.
I ordered my unit on the 20th November.
I've been fully happy with the VI spring from that batch, I'm used to the way the coil works.

I fitted the new one anyway, it feels a lot more accurate to me...
Previously with subsequent bowls I was heating till the VI was just after the middle notch. If I heated to the third mark there was a chance of combustion, depending on how strong my draw was at that time, it varies between native stem and bong use etc.

Now with the new coil, I'm fine to wait till the VI is slightly past the third marker on subsequent re-heats, I was giving it a good go last night, definitely feels like the new coil has the full range of the device, allowing for lighter, more tasteful sessions, then giving the ability to step it up to get to the last of the material out.

I think people are going to be really happy with the flexibility the tempest offers with the new VI spring.

Not sure I'll even fit them permanently, but also now looking forward to trying out the new click discs.
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