Heh, brave! With that native technique I would think it's more:Pack.

Heh, brave! With that native technique I would think it's more:Pack.
Funny. That is what all the beta testers were sayin to y'all early on and some of you were having a hard time believing. Not so much anymore I think. There are very few now who have gotten a chance to use Milaana who haven't been converted, or at very least, highly impressed. She seriously does the deed.Believe the hype, the hype is real...
Hey, big shot out to delta3dstudios (sorry, forget the FC handle)
ordered a guitarpick battery mod thing and got 3 of them! It's raining batt mods! Was kind of bumed when I heard RBT was gonna give them out, but now super stoked.
@jazzyvapemanI ordered the @DDave mod...it said something about having to cut the screens? Can anyone share why type of work is involved to get the mod working? Do I need the basket screen press?
I believe there is 1 in stock at planet vape and 2 in stock as well at 420edc..
Number of hits per battery would be dependent on the person and how long of a draw and how hot you vaporize at.
I've timed myself and another person using the Mi and we vaped for about 45 min to 60 min and after that my brown battery needed to be placed on the charger. We did a marithon when I first got my unit with the one battery. Then we did it again (on a different day) and it was about 50 min, we used a different battery.
How many hits I don't really know. I would guess and say maybe a hit a minute? That's sounds about right with the two of us. This was with new batteries. I would assume the batteries will degrade over time but I haven't noticed that. I do use 4 batteries so they shouldn't degrade too fast.
Fresh battery .. Id say anywhere between 30 and 70 hits depending on use. I've gotten 8 bowls out of a battery, some were stem bowls of about 8 hits each, others were 3 hit k0s through the bubbler. All depends. There's enough juice to not always have it running in your mind that it's about to run out. I take 1 with me and it lasts me all day out and about for the most part.@AJS Single fresh battery? Number of "hits" per battery?
Long term storage should be at around 50% capacity which should be roughly 3.7vHow is it best to leave stored batteries unused for some time? Full load-> 4.20mAh or low load-> 3.80mAh ??
Long term storage should be at around 50% capacity which should be roughly 3.7v
3.8v should be fine
Depends how long... up to 1 month at full charge 4.2v should be fine any longer and its best to run them down
OK! Many thanks TheRobbo! I will leave them at 3.80-3.85 mAh when I leave them stored and go travel with other vapes!You are great companions! Regards
Dont forget mAh is just the capacity of the battery the more mAh the longer it will take for voltage to run down. the reading your getting 3.8 is volts