Hypno vaper
Well-Known Member
Ok so I got my malfunctioning Milaana back and it's time to report:
So the whole process was painless. Followed the tips I got from the gang here and I was good to go. RBT's communication was great all the way up to the moment they shipped my unit back to me, and they three in an extra shorty stem as a bonus
Initially I wanted a totally new unit for 2 reasons: 1 anything burnt or charred makes me gag, and 2, my unit malfunctioned out of the box, I never used it. I paid good money for a brand new Milaana and didn't think that I should receive a repaired good as new Milaana....... unless I had used it already. However Ryan emailed me and said the burn was minimal and he was able to sand it out leaving no hint of charring......
cool, I can deal with that, I'm not that big of a spoiled beeeyotch
Unfortunately I'm still in a jam. My Milaana is way to cool. I tried the 5 second preheat with 5-8 second pull, release button and keep pulling.......nothing. I did the 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi all the way to 5 then pull while holding button......nothing but taste. It seems like the only way that I can get even a hint of wispy vapor is to hold button for a SLOW 10 count then pull for 5-10 seconds, let button go and keep pulling. Again I barely get visible vapor, but I can feel the effects. I have 6 new LG 3000 brown batteries and I've tried a bunch of different batteries from other vapes and ecigs and I keep getting the same results. I know I have to get my technique down pack but I'm no newbie. I'm just praying that I don't have to send it in again, I will definitely want a totally different unit if I have to send it back again.
So the whole process was painless. Followed the tips I got from the gang here and I was good to go. RBT's communication was great all the way up to the moment they shipped my unit back to me, and they three in an extra shorty stem as a bonus

Initially I wanted a totally new unit for 2 reasons: 1 anything burnt or charred makes me gag, and 2, my unit malfunctioned out of the box, I never used it. I paid good money for a brand new Milaana and didn't think that I should receive a repaired good as new Milaana....... unless I had used it already. However Ryan emailed me and said the burn was minimal and he was able to sand it out leaving no hint of charring......

Unfortunately I'm still in a jam. My Milaana is way to cool. I tried the 5 second preheat with 5-8 second pull, release button and keep pulling.......nothing. I did the 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi all the way to 5 then pull while holding button......nothing but taste. It seems like the only way that I can get even a hint of wispy vapor is to hold button for a SLOW 10 count then pull for 5-10 seconds, let button go and keep pulling. Again I barely get visible vapor, but I can feel the effects. I have 6 new LG 3000 brown batteries and I've tried a bunch of different batteries from other vapes and ecigs and I keep getting the same results. I know I have to get my technique down pack but I'm no newbie. I'm just praying that I don't have to send it in again, I will definitely want a totally different unit if I have to send it back again.