I see on the site its listed at $130. Is that price including the 25% off, or do we need need to enter some sort of coupon code?
Oops use Coupon code The Core
You should consider making a top cap/iris with a 510 connector for ecig users. I'm not suggesting pandering to them at all but, to my ignorant self it seems like changing the connector threads would not require much additional engineering. There are legions ecig users who like to hoard batteries but most are picky on looks. The adapters work well but they look mediocre and cause a gap. It might be a way to support your continued innovation while drawing in more potential customers. My(plus i just want one...)
My bender/hammer should arrive on Thursday and it's gonna be torture not being able to use it as the SS kit arrives sometime next week. Not to mention I just finally got a line on some concentrate so ima have to order an sr-71 soon. I guess its good timing though seeing as its recently been perfected. Can I buy a warranty for my SS kit or hammer kit, or if I buy an sr-71 and I fry my only hammer top will I be boned?
Also a typo in the w9 site description. Looks like it was supposed to say "The Core is designed to"
Thanks for the heads up on the typo.
Ok to answer your question we would like to make 510 threading, but think of this.
Once we make a 510 Iris then we what happens when someone who buys it now wants to run a Herc on it? this means we would have to now produce 510 PTFE adapters for the Herc, then what happens when they take their newly 510 herc and blow out their other 510 threaded ecigs? Would we be held reliable?
Also your warranty covers anything you do to your top so if they burn out you have no problems of getting it replaced. That is what you get with our company. Other companies tell you dont use their carts with other devices or it might break and its not under warranty. With us hell run it over with a tank we really dont care. If its under warranty its all good your safe.
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