Interesting. Guess there is no perfect vape yet. (Though if someone is trying to make one, PM ill give you plenty of words for free

How much do people pay for a wood stem?
Anyone got any all In once case solutions to show off? Or perhaps some ideas for an ideal case design?
And, whilst i'm asking questions here. Talk to me about battery life why don't you.
I used to vape a bunch back when I didn't consume all that much. Maybe 2 or 3 times a week. It was great for a while but my Arizer Solo was a 15 minuet event that only stayed in the house, convince was lost, being able to take snaps from a bong or bring some joints in my pocket became my new method of consumption, and the solo found a new home. This was a fine change until recently. I still never smoked that much so combustion 2 or 3 time a week did make my body feel anything negative. Now at maybe 5-7 times a week, I want back into the vaping game because weed as a drug as been really good for me, both medicinally and recreational. Smoking however is bad for my body and I know it.
I've since stooped smoking completely and commended temporary use of my buddy's Flowermate but I'll need one of my own eventually. I know I want instant on Convection in my life, so it's time to find the best in that class.