Yeah, I keep getting that vibe from this thread. It's like the milaana is a cult, but a cult I really want to join! I think I could design some sort of felt case that could fold over it's self and fit in my pocket, but have some compartments whatever it is I need to carry. Speaking of which, What do you need to carry for a full day of fun out with the milaana? I would guess unit with a battery inside, a stem, and some herb.
I think your getting this thread just right... eveyone who has one cant stop going on and on about how good it is!
All you really need is the unit with battery isolation pic mod (to ensure no accidents) which took all of about 2 minutes to rig up. Keep the short stem and battery in the unit and pop it in your pants pocket (this might be an issue if you have REALLY tight pants) and something to carry bud (ground or not some just stuff in a nug and rip it).
This will get you at least 4 bowls which is plenty for me most days and if you want more, a battery in case doesn't take that much space and you can keep the short stem in case as well for extra protection.
I know it sounds fiddly but really its not that bad you get used to it straight away, and for the quality of vapor, fun of use, and all out awesomeness of the vape it is way worth it.
My advice is get one you wont be disappointed and if by some miracle you dont like it I cant see any issue selling it...
Forgot to say if you want the best this is it... yep maybe the form is not perfect but you know all development has been concentrated on function and not on gimmicks, unnecessary shit like hard to clean retractable stems dodgy flip up lids... special vapes that look like pens but keep breaking

Shit I offer to buy it off you at retail price if you didn't like it just to have a back up (if the wife wouldn't kill me)
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