Bob with all due respect your statements are both false. Obviously the repair cost issue hasn't been cleared up properly. It has always been 40.00 from day one, we know because we charge it on units broken by user error. Enrico has posted before, he is not involved in the pricing, this includes warranty pricing, he makes one post with an incorrect number from memory to try and help answer a forum members question and even though he posted again right after correcting his mistake, you make it seem like he suddenly raised the price by 10.00 when that simply isn't true.
You bought your unit second hand, knowing before your purchase that the warranty is not transferable. Then when it started showing issues and you can correct us if we are mistaken, you had the original purchaser contact us to circumvent the warranty being non transferable and we let him know that you can contact us directly as he had already told us previously he was selling the unit. PlanetVape made you the offer to cover your unit at OUR expense as you are a good customer, this is called good will. Please do not confuse this with Sublimators warranty under which your unit is not covered, even though Enrico publicly offered to help you out when the time came. Shipping costs are not included in the warranty.
ok, you may have some facts correct here, but the spin on it is upsetting.
firstly, i didn't "try to circumvent" anything. i let the original owner know what was going on. he offered to inform you and try to take care of it for me, both of us knowing that such things may not go well and that i would have to pay out of pocket. basically just having him say, the unit is having issue, would you be willing to take care of it. both of us knowing that he asked about it before selling and you made no such guarantee.
so when you did offer to take care of it (outside of the shipping, which is upwards of $40, which it SOUNDS like it might be footing part of the bill to ship it to and back. ).
so when the issue came up on the board and enrico said that the warranty would be adhered to on a "case by case basis" i expressed my concerns, as did another member. at the end of this exchange i was told that i had no right to express my concerns since i was getting mine taken care of (thank you for clarifying that he had/had nothing to do with this particular 'case by case' basis), then ups the price.
when asked about the price increase
was reeally happy w/ the origianl amounts for repair. shut UP

$50 for complete replacement is NOT unreasonable, nor was the $30 for just the heating wand. it IS concerning that moments later that price jumps?!? when will it arbitrarily jump again? that is the kind of stuff that concerns me. the increased price isn't really that big of a deal, but we all bought ours with a $30 heating element charge as part of our warranty. not trying to complain (again), just expressing my concerns.
i was ignored so to while my first statement might have been FALSE, it wasn't by my fault as i asked about both such things and was completely hung out to dry. i was very respectful and he stopped replying and vanished.
as you can see here....
regardless, you again are taking the tact that my misimpressions are MY FAULT, not a lack of clear communication w/ the company. not trying to be rude, but this forum was important enough for you to announce your product, advertise your product, but no longer support it? examples being your own words at the end of this next quote, as well as the fact that you seem to not be reading all the many other posts of people who bought this device at different times with the old max of 60 and have dropped. i am not gonna do your job and quote the at least 10 reports of max watt droppage and there has been no word from you or from enrico other than,
'use it 'til it breaks then send it in (out of your own pocket) and well just keep replacing it every few months. but don't misuse it by these standards that are not clear and we just made up.'
i'll add something i said in a pm about this issue
yea, he could take a page out of vapexhale, or d9, or any of the other companies that have properly utilized and taken care of their customers/patients.
it's sad how fear and greed can turn a good thing to shit so fast.
i expect to take the risk and the occasional hit for the group, but only if the group and the owner appreciates. ....... i'm also happy someone else is stepping up and saying something. there is so much passive-aggressive and non-confrontational approaches to stuff that i get frustrated being the lone dissenter. it makes me feel like his blackmail tactic of 'don't complain or i'll up the price' was successful.[/quote]
Please see our post above regarding your statement "the fact that EVERYONE's damn unit is having this issue" this again is just simply not true. As far as we know, some units posted here have the new max 50 watt heaters, when users test the max on them after some time and see only 48-52 watts instead of the 65+ watts some have posted, they think their units are failing since they are not hitting 65+ watts as others have reported when in reality their max will only be 48-52 watts. Yes some units are having issues, but so far the failed number of units are so low and returned units so few that it will take some time to solve.
Hoping this post could clear up some assumptions which were not based on facts, if there are any questions we missed, please use our contact us page on our website as we don't always check FC that frequently.
thanks for finally addressing this somewhat, although i guess what we are asking is for you to find out if this is gonna be a recurring issue. that is to say, are the heaters on replacement models the same as the originals, because anecdotal evidence is piling up fast and hard that these failures aren't isolated. i can take a one replacement hit, but if the same issue comes again within six months added to this "it's your fault, but we'll help you, why are you complaining" attitude, is what we are getting beyond irritated with. if that doesn't make sense to you or if you have a perfectly functioning unit, there is no need for a response. thanks.
it should speak volumes that someone who is getting their stuff taken care of as if it was under warranty is still feelin' ripped off. i asked a few questions to get that feeling alleviated and has been told that it's my fault (when there NEVER WERE OVER HEATING INSTRUCTIONS!), i should be paying (be grateful you don't have to pay $80, just $40), and no guarantee that this won't happen again!