Pranayama; of a sort.
yeah there is a new oven that they are releasing the forge that's thicker and has longer heat retention, whatever it is, it isn't the point it was more just that it was something that's out in the wilderness at the moment and will show if there is a market for that sort of thing. The wand is doing the job really well with the Tempest (with all the click discs and visual temp indicator I would probably want to use a torch some times for the ritual but for now, the wand is the way).but the forge is bigger than the wand and I expect it to be expensive (300-400$). It can be powerful but the tempest needs more time, even if a ih habe more power than the wand. (If it can heat faster the anvil is because vestratto made a new tip for it…or it seems like that)
Says the person testing his Tempest during lunch while workingWe know where some of these delays are coming from now....![]()

I have to travel somewhere for the first time since getting the Tempest - and for the first time since I stopped smoking (its been 18 months since I have really gone anywhere) so I am really curious how the next few days is going to go, finding something to use as a travel case for all the things (wand, tempest, reload, herbs etc) is proving to be difficult because its been so long I havent' planned for it.
Thankfully I have 3 sets of batteries and based on Brenyos science I should have at least 45 heats to get me to my location, which should just be enough to get me to Sydney.
The wand works great for outside with the Tempest (never used anything but a torch for a dynavap even outside)Wouldn’t the wand be better outside? I at least personally have better experience with it over torches outside. Torch outside I have to find the right light to actually see it, and if there is wind, makes my torch heating unreliable. This is at least my experience with wand vs torch in Dynavaps and would assume the same for tempest.