so today I decided I would finally take apart n clean my 7.4v Hurc
n while I'm @ it I can test out the new 3.7 rod I got in house

I took apart while was warm -- its been 2 months n daily sessions of pure bliss ! -- then every week I get the reclaim n run through …. all gd 2 me
i went to take the pieces apart and the tightener for the rod with the star part above was so tight - or probably sticky stuck in place -- so instead I loosened up the star with some heat n turns -- n also moved the rod the smalls lil itty bitty !
I still couldn't unscrew the main nut -- so I figured I would put back together n heat up again 2 make it easier .. i put back together with just slight rod adjustment and the star being loose
n BOOM--- even larger clouds --- Lovin it solo much I'm gunna wait a drop more b4 experimenting with 3.7v --- too much dam success with the 7.4 rod !!!!!!!!!
i feel y'all bout the signature deal --
i had my delivery last week n I had to chase my mail gurl around town

kra ira -- but well worth it - -
and unfortunately --being in this biz -- even at cheap prices .. just too many peeps trying to scam -- it adds up trust me --
we all honest n G knows that -- but the ones that slip by n next thing your small biz has claims out the door draining the account -- its a tough call ----- but I do same with my biz for probably the same reason --- at times we were losing thousands a month on just lost packages that obviously was never lost ! n these r peeps i trusted --but hiding behind the comp screen ------ i guess just a hassle -- but worth it 4 quality !