The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
@jbm this is me - I messaged @RedZep earlier basically saying the same thing, using the screwball and tempest at the moment and when I get up in the morning (lunchtime) I like to sit down with the Tempest, its my preferred first cannabis use of the day, its a really nice experience / ritual and the Screwballs bowl size is quite large and I haven't decided if a big bowl is better than 3 smaller bowls yet (leaning towards 3 smaller most of the time - but 1 large when i'm in a lot of pain maybe)

@TedJones is there any favorite's or are they all equally awesome for different reasons?
I have the new screwball bowl and am using it in half bowl position. It’s still a decent amount and I finish it in 2 hits. But that hits harder than the Tempest half bowl. Much of the time I want to be somewhat functional, so I’m preferring the Tempest at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I have to be honest... I am really missing the temperature features of the release Tempest at the moment... its been slowly causing the test kit Tempest, to be something I use "every now and then", to enjoy the experience and ritual... but the test kit Tempest is not something I can rely on to medicate myself at the moment.

Tonight was kind of the final straw, after burning myself pretty baddly on the Tempest and another device, I have switched back to other devices including having a ball vape "always on" (my phone turns it on and off) - which sounds great, but when you can't walk the 5m to get there, it's kind of useless.

@RedZep said something about how he felt that as a medical user the tempest really helped him get on top of his medication, apparently, this has been true for me too, I am finding it hard to stay medicated at the moment, the Tempest made it so easy and sort of relaxing, I didn't have to get up, I didn't have to grab some glassware, and once it was heated, I felt like I had all the time in the world and there was no rush... which really helps you to relax and can help reduce your experience of pain. I used to love having a spliff out the back watching the clouds, the Tempest is a bit like that...
Aye I've been well on top of it. Pain levels have been thanking me massively. Simple reasons why, easy to carry to any room, easy to use/refill/clean. While providing enough oomph to get desired effects.

It's the best device I've owned to maintain a high, which I now feel is most important for a medical user. Lots of devices can deliver the power to get you where you want to be, but not many in my experience are low friction enough to effortlessly maintain the high all day, with zero annoyance or compromise.


Well-Known Member
Would anyone be willing to go through this thread and have a post ready during release linking all the "greatest hits" advice? I've been keeping up (ish) so I generally know what has been talked about and how to find it, but I know there will be a lot of interest in this and newbies popping in here that would benefit from it.

Off the top of my head, I know the following information would be really helpful for anyone new at release:

- User manual
- Both Brenyo and other user recommended wand settings (I know Brenyo briefly commented on other IHs too)
- Cleaning advice
- Maintenance advice (I know there was something to not over tighten or else the ball screen will potentially loosen and spill the balls)
- Grinding advice/discussion
- Any other tips and tricks or lessons learned

This is a huge ask and not something I'm willing to do, but I figured I'd throw it out there in case someone is interested. I don't have a Tempest yet, so even as someone that has followed this thread, having all that information in one place would be really helpful. 120 pages is way too much to go through for a vaporizer that's not even out yet 😂.


Well-Known Member
Howzit everyone. Had my tempest for a week now. Still in the testing phase (so versatile that testing is taking some time). But my findings echo a lot of reviews here. This vape is fucking amazing.:rockon:

I’m liking the half bowl. Was testing with full bowl, but I get more even extraction with half. Testing full bowls also diminished my stash pretty quickly.

For native use, I prefer MTL hits. While the tempest hits may not be as dense as a conduction heavy vape of this style, the taste is definitely superior imo. Taste is amazing from first hit to last (no carbon taste). My wand is currently set for 640F for my MTL hits. Heat until timeout.

On a wpa,………
This thing slaps.
I have the tip airflow half closed, and it still has a wide open draw. Love it. No need to try moderate your draw speed either. Rip away if you like. It’ll keep up. Wand is set at 600F. Heat until timeout.

Thanks @Brenyo and Phattpiggie for this awesome vape. It’s amazing. :bowdown:
I’m definitely happy with my purchase. Now, back to testing………

Edit: In the video, the herb looks black on top. No charring though, just really dark roast and bad lighting.
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SEARCH for the treasure...
Would anyone be willing to go through this thread and have a post ready during release linking all the "greatest hits" advice?

YOU, can save posts you like, by using the BOOKMARK forum feature. I name my bookmarks, they are all saved, then I can link to them, whenever someone asks a question that I’ve answered already… bookmark as you go… :)
I’ve been pretty quiet because, well, I love thins thing!

Great flavor, easy to use, clean, native or with a bong, hash, oil, all the airflow options, back to back bowls- all goood!

Though my clicks and VI aren’t dialed in, I know where I need to be with my unit. We are now buddies. We know each other now!


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Haha, reminds me of bootleg movies I’d watch when I was a GI overseas inclusive of shaky camera work and jump cuts, all that was missing was the 5 minute coughing fest during the most important part of the story arc ;)


Putin is a War Criminal

Enjoy the next couple days y’all and the week if you got it off!!
Amazing isn't it? What 1/2 bowl can do?

A Merry Christmas to all, and especially to Brenyo, who has brought us all a great new tool for making merry.

I hope a Tempest gets in to the hands of everyone who wants one very soon...

Thank you my friend. :clap:


Well-Known Member
180 euro for the final version.
I payed 230 eur for test kit + 80 eur tax and customs! WTF?!
Wait.. what..? 1 paid £220 (not including the purple reload gen 2 I also bought), €180 is £155. I'm also in UK so had no customs. So unless I'm mistaken, I'm to pay more again to have finalised click disks, visual indicator and leather sleeve, of which I will be installing myself, while someone can pay considerably less and have a full, finalised product? Don't get me wrong, while I was going to wait till final release so I could choose my colours but couldn't resist the opportunity of getting a pre-release, I don't regret my decision - I've been thoroughly enjoying the cloudy tempest and the compatability with the reload. Surely an early adopter of a beta unit should at least pay the same (or less).


Well-Known Member
Wait.. what..? 1 paid £220 (not including the purple reload gen 2 I also bought), €180 is £155. I'm also in UK so had no customs. So unless I'm mistaken, I'm to pay more again to have finalised click disks, visual indicator and leather sleeve, of which I will be installing myself, while someone can pay considerably less and have a full, finalised product? Don't get me wrong, while I was going to wait till final release so I could choose my colours but couldn't resist the opportunity of getting a pre-release, I don't regret my decision - I've been thoroughly enjoying the cloudy tempest and the compatability with the reload. Surely an early adopter of a beta unit should at least pay the same (or less).
Brenyo has already said it will come out to the same as a release unit. I doubt this is legit
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Putin is a War Criminal
Wait.. what..? 1 paid £220 (not including the purple reload gen 2 I also bought), €180 is £155. I'm also in UK so had no customs. So unless I'm mistaken, I'm to pay more again to have finalised click disks, visual indicator and leather sleeve, of which I will be installing myself, while someone can pay considerably less and have a full, finalised product? Don't get me wrong, while I was going to wait till final release so I could choose my colours but couldn't resist the opportunity of getting a pre-release, I don't regret my decision - I've been thoroughly enjoying the cloudy tempest and the compatability with the reload. Surely an early adopter of a beta unit should at least pay the same (or less).
This is almost certainly an error. Nobody has anything in stock yet, and nobody is selling anything at any price at this point other than Brenyo.


Well-Known Member
You're both right of course, thanks for replying and allaying my concern. The Tempest is already over my budget but as I said I don't regret my purchase. :)
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