Woo-hoogreat news WE just received a couple boxes from customs!! We are in the process of going through it and will began shipping soon after!

Woo-hoogreat news WE just received a couple boxes from customs!! We are in the process of going through it and will began shipping soon after!
great news WE just received a couple boxes from customs!! We are in the process of going through it and will began shipping soon after!
@Tstat i would do 0.2 at a time, twice. That should be good for your first go around. Better to start off smaller and get the hang of it. But even if you overload this thing is so easy to clean and reclaim from its awesome so you shouldnt worry either way.YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
@Tstat - I found that shatter glass works really well with the Hercules. Easy enough to load if its stable enough, and its pretty rock hard after cooling down to minimal leaks even if you get overzealous with the power.
Also AFAIK, they dont make single 7.4v batteries. It looks like you are stuck stacking two 18350s for the time being, unless you want to go with The Core and a plug?
Anyway, if this is the case then stick with my original plan. Go get four AW 18350s and that Nicore charger. That should do you pretty well and as long as you always put the dead ones back in the charger, you should have unlimited power by hot swapping fresh batteries.
Also from what I remember, one of those Ti coils will hold ~0.5g at full saturation? However as we found with the SS coils, no two coils are identical in terms of capacity. Nature of the beast. What Im trying to say is that your .3 @ at a time plan sounds kosher.
how did you get the Ti coils? I have been waiting for these for a long time but the site still says preorder.am i still the only one on here who switched to a ti coil in the 71 with the original white rod?
i would like to compare experiences,
I have a battery collection and I like AW IMR 18350's a lot.The new customer service dude (Jordan) seems like good people. Helped me out super fast, chatted about use. As always I walk away with a new level of appreciation for w9tech.
My aaf issue is solved so please disregard previous messages guys!
@Tstat stacking two 18350 batteries is what you are doing now....just to clarify caligulas post a bit. Two 18650 are the long guys. They are all 3.7v, so for 7.4 volts they must be stacked unless using a 3.7 v attachment (read 3.7v carts). The long ones just offer more power for us heavy users. Lol. The best batteries are AW 18350 for what you want to do. There are better chargers like the nitecore i4....but they are not a must as the stock charger will work too. The batteries are the real limiter. AW are tested and work better. That said I am a fan of efest 18350 as they are cheap and work as good or better in my experience.
i use one coil unless I'm using something with a lighter viscosity like co2 then i use 2 coils. also i have found that feathering the throttle is the best way to go finding the perfect temp(which is diff for each oil) plus the perfect pull not to hard. other than that its just playing with it and finding what works best for you. i know you dropped an bunch of cash already but i would highly suggest getting the core. after being on the road for shows and festivals it was the best thing after the herc to get especially if you are using it at home or car camping. then it leaves your batts to be at full charge when you are ready to go out and adventureTomorrow I'm sending my son up to the dispensary to grab some Eyeciss wax and some Strawberry Cough crumble.
My first run of Lemon Skunk should be done by tomorrow as well. I am going to make sure my batteries are fully charged and use the method of putting in .3, puffing, putting in more. I really want this to work out, LOL!
And thanks @Caligula for that battery info. I'm not going to stack two 7.4s, this thing is long enough as it is with the Hercules. I just want to buy either 2 of the 3.7s or one 7.4 that are BETTER than the batteries that came with it. I don't know anything about batteries, but I do know that with my MFLB the stock batts were crap and the new ones and a new charger kicked ass. I'm figuring this is a similar situation?
do you load it backwards sense you are using it upside down? and does it leek out the tip?I have a battery collection and I like AW IMR 18350's a lot.
That's why I love the PERSEI = (POWER)!
I have very pure shatter that I will consume with the HERCULES SR74 with one of my PERSEI's with 2 x 18350 AW's.![]()
Practice before medication!
I like RED!
Testing the SR74 with some FULL MELT with only a flashing blue light? WTF! Ok change the batteries with a freshly charged set of 18350's and power resumed. SR74 thick cloud production. Oh I forgot about the SHATTER I saturated the coil with! It looks like lift off HOUSTON!
Tonight is medication perfection!
Tomorrow clean day.
Reload with well purged SHATTER after cleaning!
Who's in?
Good Question?i use one coil unless I'm using something with a lighter viscosity like co2 then i use 2 coils. also i have found that feathering the throttle is the best way to go finding the perfect temp(which is diff for each oil) plus the perfect pull not to hard. other than that its just playing with it and finding what works best for you. i know you dropped an bunch of cash already but i would highly suggest getting the core. after being on the road for shows and festivals it was the best thing after the herc to get especially if you are using it at home or car camping. then it leaves your batts to be at full charge when you are ready to go out and adventure
do you load it backwards sense you are using it upside down? and does it leek out the tip?
Vent holes in case of catastrophic battery failure?1. Whats with the 2 holes at the bottom of the base cap?
mine came out of a 74 kit, but w9 just started getting the parts that were held up in customs so everyone who ordered should be getting parts soon.how did you get the Ti coils? I have been waiting for these for a long time but the site still says preorder.
For real or making jokes?Vent holes in case of catastrophic battery failure?
...for reals... My mech mod uses IMR's and has a vent hole at the bottom. It's just so if anything were to happen it doesn't explode.For real or making jokes?
There are a lot of places to find batteries on the internet. There are also a lot of counterfeits. I can only recommend that you buy batteries recommended by the manufacturer and from a trusted source, not just the lowest price. That should give you the best performance and keep any warranty requirements happy.Does everyone leave their bottom cap holes open? I would need to close those up for the unit to be portable. I seriously had pictured myself setting it down in the sand while out camping. Will prolly epoxy the holes shut if i dont return the Percei. That will keep moisture out, but if the battery fails it wont turn into a pipe bomb.
Speaking of batteries i briefly looked around last night. Has anyone else put some research into finding us new/better/cheaper batteries? I just paid $16 each for the AW 18350 like a tard. Looks like i can score them for $5 each or less. If i keep the Percei i will definitely buy 6-8 for myself. If anyone else wants to go in we might get a better deal. I could buy them and mail them out to memebers.
I playing driver today and will have hours and hours of downtime. If i can get internet reception i will dive deeper into the battery research. Gimme some more info, i need a jumpstart. I have read the AW brand is better than the stock batteries, there is also the Efest brand that Cali posted about a page back.
Im gonna send out a bunch of emails over to china land. I just need a baseline to know what the eff im talking about. There is a communication barrier that makes it tough.
I just paid $16 each for the AW 18350 like a tard.
They were having technical difficulties yesterday. Call in. Either that, or the new inventory released by customs may be slowing down their response time. Either way, just call for immediate resolution.Is W9's email support down or off this week? My friend has sent them 3 emails the past 3 days or so and hasn't gotten a reply. It's not necessarily their fault, but for some reason what he ordered is on day 3 of the delivery, when he paid for 2 day shipping. To clarify, he ordered 3/3 (but possibly late in the day) and as of 3/7 today hasn't received it. Which is silly considering it was shipped from the Los Angeles region to San Diego. But he's annoyed mostly because after the initial order, W9 hasn't bothered to respond to him at all and I feel a bit embarrassed when I claimed their customer service was awesome (it has been for me, I don't know what's going on here).
Yeah i dont know i just bought them from Vapor Warehouse when i bought the Persei and Herc. Freakin $300 and im not even sure if im keeping the darn thing.W9 sells these batteries for 9$ !
We don't have an email system . We have a ticket system can you please give me his ticket # also he can call in to 818 8496133 for quicker support.Is W9's email support down or off this week? My friend has sent them 3 emails the past 3 days or so and hasn't gotten a reply. It's not necessarily their fault, but for some reason what he ordered is on day 3 of the delivery, when he paid for 2 day shipping. To clarify, he ordered 3/3 (but possibly late in the day) and as of 3/7 today hasn't received it. Which is silly considering it was shipped from the Los Angeles region to San Diego. But he's annoyed mostly because after the initial order, W9 hasn't bothered to respond to him at all and I feel a bit embarrassed when I claimed their customer service was awesome (it has been for me, I don't know what's going on here).
Sorry if im coming off like a jerky. Really surprised everyone leaves the bottom holes open. Why are there 2 large holes instead of one smaller little guy? Why not make the battery adj tool fit since its so close to fitting anyway? Struck me as weird. These are flashlight batteries? Got to think a badass flighlight is sealed with orings.
Battery adjustment tool does fit. If yours doesn't I would call support. I think there are two holes specifically for the battery adjustment tool. Otherwise I have no ideas lol. Though ive had to use the tool to pull.off a stubborn bottom cap or two.Cool deal SleepinCA i see the links now. So around $7.50 for a 18350. I can hunt them down and make sure its not a counterfeit. We should be able to get them for around $4 im guessing. I saw $5 for sure last night. Im grabbing around 6. Just thought if people wanted some i could grab 20 instead. I still have a lot of looking around to do though. Also sending emails but its friday so they wont see them until after the weekend.
Sorry if im coming off like a jerky. Really surprised everyone leaves the bottom holes open. Why are there 2 large holes instead of one smaller little guy? Why not make the battery adj tool fit since its so close to fitting anyway? Struck me as weird. These are flashlight batteries? Got to think a badass flighlight is sealed with orings.