Discontinued The Sublimator


Going to get around to writing an actual review in the next couple of days - finally actually had a little time to play with the sub.

Just curious if anyone has managed to dial down into the specifics of the sensations caused by the variations in temperatures?

In terms of wattage - I find that between about 24-30W is the ideal spectrum - a little under 30 in fact.

I feel at about 30 you end up having the ABV being black to the point of being charred - 29 gives you a very deep brown that is definitely still pure ABV.

Can anyone make an argument that one may get a more potent overall cerebral (and perhaps even body) effect from somewhere in the 24-25 range, despite the fact that I've always been under the impression that the darker the ABV, the more thorough the extraction?

The flip argument can be made that when it gets too dark (to the point of combustion), smoke doesn't allow you to access the entire spectrum the way that vapour is said to?

Is that evidence that lighter ABV and lower temperatures - again in the 24-26 rather than 27-29 watt range - could actually be producing a more potent high than the temperatures that are producing the darker, evidently more thoroughly extracted ABV?

EDIT - Just wanted to say that my watt readings are based off the Hampton Energy Monitor that Pakalolo recommended

If bumping this is against the rules - I humbly apologize.

I feel like because of the timing of my posting, it got completely lost in a sublimated haze, heh.

It is very difficult to complete with a Planet Vape post (of all contributors) that coincidentally comes in a minute after your own - especially when it concerns a custom piece that I am sure all us subbers are salivating over the prospect of.

I'm really intrigued about potentially dialling in to the nitty gritty and figuring out what temperatures/wattage produce what kind of a reaction.


I have been collecting the oil the sub makes with great interest. I have about 3 dabs if clear stuff so far, but I want to fill the jar a lot more than that!!! this is like kief collecting all over again!

I did a dab of some stuff that had particulate in it on my pad, but will try the clear stuff in the sub itself. you guys all use the craters to put your dabs in? Something about about putting oil in there seems like a bad idea to me. (like it would be hard to clean later if it clogged)
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Staff member
I've been wondering about the cleaning of dabs as well, Weedemon. I haven't tried it yet myself, but how do you clean the heater after dabs in the air intakes?



in flavor country
from what I understand, once in a while, you just want to do a full burn off at max temp to clean the apollo. I have been using a dry qtip to wipe out the air holes, even when hot.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
The Cloud vs Sub thing is going to get asked a lot, so we might as well address it. Quite frankly, it's a big compliment to be in that comparison, so well done already for the Sub.

The short answer from me is it depends on how you want to hit your medicine. After having a Cloud for a couple of years and the Sub for a couple of weeks, I think they are very comparable in extraction. they both hit hard and are efficient. They are my two biggest hitters. But they are very different and built for different purposes. The Cloud was designed to give the purest, tastiest, biggest hit and to replicate the bong hitting experience for heavy smokers...and it does it very well. The Sub was built to replicate and refine the dabbing experience...and it does it very well. It can use herbs to mimic the quick one hitter experience of dabbing, and is a groundbreaking design.

If you are a dabber or use a lot of concentrates, or if you are already comfortable with using a nail, then the Sub is probably down your alley. If you are a flowers only person and don't like dealing with hot objects, then the Cloud is probably for you. Both vapes produce fantastic vapor, so it becomes a usage question for me. You can't go wrong with either one, luckily.
Man sticks ... couldn't have put it any better! I find pretty much the exact same thing (and has been what I've been saying from the get-go) ... both devices extract equally as well and as efficiently ... just a matter of personal preference as far as usage ... I can go either way and love my Sublimator, but being a flower guy more than a concentrate guy, although I love both, if I had to make a decision I would choose the Cloud (or MiniVAP), that being said, if I was a concentrate guy the Sub would win hands down (and I'm using my Sub now because I've been using my Cloud and MiniVAP all weekend and like to change it up :))


Well-Known Member
I've dabbed a few grams through the Apollo holes already. I just did as jam suggested and ram it at max temp for ten minutes. There is still some residue build up but it's minimal.

Hey PV, I like the design of the subbuddy but I think making it so high will turn the Sub into a forehead burner. Could it be shortened?
I scraped some reclaim off of my nail the other day and it was clear and red/amber colored? Does this mean I have sublimate? Because if you think about it the bottom of the nail is like the cold finger right?

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
The more this is compared to dabbing the more I realize why I dislike the device so much for my needs. I don't like dabbing... never have... never will. I don't like the type of high it produces. I can't get the type of medical relief I need from dabs. I find the Sublimator to be very similar in terms of the type of sate is puts me in. The minor changes in the hot atomizer are enough to change the type of state it delivers for me to notice. I think the boiling off of the terpenes does not help, and I think the extra condensing of oil works against me. If I remove the atomizer/handel completely and just use the funnel part I achieve a state that is much closer to what I would expect from flowers and not dabbing. Unfortunately that is a little clunky to use that way... I need a glove to handle the funnel/bowl. So long story short. The world of vaporizers is a wide and diverse place and we all have different needs... there will never be a device that satisfies everyones needs. Good news is, at least it looks like you can make some modifications to the bowl/handle/atomizers if you want to change the performance.


the dank one
So I officially just pulled this fucker apart for a cleaning. First let me say "tons of reclaim" , second I will say that grooves vs gongs is very different. It's almost like I want to use steel wool with the sub. A typical ISO wash with a qtip doesn't really suffice as well as with glass. However, you can really get in there and clean this thing like a mother fucker. You ain't gonna hurt it, she like's it rough. I also learned that based on load size (gigidy)will decipher whether or not you combust. She acts like she wants a big load but don't be fooled - I find a cloud size load is perfect for her. Yeah, you'll go through it quick but combust you won't.

Sticks - I am about to try dabbing with it now. That why I wanted her piggly wiggly nice and clean. I want to get a full flavor profile.

Off I go to cough - be right back.

fucking awesome. that is all

Please planet vape Include a vial that is detachable with the subbuddy reclaim, the amount of oil this thing produces that drips out of the stem is mindblowing. If this could all drip into something easily detachable. Dear god the awesomeness is unbearable.
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fucking awesome. that is all

Please planet vape Include a vial that is detachable with the subbuddy reclaim, the amount of oil this thing produces that drips out of the stem is mindblowing. If this could all drip into something easily detachable. Dear god the awesomeness is unbearable.

Please look at the pictures they posted one page back


Still trying to figure out whether lighter (brown to dark brown) ABV (lower temperatures) result in more or less potent a high, more or less cerebral effects, more or less body effects; than the darker (dark brown to black) ABV produced by higher temperatures using the sublimator...

It's something that has me intrigued - I'd love to hear anyone else's perspective?


Well-Known Member
I'd say that I find the lighter the ABV the more cerebral or energy high. I dont usually use it like this tho, i'm more prone to higher temps.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I think I may be seeing a pattern here. If your using something with a carb (similar to a cloud buddy)IMO your gonna waste weed at least or even combust. My reasoning behind this again, IMO the sub is probably the most powerful vape I've seen as far radiating heat since the Aromed. In fact if you were to design the sub similarly to the Aromed I believe it would eliminate most of the safety concerns some may have about this piece. Now back to my thought on the carb, if your using a carb your using it to minimize taking the heater out of the lower stem, right? Well, what happens when you leave a vape that's designed to radiate heat in such a force it creates this atomized vortex of dank clouds? You toast your fucking nuggets twice as quick or potentially even burn your load.

Imagine the sub built into a single box like the Aromed in which you can easily control your temperature and the head would be on some sort of a goose neck that when pulled away it fucking stays there. No more hitting your head, hands, arms, or pecker (don't fuck with me, long night)ever again. I want to reiterate how much I wish this vape fit my situation. I really think with some vested time and a fucking erector set this thing could really be fantastic.

There's the Aromed I had which has been passed on to a new owner. It focuses on maintain the heater, bot the glass! I think that may be the way to think about the sublimator.



Staff member
mvapes, I don't think an aeromed-type device would work. Part of the 'magic' that happens with the Sublimator is due to fact that very little energy is spent heating the bowl since it's already been pre-heated by the (always on) heater via conduction. Without that pre-heated bowl, the entire dynamic changes.



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
While I used it, granted I only had for a couple day I never once left in the lower unit aside from the initial 30 minute warm up. After each hit I removed the heater and placed it back in the stand. I had evenly cooked abv with color not much different from the cloud.


in flavor country
sounds like you were not using it right... it works best when both parts stay heated together, but then I guess that all depends on the effect you are going for.
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Well-Known Member
While I used it, granted I only had for a couple day I never once left in the lower unit aside from the initial 30 minute warm up. After each hit I removed the heater and placed it back in the stand. I had evenly cooked abv with color not much different from the cloud.

You gotta leave the apollo on the atomizer during use. If its been off for a bit, you should wait 5 min for it reheat.
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