Bob Loblaw
new tour w/ 3D stage showMeh.. Primus sucks![]()
new tour w/ 3D stage showMeh.. Primus sucks![]()
I'm shopping for a vaporizer that I could use for oil.
Between the persei and the cloud vape It hard to debate between the two.
I've never seen, let alone used, a cloud. I've no doubt it works well, of course.
However, I think Persei is far more versatile when it comes to dishing out the oil. Unless you're looking for 'a killer dab every time' that could be a big plus. Omicron offers carts in various powers from a few mg per hit (300 to the gram say) to a dozen or more (say 50 or 60 to the gram?). Put on a Bender instead and you can get in seriously deep mighty easy. But you keep the control.
Some guys find the power cord on Cloud limits their movement too, sometimes that can be useful.
Best option is, as always, buy both.
I'm shopping for a vaporizer that I could use for oil.
Between the persei and the cloud vape It hard to debate between the two. There a learning curve to the Persei (I notice that reading threw the forum) and as for the the cloud dab and go at it?
This will be my first time buying a vaporizer for concentrate. So i really need help and advice thanks
Im looking for something like the omicron just load it up and go
The Cloud Pen is just an Ovale Elipse e-cig with the tank and spike ripped out. Persei was designed for use with oil/wax/shatter, not VG/PG. Persei also offers a lifetime warranty. Read the thread on the cloud pen and you might second guess it as an option.
Are you talking about the vapexhale cloud, or that cloudvapez pen with the knock off dispute......
I smoke PG with my persei and it's incredible so not sure what you mean by its only made for waxes. The persei is universal bro!!!The Cloud Pen is just an Ovale Elipse e-cig with the tank and spike ripped out. Persei was designed for use with oil/wax/shatter, not VG/PG. Persei also offers a lifetime warranty. Read the thread on the cloud pen and you might second guess it as an option.
I smoke PG with my persei and it's incredible so not sure what you mean by its only made for waxes. The persei is universal bro!!!
DubC can correct me if I am wrong but I think he was referring to e cig juice when he said Vg/Pg and not Pure Gold.
Hi - Does anyone know the status of the Iris v2? I'm way happy with the original Iris and don't want to miss out on the second version.
best and thanks for any updates
im just going to grab the Persei what do you think about that? and were should I order it from?
just got off the phone with they have every color persei in stock and I was told we should be able to place a order in a hour or so
i think all of us here started with just wanting basic operations, i know i did. so i got the omicron. its basic; fill, grab and go. i vaguely remember where my omicron is now, ever since the persei arrived, its been "what's an omicron?" i can't even remember the last time i used it and i toy with the idea, every day, of sending my omicon in for the upgrade. in other words, what you want now will probably change with time as you find out what the thing is capable of doing. spend it now or get the "basic" unit first and then spend the $200 (or more) when you realize its limitations.I was just about to hit confirm purchase and I backed out. I like it but don't like it that much to spend $200 on it. I just want something basic... load it up, clean, refill, repeat. Maybe a trippy stick? G-pen? I really don't know that why im here asking for a second opinion
spend it now or get the "basic" unit first and then spend the $200 (or more) when you realize its limitations.
all i know now is that if the persei can't do it, i'm in trouble.
Buying a Cheap pen is like buying a "PINTO"!I was just about to hit confirm purchase and I backed out. I like it but don't like it that much to spend $200 on it. I just want something basic... load it up, clean, refill, repeat. Maybe a trippy stick? G-pen? I really don't know that why im here asking for a second opinion
Let me expand a bit on the Brother's excellent advice. It's pretty easy to 'outgrow' a base unit if you're prone to such things. For sure if you're the sort that tries for 'bigger clouds' from time to time you'll be thinking about being able to tap into more steam until it drives you over the edge. Nature of the beast.
If you feel you can't invest that much bucks all at once anyway, please don't resort to the junk being pushed off on the innocent. The stuff you mention is basically the cheapest e-cig stuff available (worldwide) modified enough to pass for an attempt. Instead, go with the D9 O-phos, now replaced by Omicron Light. I just got one to try out, it'll do most all of what the Omicron Vx will for a fraction of the price. Most importantly it's designed to work with Omicron carts so you can upgrade when you fall in love. And you will. Notice how many positive posts you get on FC in the Omicron and Persei threads against the problems faced by the much smaller number of posters 'over there
my perspective is also that of one who does not have the disposable income to really allow for multiple purchases like that, which is why the upgrade is just a thought for me. i think i got very lucky when i got my first oil vape because, i knew even less than nothing and got an omicron anyway. the persei was just coming out at the time and i thought to myself; there is no way i'm going to need that kind of firepower. i was wrrooo. . .i was wrrrron. . . i was incorrect. so i try to think of future needs, not just the here and now. personally, i try to research and buy the best thing i can afford so that i won't have to make a ton of additional purchases later and so if that means saving up and withholding gratification, well, then it means sucking it up and waiting. being an adult is soo much fun.
again thats just my viewpoint on the world, if it helps you, bonus!
I heard that HASH will work in the HERCULES?march 15th is hercules day as we decided to change a small part, this parts needs a new mold and will help with performance. This is when we will start testing and production it goes into.