Just for you ...
First bowl, 14mm, 5 hits
Second bowl, 14mm, 5 hits
*battery now at 4.10*
3rd bowl Bubbler bowl 18mm, 3 hits
*battery now at 4.0
4th bowl Bubbler bowl 18mm (lightly packed though), 2 hits
*battery now at 3.96
15 hits 3.96, but realize my bubbler bowls were bigger bowls, killed in fewer hits ... So that already affects the outcome. You can see the pattern tho. With the 14mm bowls I was on track for quite a few hits from a battery but the bubbler bowl starting from cold (the 3 hitter) dropped it quite a bit.
3.96 isn't a dead battery btw, not even close ... That's just all I could tolerate for the day.
So the testing above was with the vtc5 battery (I think that's what it's called)
Did a similar test with the Brown battery, it's hg2 I think? And I think 3000 mah?
I did 3 14mm bowls, and I forgot what it was at exactly, but somewhere between 4.08-4.10...just a stupid amount of juice left lol.
Two more (smallish) 18mm bubbler bowls dropped it to 4.02. Absurd!! None of th bowls were back to back. All their own session from cold start.
That's 5 separate seshes for me, and battery only dropped to 4.02. That could potentially get 10 bowls by 3.80, although most likely not due to the small decrease in power as battery is depleted. Either way ... That's just insane...
More than satisfied with the brown battery after putting it off for so long, quickly slid up next to my vtc5 preference. Power isn't far behind at all to the vtc5 either. Very close
Probably in order from favorite to least favorite - vtc5 (for power), then hg2 for battery life and power, then Samsung 25r, then he4.
HG2 will probably be with me throughout the day now instead of my vtc5, which will be left at home fully charged when I get back from my day of work, to pluck off the charger and hit the bubbs with.
Samsung 25r stays in a case in my backpack fully charged for a "just in case moment" but it's never been touched for that reason yet. It was my Go-To before vtc5 and hg2.
The he4s I have will stay at storage voltage in case i ever go on a long trip and want the extra battery life .. I can just charge em up and I'll be good for a while.