The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Apologies if this has been asked already, I went back through the last 10 or so pages and didn't see anything. I don't lurk here much to avoid triggering my VAS. But now that I hear MadHeaters has a new product coming out I'm back with my VAS in full swing haha.

So for those of us who already have a revolve gen 1 and gen 2, do we need the full kit to appreciate the tempest? Or is the head the only required part? Is the sleeve required, ie does using the tempest with a regular revolve stem (wood or metal) get it to hot to hold?

I'm the only vaper in the house and having a gen 1 and 2 already I'm trying to avoid picking up unnecessary pieces of kit for cost and space savings.

EDIT: Or like a pared down kit that comes with the head, heatshield sleeve, and the wand adapter/screens/orings? $250+USD for the full kit is hard to justify to myself.
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Active Member
Apologies if this has been asked already, I went back through the last 10 or so pages and didn't see anything. I don't lurk here much to avoid triggering my VAS. But now that I hear MadHeaters has a new product coming out I'm back with my VAS in full swing haha.

So for those of us who already have a revolve gen 1 and gen 2, do we need the full kit to appreciate the tempest? Or is the head the only required part? Is the sleeve required, ie does using the tempest with a regular revolve stem (wood or metal) get it to hot to hold?

I'm the only vaper in the house and having a gen 1 and 2 already I'm trying to avoid picking up unnecessary pieces of kit for cost and space savings.

EDIT: Or like a pared down kit that comes with the head, heatshield sleeve, and the wand adapter/screens/orings? $250+USD for the full kit is hard to justify to myself.
been wondering this too actually and was just about to ask if the glass sleves from the revolve gen 2 would work. I do remember seeing on here someone talking about the new tempest glass sleves being thicker to retain heat and not break.

if anyone has info that would be great!


Well-Known Member
Wow! This thing is impressive!

Disturbingly quick and easy to get a big lungful and finish a bowl to a nice dark brown. The wand paired with the tempest is perfect. No need for clicks - no real need the visual indicator (but I love it!).

First impressions - the high hits intensely fast and is hot enough to get those more stoney and lethargic effects. It’s different from the Dani fusion and feels closer to a vapcap with a FMJ. It does heat up if you continue to pull on it with the air port closed, but it doesn’t take long to kill the bowl so it’s a minor issue.

The quality of the piece is impeccable! The purple has that iridescent quality that you can see in the product photos and just looks stunning. The head is taking on a golden brown tint after a few sessions and compliments the purple nicely. And a really nice touch - the heat indicator tab is the same purple colour as the stem! Nicely done Mad Heaters!

I ordered the reload factory second and it too is perfect. I didn’t realise how much I needed it until I got one.

And it was shipped fast post even though I didn’t pay extra for it! Couldn’t believe it got to me the next day - really brightened my day.

Great first experience with this company. You deserve huge success with this.


Well-Known Member
Agree with all 👍

I'd be lost without MH 🔥

Revolve on my TM2 and now my Tempest.
Reload 👍

So glad I held off from getting the Anvil. Sure it's a great bit of kit. But my curiousity is no more.

Always above and beyond customer service and high quality kit from MH, all my boxes have been ticked.
If my Tempest was in anyway lacking , I would have saved up for the Anvil.
Love everything about it though.

A little worried about fitting click discs , but happy I ordered early so I get chance to be using these weeks.

Every success I wish Brenyo, well deserved.🙏

Thank you 🙏

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Apologies if this has been asked already, I went back through the last 10 or so pages and didn't see anything. I don't lurk here much to avoid triggering my VAS. But now that I hear MadHeaters has a new product coming out I'm back with my VAS in full swing haha.

So for those of us who already have a revolve gen 1 and gen 2, do we need the full kit to appreciate the tempest? Or is the head the only required part? Is the sleeve required, ie does using the tempest with a regular revolve stem (wood or metal) get it to hot to hold?

I'm the only vaper in the house and having a gen 1 and 2 already I'm trying to avoid picking up unnecessary pieces of kit for cost and space savings.

EDIT: Or like a pared down kit that comes with the head, heatshield sleeve, and the wand adapter/screens/orings? $250+USD for the full kit is hard to justify to myself.

@Brenyo (creator of the Tempest) mentioned somewhere here that it’s not planned to sell the oven separately. The Revolve fits it as far as I know though. If you read through the thread you will see that the people who already have a Tempest absolutely love the stem so it’s definitely recommended.

Above is coming from someone who doesn’t yet have a Tempest (but will get one day one) so please correct me.
El Duderino,


Microbe minion
@Brenyo (creator of the Tempest) mentioned somewhere here that it’s not planned to sell the oven separately. The Revolve fits it as far as I know though. If you read through the thread you will see that the people who already have a Tempest absolutely love the stem so it’s definitely recommended.

Above is coming from someone who doesn’t yet have a Tempest (but will get one day one) so please correct me.
Nope! It's obviously not available yet but the head will be sold separately



Well-Known Member
When I bought a Revolve v2 it came with a white cloth a bit like a glasses cleaning one, it was really nice material.

I was using it to wipe the tempest before heating and it went well for a while.... until my tempest started making a clicking noise when heating it in the wand one time.

I grabbed it out thinking it would be cool enough to touch with the cloth...but nope, the cloth melted into a sticky mess on the Tempest :doh:

Luckily, I had some cotton pads nearby for vaping concentrate and I could use a couple of those to wipe off the molten cloth. It was lucky that the tempest held enough heat to let me do that before any dried up... I wouldnt have liked to heat it up again with that stuff on it!

My heart definitely skipped a beat, I couldn't believe it all wiped off so well and my beloved Tempest was not ruined :rockon:
I love this as a testimonial: How's the heat retention? Good enough to keep the carpet plastic melted for you to wipe off!


My tempest head lives on a water tool most of the time, but at the same time I wouldnt want to go without the stem to go with it... Its a big part of the 'fun' of the device imo... So much to fiddle with :science:
Sweet spot for me will be one on a glass stem for taste, one on the metal stem for durability and function, and one on my glass wpa... I've already accepted my fate financially :rofl:

General Disaster

Of cabbages and Kings.
Yeah was the same for me. The next update you will probably get is when it reaches customs in Frankfurt. My package reached customs on a Friday and got send out on a Monday so I don't know how long it takes them during the week. And from then on is took 2 days until it was at my home. Overall it took 10 days for the package to reach me.
I also don't know why and if it even goes through Switzerland or just gets displayed that way. But going from UK to Switzerland and then to Frankfurt makes no sense to me. But I'm not in the parcel business :D
I think it's much more to do with cost, not efficiency! They'll move heaven and earth to find the best profit margins. Mammon be praised! 😈

Visual Indicator. It’s the part that moves to show how hot it gets and when it’s ready to hit. The main things I know of from the current version, is the click disks aren’t done and the bowl screen is not the final one. I believe the VI is basically final? But could be wrong.
I believe you're quite correct. I got mine a week or so back, no clicker (as stated) but expected to be the same temp indicator as on release.
Personally, I couldn't give a toss about the clicker, that VI is the dog's bollocks! (says the deaf bastard!)

I ordered the reload factory second and it too is perfect. I didn’t realise how much I needed it until I got one.
Yeah, I got same, a gen2 second, though I could hardly tell. But I really am glad followed advice and got this. It makes using the 'pest so much easier, and maybe even a little safer. Such a well thought out accessory.

So glad I held off from getting the Anvil. Sure it's a great bit of kit. But my curiousity is no more.
Seconded! I was a little torn between them, but in the end it looked like the 'pest was going to be a step up from the Anvil, and well worth it.

it’s not planned to sell the oven separately
I may be wrong, but I saw the oven on MH's website as an accessory/spare! And the man/woman/person him/her self (brenyo), said a few days back there would also be spares for the oven, like the VI.

Sweet spot for me will be one on a glass stem for taste, one on the metal stem for durability and function, and one on my glass wpa... I've already accepted my fate financially :rofl:
Just leave a few for me please? 🤣
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General Disaster,
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Nope! It's obviously not available yet but the head will be sold separately

Yeah I found it searching the website for the tempest when I saw people posting photos of it. I sure hope its sold separately or something like a "revolve conversion kit" would be neat, it seems like besides the head and sleeve the internals would be swappable. The full kit comes with free shipping for those of us in the states but it would still be an easier to justify purchase if I could shave some dollars off somewhere you know.

Depending on how far out pre-order is maybe i can save up for a few months and pick up a full kit day one still.


Well-Known Member
Visual Indicator. It’s the part that moves to show how hot it gets and when it’s ready to hit. The main things I know of from the current version, is the click disks aren’t done and the bowl screen is not the final one. I believe the VI is basically final? But could be wrong.

And yes if you buy a pre-sale version, you buy a kit upon release that includes everything in the final version that you don’t have. It will be the same price as buying at full release, which is why there is a discount for purchasing a pre-release.
I hope basically means a new one will be coming. My VI moves to fast. I get hardly anything heating with a torch till it won't move any more. And in my wand I can see it move all the way and the wand is still blinking heating up. At 550 degrees. So I've just been heating till cut off with good results. But would be really nice to have it working properly.
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Well-Known Member
Got in my TempeZt stem from the awesome and talented @Zasquatch today, so gotta show it off here! I suck at formatting here on a phone so my photos may be somehwre.

Bog Oak and Ziricote, lined, and he made the body a 14mm taper to fit as a WPA with or without the helix/mp part. Neat extras along with always welcome. I’m in love with the look, and the feel of the stem, the weight and fit is perfect with the tempest. And it handles back to back sessions exceptionally well with heat.

Quick video of WPA use


Well-Known Member
Got in my TempeZt stem from the awesome and talented @Zasquatch today, so gotta show it off here! I suck at formatting here on a phone so my photos may be somehwre.

Bog Oak and Ziricote, lined, and he made the body a 14mm taper to fit as a WPA with or without the helix/mp part. Neat extras along with always welcome. I’m in love with the look, and the feel of the stem, the weight and fit is perfect with the tempest. And it handles back to back sessions exceptionally well with heat.

Quick video of WPA use
I'm gonna have to hit him up for a Purpleheart!


Well-Known Member
I hope basically means a new one will be coming. My VI moves to fast. I get hardly anything heating with a torch till it won't move any more. And in my wand I can see it move all the way and the wand is still blinking heating up. At 550 degrees. So I've just been heating till cut off with good results. But would be really nice to have it working properly.
From what I know yes new VI will be included for most pre sales in the full release kit. I think I’m a fortunate one as mine works great. I think only the very very recent drops have the fully calibrated VI in them.


Active Member
Got in my TempeZt stem from the awesome and talented @Zasquatch today, so gotta show it off here! I suck at formatting here on a phone so my photos may be somehwre.

Bog Oak and Ziricote, lined, and he made the body a 14mm taper to fit as a WPA with or without the helix/mp part. Neat extras along with always welcome. I’m in love with the look, and the feel of the stem, the weight and fit is perfect with the tempest. And it handles back to back sessions exceptionally well with heat.

Quick video of WPA use
I'd fucking love them stickers


Well-Known Member
Currently waiting for the Tempest to be delivered, is there any accessories that could make my life easier/better when using the Tempest?

In terms of use and also cleaning, is there anything I can pick up in the meantime? I've seen Troy and Jerry use a little leather finger thing to help taking the bowl off, is that worth buying?

Is it possible to buy extra caps or something that makes refilling easy?

I've also seen people talking about the Reload here, what does that do exactly?

Sorry for all the noob questions, the Tempest will be my first externally heated style vape 😁
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Well-Known Member
The tempest seems to be really easy to clean you can dump everything in iso. A pipe cleaning brush could be nice for scrubbing inside the stem.

To take the hot cap off you'll need either the leather finger/loop or a magnet. The leather is nice because it won't cool the cap as much but it might be a little harder to use.

If you have a reload or something similar for storing ground herb you won't need dosing caps. The tempest is really easy to load you can suck or scoop the herbs into the bowl.

The revolve is a stem MadHeaters sell, it's really similar to the tempest stem so you don't need it IMO. You should definitely get a reload if you don't have one. The reload's debowler works as a screwdriver for disassembling the cap, a magnet for removing the cap and herb storage container.

If you plan on taking the tempest out of the house you might want to get a leather sleeve or some sort of storage solution for putting the thing away. @Duba sells leather sleeves that come with the loop for removing the cap. MadHeaters are meant to offer one too at the full release of the tempest. I also think the anvil storage tube with the XL cap might also hold the tempest but I'd need someone that owns the XL cap to confirm.

You made a great choice for your first externally heated vape! :)


Well-Known Member
Currently waiting for the Tempest to be delivered, is there any accessories that could make my life easier/better when using the Tempest?

In terms of use and also cleaning, is there anything I can pick up in the meantime? I've seen Troy and Jerry use a little leather finger thing to help taking the bowl off, is that worth buying?

Is it possible to buy extra caps or something that makes refilling easy?

I've also seen people talking about the Reload here, what does that do exactly?

Sorry for all the noob questions, the Tempest will be my first externally heated style vape 😁
Reload is incredible and I would say a must-have accessory for the Tempest. Especially on the go, makes unpacking and repacking the bowls incredibly easy. Has a chamber with a debowler pick in it to dump out your avb, and then two other chambers you can fill with ground weed. I just push and twist my tempest into the weed to repack, very simple! And the magnet connection is so strong you can hold either the reload or the tempest and the other will go along wi the it.


Well-Known Member
I've had a little time to mess around with the tempest. The stem is crazy intricate, some awesome wizardry. Is anyone else enjoying the tempest with a torch more than the wand? I feel I get bigger hits for longer with a much quicker heat up time. I think my material isn't the greatest quality ATM.


Well-Known Member
I've had a little time to mess around with the tempest. The stem is crazy intricate, some awesome wizardry. Is anyone else enjoying the tempest with a torch more than the wand? I feel I get bigger hits for longer with a much quicker heat up time. I think my material isn't the greatest quality ATM.
Aye, me 👍
Much prefer using the torch.
The ritual, getting the roast exactly as I like , perfect on a re heat.

I do use the wand also, dim light, occupied doing something else. I'd sooner be without the wand than a torch.

That's the greatness of the Tempest , so versatile, ticking different boxes for different folks.


Well-Known Member
Currently waiting for the Tempest to be delivered, is there any accessories that could make my life easier/better when using the Tempest?

In terms of use and also cleaning, is there anything I can pick up in the meantime? I've seen Troy and Jerry use a little leather finger thing to help taking the bowl off, is that worth buying?

Is it possible to buy extra caps or something that makes refilling easy?

I've also seen people talking about the Reload here, what does that do exactly?

Sorry for all the noob questions, the Tempest will be my first externally heated style vape 😁

The tempest seems to be really easy to clean you can dump everything in iso. A pipe cleaning brush could be nice for scrubbing inside the stem.

To take the hot cap off you'll need either the leather finger/loop or a magnet. The leather is nice because it won't cool the cap as much but it might be a little harder to use.

If you have a reload or something similar for storing ground herb you won't need dosing caps. The tempest is really easy to load you can suck or scoop the herbs into the bowl.

The revolve is a stem MadHeaters sell, it's really similar to the tempest stem so you don't need it IMO. You should definitely get a reload if you don't have one. The reload's debowler works as a screwdriver for disassembling the cap, a magnet for removing the cap and herb storage container.

If you plan on taking the tempest out of the house you might want to get a leather sleeve or some sort of storage solution for putting the thing away. @Duba sells leather sleeves that come with the loop for removing the cap. MadHeaters are meant to offer one too at the full release of the tempest. I also think the anvil storage tube with the XL cap might also hold the tempest but I'd need someone that owns the XL cap to confirm.

You made a great choice for your first externally heated vape! :)

Reload is incredible and I would say a must-have accessory for the Tempest. Especially on the go, makes unpacking and repacking the bowls incredibly easy. Has a chamber with a debowler pick in it to dump out your avb, and then two other chambers you can fill with ground weed. I just push and twist my tempest into the weed to repack, very simple! And the magnet connection is so strong you can hold either the reload or the tempest and the other will go along wi the it.
Thanks for your detailed replies, I really appreciate it!

Is it possible to buy dosing capsules or a second bowl perhaps so if I wanted to take it outside I could maybe pre-load some?

How long does the cap stay hot for after use and is it necessary to remove it soon after use, or is it just if I want to smoke another bowl in quick succession that I would be removing it?

Do you think the ispire wand is a necessity or a good investment maybe? I've ordered a torch flame for the Tempest, but I was thinking of maybe getting the wand.

I might try the torch first and see how I get on!


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to buy dosing capsules or a second bowl perhaps so if I wanted to take it outside I could maybe pre-load some?
I'm not aware of any, and I think they would limit efficiency and reduce airflow. They work great in a device like the Mighty, but that uses a conduction oven, so losing heat to the capsule isn't a big deal.

How long does the cap stay hot for after use and is it necessary to remove it soon after use, or is it just if I want to smoke another bowl in quick succession that I would be removing it?

I'd say that quick debowling is always a good practice. ABV tends to get a little clingy if left to cool.

Do you think the ispire wand is a necessity or a good investment maybe? I've ordered a torch flame for the Tempest, but I was thinking of maybe getting the wand.

You mentioned taking it outside, so I'd say yes, the Wand is a good investment. Torches can be hard to see in bright sunlight, and they can be finnicky in the wind. Plus, the Wand is just easier, requiring less attention and focus. Of course, this can be a divisive topic, with some swearing one method of bringing balls up to temp provides a better experience than another. I think some people just like playing with fire (and I can relate).
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Well-Known Member
On shop it says my tempest has arrived at final delivery destination. Hoping that it's close! Can't wait
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Does anyone know what the size of that black o-ring that keeps the heat shield is in pace? Mine snapped and I need to get a replacement
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