Ok, if that was a troll, my bad. No need for all that sarcasm IMO, but I get the frustration.
However I'm not a troll, just a heartbroken customer. I've filed tickets, I've been in touch with Sam, I've gotten the new assembly for the 8, and I've tightened the button screw down so many times now I've literally lost interest. A this point, I would just like to bow out of this thread in peace and humility.
For me, my year with UpTech gear proved be a passing fad. We had some fun, some really incredible hits along the way--and I even invented a foot-controlled vape--that even G thought was cool! In the end, this fiddly new world of UpTech gear proved to be too much frustration for me. But trust me, I get it, respect what you do and what you create. And G, I stand by my previous description of you as the Thomas Edison of oil vapes!
For me, I've realized I need more Zen in my vaping experience that I did not find here (too fiddly). But good luck to all of you!
The Kiss Alpha comes with a 3.7v 1701 ceramic plus the single and dual coil Ti Gr2.
The 1701 3.7v version that comes with the Kiss alpha can work with certain VV devices yes. Its rebuildable and we have the spare ceramic discs coming in 2 weeks with the 7.4v 1701's.
The Kiss AC comes with
1 x Single Coil Ti Gr2 wire works with 3.7v and 7.4v. 7.4v you have to pulse really fast as it takes half a second to heat up. Works best at 3.7v if you want to have it last long time.
1 x Dual Coil Ti Gr2, works with 3.7v but 7.4v its a ripper once again requires AW imr batteries and pulsing at 7.4v.
...sorry if you've beaten this question to death
to be clear, both the coils that come with the AC, single and double, can be used with both voltages 3.7 & 7.4?
The 1701 that's included is only for 3.7v - the 7.4v version is available
so basically both coils can be used as both 3.7v & 7.4v where you have to have the right 1701 for the right voltage? (pulsing both coils @ 7.4v)
Guys let me say this once again.
The inside piece of the button assembly has to be screwed all the way in. It can not be loose. If it is loose it will unscrew back out.
There should not be any reason to unscrew the button contact gold piece. No reason what so ever.
I never initially unscrewed my button screw and have only ever tightened my screw, even to the point of going further than the initially created threads in the hope of locking it in place.
@THC SCIENTIFIC can I order a new button assembly that also includes the insulating disk to protect from button shorts? If so, how many of the service warrantys do I need to add?
If i want to get that as well as a new SR71 base with oring grooves, do I do it as 2 separate line items each with the correct quantity?
Hmm question 1 would be why do you think you need a new button assembly?
As for the rest you just need the sr71 bottom adapter and your original order number for the 8 and I'll throw in a insulating disc, all you have to do is include that in the notes when you order it so it can be flagged for my review.
As for extra discs they are $1 each and a purchasing all at once is ok as long as you include in the notes what you need.
Herc bottom adapter is $10 the 8 button assembly $10 (but don't think you need it) spare insulating discs are $1 each, and you get one free from the start.
Or you can save money and just use a small piece of rubber band that will make sure it won't make contact with the button cover.
so I emailed oilvaporizers.com and asked about the 8 and they said they were in the process of manurfacturing them and then they will have them out soon but does this mean w9tech no longer makes the 8 instead this new oilvaporizers will be making their own version or how is this going to go? just curious because I want the 8 from w9tech your products are the best by far
Ok thanks! I will be purchasing one as soon as they are available also getting the AC this week when I send my v4 top in to get fixedWe manufacture the 8 for them, nothing has changed on it. We manufacture many of their items they just retail it.
I'm not sure if this is the right thread for it, but I was wondering what the opinions are of live resin?
I've only had it once and maybe 20+ shatters, but it was equal to or better than any shatter I've ever had. Ignoring price for now I'd probably pick it over shatter. Though it's possible I've only had crappy shatter and amazing live resin. I'd compare them some more but it's a definite step up in price where I shop. Usually for me a good bho to a good shatter is 5-10 more, this was 15 more than the best shatters.
I'm not sure if this is the right thread for it, but I was wondering what the opinions are of live resin?
I've only had it once and maybe 20+ shatters, but it was equal to or better than any shatter I've ever had. Ignoring price for now I'd probably pick it over shatter. Though it's possible I've only had crappy shatter and amazing live resin. I'd compare them some more but it's a definite step up in price where I shop. Usually for me a good bho to a good shatter is 5-10 more, this was 15 more than the best shatters.
601 for the persei. I think universal means ego/mod threading.I am purchasing the AC right now I have the persei with v4 top but I plan on getting the 8 when it comes available which thread should I pick for the AC so it fits on my v4 it says universal for both so does that mean either one you buy you can change it to 601 or 510?
Thank you! ordering now601 for the persei. I think universal means ego/mod threading.
The Herc runs like a champ on the Sigelei 150W temp control! Still struggling with temp control on the Ni Kiss Globes though. Will report back later if I have better success.
Nice, I'm surprised it's having issues with the ni kiss globes, aren't they designed for that? I figured it would have issues with ceramic and titanium more. I'm looking forward to trying temp control out, I just wish they weren't all box shaped.
Sorry I should have been more clear. The Herc I have only tried in power mode not joule/temp control mode.
The Kiss Globe Ni dual coil I tried in joule/temp control mode. On this Sigelei the lowest you can go is 212 F and that still tasted not great like it was getting too hot.
I'm going to try a fresh Ni coil, a Ti coil and some different oils tonight.
it wont make a difference the temp control works on ni200 wires only thats pure nickel.
Hmm good to know. So what are the wires on the old Ni Kiss coils made out of?