Wow just read through this entire thread and am I craving a sublimation session! Anyone have one in the north bay california that would be willing to let me try...
I am ready to spring for a high end vape, and now I am stuck between a cloud and this guy. AHHH, they're like the same price too. I DONT KNOW AH!
you boys and girls should get one. be careful though! one fuck of a burn on my forearm, but the sub is still the vape im using! only my solo has been used once because I needed portability. all other vapes are on standby.
my summary of the cloud vs sub
taste: cloud wins
choking full spectrum extraction (- some of the flavour) = sub wins.
durability: sub wins (even though it's so new haha the track record of the clouds reliability speaks to this for me)
safety: cloud wins. (sub = ouch in weedemons books!)
Yeah i do like the safety of the cloud cuz lets just say i a not the best around hot things, but i like how quick and simple the sub is.. Looks like a great 1 hitter..
The only issue is i dont have a nice piece of glass or any glass in fact to run this through ( i would want the adaptabong). I usually vape dry.but i do love glass hits too.. Any ideas? Or cheap alternatives, or donationsha...
Nope, I assume since that poster said they usually take dry hits, a perc was unnecessary and would just add expense. There is also a 45deg straight tube (not stemless) with no perc for $75 (I'm browsing around still). That with a 45 deg ashcatch would be a pretty cheap, larger volume (~14") piece. And at 7mm, sounds like could handle the weight of the sub OK. Just need to make sure that AC joint is strong.
That is too much IMHO for a percless piece. That first piece shouldn't be more than $80 and that second piece should be $40 tops. Once again IMHO. I didn't make them so I can't make the decision on what to charge for them, but I have bought lots of bongs in my career lol and I know what they are worth. I saw a really nice honey comb bong really thick in the headshop the other day for $80. IDK who this Jhan person is but I don't his glass is worth much more than the others I've seen. Looks well made but to simple for the price IMHO.
Ya I like that one ,
I feel the same way about the percs , it may be too much dilution to taste .
I figure I can save the $ 250 diff . with the AAB kit and get my own tube/bong made of glass .
Is that the only diff. you get between the AAB kit and the Entire kit for $ 750 ?
or is there electrical stuff also ?
It may be cheaper to buy the bundle, or most cost effective I have not researched the glass/pieces that come with the sub honestly. Most of my interest is in that apollo piece.
do we need to start a cloud vs sub thread??
I've also been using the Sub exclusively since getting it. No burns yet, just gotta watch your space, and pay attention.
With a Sublimator Special Edition Kit I believe the tube is some kind of plastic is this correct? Has anyone thought of drilling a "clear hole" in the plastic, seems like it would be easy and safe too
Why not buy an old school plastic bong? I bet you can get them real cheap now.