The Core comes with a full-size Persei tube (the same battery tube that comes with a Persei). This is why you need a Garnish ring to have the Persei head sit flush on the tube.@THC SCIENTIFIC does the core 18350 ss tube reach 7.4 volts with the core
also what does it mean on the website it says works with the smaller Persei SS tube. ?
don't I just need a head and the core to use it
The Universe ...@Andy you are correct didnt realize this part.
Ok guys who wants to see us resurrect our Universe Cartridge for herbs?
Or this bad boy
Triton parts?
If you order the Nibbler XL and Bender from Planet Vape shipping will be weeks quicker and free. Planet Vape are easier to deal with too!@THC SCIENTIFIC
I want to add the Nibbler XL and The Bender to my preorder for the 8 and 74x upgrade with the new coupon code. is this possible? shipping to canada is bruuuuuutal. would love to avoid having to pay it twice. $216.98 for both is a pretty good deal.
nice I ordered a hammer top (il have to find that rod somewhere) and the ss 18350 core adapterThe Core comes with a full-size Persei tube (the same battery tube that comes with a Persei). This is why you need a Garnish ring to have the Persei head sit flush on the tube.
The "18350" Core tube uses an 18350 SS tube. The same piece that comes with an SS kit. So you don't need a garnish ring when swapping your top over. And it's a lot shorter and really nice to use with the Hammer Rod, Bender, and Herc due to its size. It's fully compatible with all voltages the Core can put out (3.0-8.4V)
here is a video of it in action
This was done around July 2012 didnt get that much interest for it.
Oh well guess we still might put it out if there is.
im pretty sure 2 of my batteries are to the point of not being able to hold a charge
3 18350's and an 18650 left
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit i should just buy a 2nd core to have a backup
Make sure your gold center post inside pin isnt stuck downwards, if that doesnt work try moving your rod down just a bit..I'm struggling with my new hercules. I just got it Thursday. I read the maunal I watched the video. I took apart the whole piece just to become better acquainted with it. I've loaded about a gram total and have not been able to get one hit that is near what I can pull on a kiss cart. Most of the time it doesn't even heat up and I have to take it apart make adjustments and try again. I've got about a 20% success rate in it heating up and a 0% impressive pull rate. Are these that fickle or did I get a bad piece? I have an okeanos coming soon and am starting to regret that I purchased the herc. The kiss carts have been golden the herc has been frustrating.
I unscrewed the base and there is probably .25 of oil down there. I cleared that out and I fiddled with the pin and rod. It's heating up now but I think I put too much wax in initially. My coil is very saturated.Make sure your gold center post inside pin isnt stuck downwards, if that doesnt work try moving your rod down just a bit..
Yeah, when concentrate falls into the bottom section it seems to be hit or miss when it comes to heating up.I unscrewed the base and there is probably .25 of oil down there. I cleared that out and I fiddled with the pin and rod. It's heating up now but I think I put too much wax in initially. My coil is very saturated.
I'm struggling with my new hercules. I just got it Thursday. I read the maunal I watched the video. I took apart the whole piece just to become better acquainted with it. I've loaded about a gram total and have not been able to get one hit that is near what I can pull on a kiss cart. Most of the time it doesn't even heat up and I have to take it apart make adjustments and try again. I've got about a 20% success rate in it heating up and a 0% impressive pull rate. Are these that fickle or did I get a bad piece? I have an okeanos coming soon and am starting to regret that I purchased the herc. The kiss carts have been golden the herc has been frustrating.
i just got the core. its awesome. i should have gotten it back when i started with the Persei and Herc.
a year or so of hard use on my AW batteries, and i don't think they hold a charge as well as they did. They don't seen to punch as well, even when fully charged.
i literally cannot put into words how bummed i am that my core isn't functional
can I go ahead and just ship it tomorrow despite not having heard back on my ticket?