Discontinued The Sublimator


Well-Known Member
Alright, so again I've been playing some more and I am getting pretty good at this. It is all about the positioning as far your set up. Properly placing all your tools and meds in the right place is super important with the sub. Once you find your personal set up liking you'll find yourself speeding up with your movements and things start to flow better. I noticed some complaints in the past about the lower part swelling from the heat and breaking glass when left in a Gong. I didn't find this AT ALL. There's the stand - between hits the heater should NOT be left in the bong it goes in the holder. If you let it sit in the lower part in your bong then I could see expansion being an issue.

Secondly - THIS IS HUGE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE CONTRACTED GAS! Use a piece with a wide base otherwise your knocking your shit over. Wide based pieces like black leaf shit will be perfect for the sub. If you don't have something like this than find a way to anchor your glass. I'm using sticks' sub and he's put two screws in a piece of wood that when using the sub he could slide his glass between those two screws and it holds his glass down like my job holds down my future! (IMO opinion it makes sense going for the deluxe set. He learned the stuff I'm telling you about in R & D, his set up will be perfect!

Third - if you juggle the heater to somewhat variate the heat it adds so much to this vape. I almost use the sub like an upside down log if you follow me. If anyone uses a log than you understand how you toggle your stem when utilizing a direct draw method to variate heat. This in essence helps by controlling your vapor density. It's a technique that's very easy to learn, if anyone needs help feel free to PM me or if your up to it ask your local neighborhood hooker. They know how to toggle tubes.....

Hey mvapes , nice post .
So have you had a change of heart on the Sub ? ( not vs Cloud )
You do like it or still need more time ?
For your first review ,which was a good one BTW , you only had it for 1 day .

Thank you for the ' finger ' fun .
Do you use the same ' model ' for every shot ?
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in flavor country
I'll chime in here, I have also not had any real issues with anxiety using the Sub, though I have not really tested out much with the strains that I know cause me to feel anxious. I should do that just to see how it goes. I am still getting plenty of body relief as well as a bit of a clearer head high than I am used to. I find it a bit more functional and less couchlock unless I sit here and over do it. I have gone into a couple of Sub naps from heavy repeat use. So far I don't really find this to be much of a hazard, and really enjoy using it.

I'm still trying to let the sublimate oils build up in my cloudbuddy, it's almost covering the entire bottom now. I tasted a bit last night before bed, and it was really clean and fairly potent. Tasted nice. When I shine a flashlight through it, the color changes from that amber color to gold.

Your Highness

The Sub and the Cloud can both give what I like to refer to as "bell ringers". You know...the hits that put you back down in your chair and makes you sweat. The difference IMO is in the speed of extraction. It takes more air or pulling to fully extract with the Cloud. Now with the Sub...it only takes me half the breath/effort to fully complete the extraction. The vapor is very dense yet very smooth. The effects are very balanced. In my case I don't get that heavy behind the eyes feeling. Just a nice overall good feeling. It's definitely different.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I want you all to know, I do really like the sublimator. I just had to shoot straight in my review. For me, 3 little kids and 3 little dogs running around it just doesn't fit for me. If it was mind boggling I would try and find a way but I am not going to lie to guy's (at least this time) it wasn't. It certainly fits up there with what I consider the super vapes but if this were super cars this would be the mustang built to be like one.

Now, it's hit's are HARD. The atomizer certainly smooths them out but by no mistake believe she doesn't have some kick. She kicks like a son of a bitch too....


Vapor concierge
Mvape, i use the elastics on the base of the bong to attach to the screws...did you see the elastics?

Also, have you dabbed with it yet? I have a feeling that will raise your opinion of the Sub.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
So I officially just pulled this fucker apart for a cleaning. First let me say "tons of reclaim" , second I will say that grooves vs gongs is very different. It's almost like I want to use steel wool with the sub. A typical ISO wash with a qtip doesn't really suffice as well as with glass. However, you can really get in there and clean this thing like a mother fucker. You ain't gonna hurt it, she like's it rough. I also learned that based on load size (gigidy)will decipher whether or not you combust. She acts like she wants a big load but don't be fooled - I find a cloud size load is perfect for her. Yeah, you'll go through it quick but combust you won't.

Sticks - I am about to try dabbing with it now. That why I wanted her piggly wiggly nice and clean. I want to get a full flavor profile.

Off I go to cough - be right back.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
First dab done, going in for the monkey love whether my wife wants to or not! I did my first dab with straight bho, just enough to cover my dab tool. I used a skilletool honeybun for the dab. It added allot of kick, much more potent than a kief bomb. I didn't get as much flavor as I would like but at least I can successfully dab with this fucker as opposed to other devices that don't offer the option. Or at least without making a mess. :brow:

I suppose in this area the sub definitely gets the edge. After the (hopefully :cool:)monkey love I'm gonna go through some of my boy stix' left over reclaim.

Now, where is my wife...



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Ah a braggart, by no means do I deny as it's only me feeling sorry for myself that I'm not a blaggart in a fucking Ferrari Forum. I stay here, in FC - among fine law abiding citizens like yourself Bill. So if here is where I like to bloat, then let me be as it's all I got.

PS....Dick :D


Well-Known Member
Got my Sub June 17 and haven't used anything but it and my Cera EO since. Finally had to break down and give it a full cleaning tonight. While cleaning I used my Cloud. I did enjoy using it but for me the Sub is more enjoyable. The Sub is by far the smoothest vaporizer I have ever used. I don't use water. Everybody talks about how hot/dangerous the Sub is and some have even burned themselves. I see how you could burn yourself and I also see how the Sub could be dangerous if left unattended. I have quickly touched my skin with the hot metal but I haven't burnt myself yet and I don't feel any heat in the handles when using it. My Cloud plus is uncomfortable to hold on to when its been on for a while and I have a rubber thing over it. Not bashing the Cloud or saying I don't like it but the Sublimator is my favourite by far. Time for a huge dab with a scoop of flower!

Sub vs Cloud thread is closed but people still want to know. Let me know if we shouldn't be comparing anymore??


Staff member
I just took my first sub hit.... 3 hits actually (I have gerbil lungs).

It works...really well. I think I'm too stoned to blink. :ninja:

Feeling it in the eyes, too. Funny. :p

Now I'm going to devour those all dressed Ruffles that Planet Vape was kind enough to send.



Going to get around to writing an actual review in the next couple of days - finally actually had a little time to play with the sub.

Just curious if anyone has managed to dial down into the specifics of the sensations caused by the variations in temperatures?

In terms of wattage - I find that between about 24-30W is the ideal spectrum - a little under 30 in fact.

I feel at about 30 you end up having the ABV being black to the point of being charred - 29 gives you a very deep brown that is definitely still pure ABV.

Can anyone make an argument that one may get a more potent overall cerebral (and perhaps even body) effect from somewhere in the 24-25 range, despite the fact that I've always been under the impression that the darker the ABV, the more thorough the extraction?

The flip argument can be made that when it gets too dark (to the point of combustion), smoke doesn't allow you to access the entire spectrum the way that vapour is said to?

Is that evidence that lighter ABV and lower temperatures - again in the 24-26 rather than 27-29 watt range - could actually be producing a more potent high than the temperatures that are producing the darker, evidently more thoroughly extracted ABV?

EDIT - Just wanted to say that my watt readings are based off the Hampton Energy Monitor that Pakalolo recommended
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Don't Vaporize The Planet !, Vaporize Yourself
Nice reviews everyone. We have a couple of Prototype pictures here to get some feedback and hopefully a consensus for the final design of the SubBuddy Reclaimer. The design idea behind both prototypes first is safety and keeping the carb far enough away from the Apollo when lifting the carb plug to clear.


ProtoA has the carb located way too high, it is difficult to use like this and looks unproportional.


ProtoB is good, but we think we can move the two vertical columns closer together, right now they are spaced 30mm apart and adds too much tipping leverage.

Another design thought we had is to have the Sub and Carb at 90 degree angles from each other allowing you to rotate the SubBuddy to have the Sub closer to your water tool for better balance.

Let us know what should be changed, all ideas will be considered, pictures are even better.


Staff member
Nice, PV! I could imagine a Proto B that's even shorter. The shorter the vertical tubes, the more stable it should be.

Can't wait to get one of these for reclaiming oil. My current setup doesn't really allow for it and even my Cloud Buddy is too short.



I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!

Another design thought we had is to have the Sub and Carb at 90 degree angles from each other allowing you to rotate the SubBuddy to have the Sub closer to your water tool for better balance.

Let us know what should be changed, all ideas will be considered, pictures are even better.

I too find Proto B heading in the right direction.

I can't wrap my mind around the 3rd mention... sorry, just to Sub'd at the moment :nod:

But, would rather see a minimal spacing between the 2 verticals (distance isn't needed aside from distancing from the mouthpiece). I'd also like to see as short as possible (again, I don't fathom a need for alot of glass if function is over form).

I could be entirely missing a reason behind the initial proto's, and am all ears ?

EDITED to add a pondering....

Thinking about it some more, I think you'll have to find a 'happy compromise' so that multiple 'styles' of glass tubes could be used with it... such as those with a centre connection or dewar on the main tube (as opposed to a side connection as you show).


in flavor country
I've been using my cloudbuddy and find the even height of the two chambers is not really much of an issue at least with the one I have, and my stopper is just round, no handle, and I have no issues with reaching for it. I say the less height/airspace in the tubing the better. Also curious if there is a way to get the reclaim chamber closer to the bottom of the downstem? Seems like a lot of the sublimate will get built up on the space between the end of the atomizer downstem, and where the actual reclaim jar starts... if that makes sense.

**also like to add I like my Sub being vertical, as opposed to a 45 angle, maybe the carb can be tilted away from the sub to make it less of a burn hazard, but keep the reclaim tube straight... ??:hmm:

***also want to add that the Sublimator f*'n ROCKS!! :rockon: I have to say I like it more than I did the Cloud, and I think the main reason is I know it's going to be hard to break (its a tank), the over all size, look of the stainless, and ability to dab with ease, and it's just giving me such a good even feeling over all, ease of use, smoothness and thickness of vapor, etc... I couldn't be happier with it.
I hope my lil'mona and A/C turns up soon, I am really eager to try the Sub on it...


I wish the sub had a better way to transport it around. what have you guys come up with for transport? im still using the box it came in... I need a better option. :p

it would be nice if you could put it in something while it is still warm. I wouldn't try that with the styrofoam packaging it comes in


Vapor concierge
weedemon...I took it out in a backpack once. it is so tough you don't have to worry about it. I just had to let it cool down for several minutes before packing it back up.

stu...I got this and it fits well. The atomizer goes perfectly to the bottom of the adapter and reclaim is building up on the ledge underneath it.

Plus, I can now remove the adapter from the CB and the entire Sub comes with it to place on a more stable surface (my current glass piece has a 45 degree angle).

PV, I agree with everything jam said about design. I think this cloudbuddy is perfect except for the lack of a vial...but that's where you come in!
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