I got my sublimator this morning, so far it's working awesome.
Do tell! What are your initial impressions?
I got my sublimator this morning, so far it's working awesome.
Welcome to FC Enrico, hope you get lots of mad love here, sorry for the bumpy start, things can get crazy sometimes. There is a lot of love here too, so just hang tight, and we will get to subbin' it ASAPallo everyone !! i am very proud to see some of you will have they're time in the clouds. thank you all for the turn around and the warm welcome . now time to sublimate the heck out of this chanel
Do tell! What are your initial impressions?
I ordered the 14mm, just so I have diversity. Hoping at least one of my adapters fit, the ID varies between them, if not, I have high temp silicone too.jam...did you get the 14mm or 18mm?
Awesome!! Thanks for becoming a part of the thread!i just tought i dropped by and say hi i also would like to mention that i read every thread carefully .and one cought my attention( i will give a free adapta bong to the best impersonation of me) and whom ever came up with that idea should run the contest, anyway what i am trying to say is if you organize it i will give the adapta bong away. are you french enough???????
i just tought i dropped by and say hi i also would like to mention that i read every thread carefully .and one cought my attention( i will give a free adapta bong to the best impersonation of me) and whom ever came up with that idea should run the contest, anyway what i am trying to say is if you organize it i will give the adapta bong away. are you french enough???????
Excuse me, Tweek sir... are you using a half a gram, or was that .05, a half a tenth?I took my first hit of the day, and I really needed it since I woke up to a flooded basement.I dropped.5 in, at around the centre mark on the dial.
i just tought i dropped by and say hi i also would like to mention that i read every thread carefully .and one cought my attention( i will give a free adapta bong to the best impersonation of me) and whom ever came up with that idea should run the contest, anyway what i am trying to say is if you organize it i will give the adapta bong away. are you french enough???????
Excuse me, Tweek sir... are you using a half a gram, or was that .05, a half a tenth?
Oh, and I hope the basement comes out okay. I remember that one scene in Primeval where there were prehistoric creatures using someone's basement as a portal and flooded it..
normalYeah, my atomizer won't let go of my pieces glass downstem while hot. Lets go after a cool down.
Yeah, my atomizer won't let go of my pieces glass downstem while hot. Lets go after a cool down.
Is the joint on the atomizer teflon or SS?
i understandAfter heavy testing of my sublimator, I am not sure what is normal...or even real anymore, Enrico.
I believe it is Teflon.
Enrico, wow. Packed .1g and took 2 huge dry rips through my Mobius. Honestly, the 2 smoothest hits that size that I've ever taken. Then I checked my ABV and it was a solid yellow, so I turned the dial up a little and sat down on the sofa while I waited for it to heat up...
I refuse to leave this sofa. And I have shit I gotta do today![]()
To avoid stuck joints, let the Apollo and atomizer heat up together in the stand, then the PTFE joint seal will be fully expanded before putting it in to your water tools joint. No need to push it in, just let it rest in the joint under its own weight, makes a perfect seal.3. The atomizer expands when heated. As PV explained before, the atomizer fits a bit loose in the joint, but once heated it expands. I just flung the heater to the table trying to remove the atomizer from the joint. It makes a pretty tight fit, so be cautious of that while getting used to pulling it out to clear.
About 10 more minutes before I give it a go!
EDIT: Minor problem. The atomizer is stuck in my 65b joint. I guess it expanded a bit too much?![]()
Hi jambandphan03,Looks like we need the Sub "buddy"lets you carb with out lifting, and collects the Sub-oil too! Hey PV talk to your glass blowers!!