Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% up on everything as I've only had mine a few weeks, and had a lot to read here, but I believe the ELB or any other mod is ok as long as the stem has been trimmed. The stock glass paired with an ELB, either top hat or stem, could cause extra pressure on the heater screen and is discouraged as it could cause damage.Have any of you tried using a Cloud Evo ELB inside your glass stem instead of using a screen and packing the stem directly?
I really want to try it but the ELBs dont fit into any of the 18/19mm stems I have for the Milaana. I have an 18/19mm male to male adapter that the ELB does fit into (and also fits the milaana 19/22 us joints) but sadly it is at a friend's house and I cannot get it from him until next week.
My other idea would be try use very fine grit sandpaper and sand the inside of a mouthpiece down a millimeter or two since the ELB is very close to fitting.
Anyway, has anyone tried a Cloud Evo ELB with the Milaana? What do you guys think of the idea? I'm looking forward to trying!
Short answer don't do it unless you have modified glass