Well-Known Member
Ok whats up with the new mini kiss pen?
Ok whats up with the new mini kiss pen?
I think the SR-71 with the Iris is the best vaporizer you have put out.if you have the kiss 7.4v the next step is the Hercules SR74 with the 8, This is basically the best vaporizer we put out. It will work with all our current line, other peoples cartridges and with the Infinity Kit its going to just be the last vape you buy.
I am sorry to tell you that yes you did make the right decision but im gonna be brutally honest. When you get the Persei and Hercules SR71 please take it apart a few times put it back together again, make sure you get the correct resistance after each assembly, this makes sure that you know the device inside and out.
Other users feel free to chime in or tell me to shut it, but I wanted to say don't be afraid to spam this forum with info/reviews on the okeanos. I'm very tempted to grab one, I just need hear from some happy users to give me a little push.
Is there any visible way to tell the difference between a KISS Cart TI and Non-TI?
I have 5 KISS Carts and forgot which one was my TI one.
Honestly I think a lot of the issues could have been avoided by buying the newer units that are currently available instead of buying from eBay I mean no disrespect but you could still end up frying a v1 top running a herc on it if there's a short I started with an ophos and made my own mistakes loading an eo cart with bubble hash then I ordered the persei/herc aw18350's and nobody in jersey had any oil so I had to learn to make my own now I've got a herc I'm hitting daily and sharing with a bunch of people there's a definite learning curve but it's an amazing product
I agree the customer service is literally some of the best. If it wasn't I'd say fuck this and sell it all LOL. I KNOW they will take care of me, but that just kills me because I know they are a nice company, and all the reviews say its worth it, but it needs to be easier to get started is all.
They should sell a noob kit. Just a buy this kit to vape good oils. Everything about buying the wrong parts would be eliminated. I'd gladly have paid for the new charger I needed if they told me it would be less disappointing lol. They should keep selling parts the way they do (awesome that you can buy mostly any single part) and also add bundles IMO. A new persei or 8 + herc + actually decent battery charger + the suggested AW batteries not some almost good enough ones etc. From there it eliminates all this buying the wrong stuff, and lets the more advanced users buy individual things.
Thats where I keep feeling the cera was a much better experience. I ordered what it clearly said I needed, and I got it and it just worked lol. I love the idea of in home rebuildability so I don't get stuck with the last cera ever (luckily it was JUST rebuilt!) but I need a functional product first before I care about rebuilding it.
I still believe the herc will be worth the wait and hassles when I get it up and going, if for no other reason than its a large capacity oil vape with a company still standing behind it. I just have to be honest about how frustrating the process getting there has been. Some unavoidable, some not.
If I were to leave 2 pieces of feedbacks to W9 it'd be please please please offer a "customer favorites or Suggested packages" choice to make it easier. If you think the stock charger sucks just sell and suggest a good one. Many people would want it to work right out of the box better than piece it together. Why not offer both ways? The other would be please reconsider the USPS signature stuff. I just don't get why my $250 smart watch doesn't need a signature but my vape parts do? I heard people complain about this in the past, but it wasn't a personal issue to me back then. Now I see how annoying it can be. I really wanted to demo the persei to patients tomorrow since I could tell them how to get one and it'd be good for you to get more exposure (something I'm happy to do thanks to great customer service) but also for the patients, so they have a good reliable option. Sadly I guarantee if I demo'd my EO cart that I didn't oxidize because I didn't know I had to, then I'd be doing actual harm to your rep. Its unsuitable. I'd try the other one but I have my doubts with it being an old cart, and franky I can't gamble 0.6g+ again. If I bring the cera yeah they will all love it and so will I, but that kills me that its not going to last forever...
So I love you guys w9, but this process is way harder than it should be. When its all said and done I'll have what I want, until the 8 comes out...and the new more reliable tops for the persei etc etc.
Ugh this isn't good either. STILL not done buying upgrading and replacing? How likely am I to fry a V1 top. I'm getting less and less interested with each new problem. Of course there are literally no competitors making oil vapes I want to use anymore, so not many options there. The ebay one was direct from uptech btw.
Even the current persei on the site isn't the new V4 top apparently. This is what I mean about it always being a bad time to buy. Its like every product for sale has bugs that will only be fixed by the next version that is coming out real soon. I never feel CONFIDENT in my purchases and that isn't a good feeling.
I've had a chance to play with the new okeanos and my first impressions are overwhelmingly positive. This is a quality piece from top to bottom. It was very easy to assemble after a quick read of the instruction manual. It feels very sturdy and well made.
I was putting too much water in initially and getting wet draws it was no bueno. After a rec from gary I lowered the water level and slowed my draw. I was rewarded with tasty thick rips. I've loaded very little into it and the 3.7 kiss cart vapes it nice and slow. I'm holding the button for a good 2-3 seconds to melt the wax and then I'll pulse the button and get a nice pull.
I love my herc and I have no reason to change my daily driver but this piece has a place in my collection. I could see this as a nice change of pace piece. I could see using it with a special concentrate to get the full flavor out of it. That is where it shines; the flavor is pure. I see limitations in its portability just because of the glass. This piece will sit in my office and I'll break it out for my tastiest of concentrates and special occasions.
IMO it is never a bad time to buy products from a company that continues to innovate and stand behind their products. The wheels of progress and innovation must keep turning. If they did not, we would never have even had anything better than a Gpen (or some other subpar)
My iPhone works great , but that doesn't mean that apple should stop there and rest on their laurels. Same applies with W9. That said it IS hard to see a new product or improvement and not buy it or feel like I must have it.
The V1 top was designed well before the Hercules SR-xx so it is understandable that it may not be able to handle the Herc-ness. I was sent a V3R-xxx replacement top for the one that died. It is great, with improved button and 5-click shutoff option.
Anyway.. I know that none of this helps your situation.I wish I could lend you mine just so you could spread the Gospel according to Herc.
I got a used v1 persei kit and it has held up using with 3.7 herc just fine. Even when passed around to asshats that treat it like a fucking e-go p.o.s. just a lil reclaim in the chamber. One more q for you @THC SCIENTIFIC, will the 8 top be available for purchase seperate from the whole kit? Im just gonna be screwing it on my ss anyway(if it fits) and really dont plan on using it for anything but the herc... forgive if this question was asked already. I try to keep up.
Read this thread. Before I started spending money on up tech gear I did a litttle research by reading the last few pages of this thread. Then when I had a lil more time I went back and read the last 100 pgs. Only a true nerd would read all 900 plus pages, but once I had some gear I vaped a lot of oil and powered through. . At that point I had a near complete understanding of the history of the persei and all its parts, then immediately began forgetting it all .Thanks man. I know I'll be happy with it eventually, but how is a new user to know which revision tops they are on when it doesn't say anywhere etc? How would a new user know that a V1 top wouldn't power a herc etc. Seems like I'm definitely learning the vape, but it feels like the only way to learn is piss away my money. Learned EO carts need to be V2+ apparently by wasting .8g oil. Learned you need a better battery charger when mine died first day and I had to pay for a new one. Learned my 3 tops I have on my 2 perseis and 1 SS kit (seems like a lot of gear to me to be invested when still can't use it) are probably all shit and will short on the more modern attachments. Thats a lot of learning by paying, and it doesn't sound like I'm done yet. I wish I knew more about the 8 when thermovape closing sent me into a panic. I'd have waited to get a mechanical body that will likely avoid a lot of these issues in the first place :/ I wish I could start over ditch all my stuff and just order when a 8 released and get whatever version herc is out by then. Mechanical is easier and in general more reliable. I'd have just used my cera until that was ready. If only we had time machines right?
If I do end up loving the herc and getting used to it, I can see myself selling my perseis and just sticking to the 8 if that does in turn come out more reliable.