Thanks very much for your help, I'm starting to get a little more consistent with it. I'm noticing I prefer the mouthpiece to be closed I think.
It suits my inhaling style a bit better and it heats up the bud a bit better maybe?
I've started to use a bigger flame on the torch but from a further distance and I think I'm getting more consistent results that way, maybe the heat covers a bigger surface area of the cap that way but I'm just guessing.
From what I'm seeming to notice, the effects of getting to Visual Indicator notch 3 on a lower and slower flame wouldn't necessarily match the effects of getting to visual indicator notch 3 more quickly with a powerful flame.
I just need to become more consistent at getting consistent results and identifying what is the sweet spot for me. I think I'll get a wand next month just to see what the experience is like.
Just out of curiosity, when you say the carb/carb hole which part of the device are you talking about? Is it the adjustment airflow hole?
Katching! I think you've 'clicked'!

You're saying all the sorts of things I was thinking as I began to understand the way these work with the far higher heat capacity and how it isn't just an on/off thing, like the dial-a-temp electronic vapes. There's a time factor that goes beyond the heating alone. And all the different ways of doing it will, once the 'duff' methods are discovered, begin to give the different types of hit you can get (and which one's you like most).
There seems to be a hurdle to jump before things drop into place, and the real learning starts, but for some here, better experienced with these sort of babies, they have a head start over the newbies like me. But once the hits start to come in and the frustration begins to fade into interest and experimentation and you realise you haven't actually wasted all that moullah (not to mention the disappointment after that build up of anticipation!).
What I mean by the carb hole is the air inlet near the mouthpiece that your finger usually rests on. And I agree about keeping that inlet of air low if you want the most heat to go from those balls to the bowl.
I have a very recent batch 3 (end of Feb). For these ones what will be changed with the update kit component wise? I think it would be the oven screen, addition of final click discs, but what else? Thank you!
P.S. Really enjoy this one, very well done!
I too have a recent beta3 from Feb this year. To my knowledge the clicker is to come, the visual indicator is the final version, the screens will likely change a little bit (may just be the bowl screen though, not sure). That said, I think
@Brenyo is just putting out a complete kit for approx £25 that will have all the latest parts (screens, orings, clicker, VI, leather sleeve etc.) so all the betas, regardless of their version, can be fully upgraded to release version parts. Don't quote me, that was just my impression (logistics would be a nightmare otherwise I'd imagine, simply not cost effective).
- um, I may have missed some stuff (re: parts), teach me not read all the posts first!