Well-Known Member
@PPN @THC SCIENTIFIC I took my Herc apart for isobath after running about an 40g through it, and only so I can take pretty pix. I could not own and use a device that needed to be cleaned any more frequently than that.
Basically.. I opted out due to the last preorder I participated in. I'm not trying say I got screwed over by anyone.He screwed himself maybe?
As was I, after looking at the 8 complete kits, I'm pretty sure I could just drill and tap one of the adaptors to a 3/8 fine thread without any problem for the cera carts.
Hi let me start off by saying wow the new 8 essential looks fantastic.
But as far as function goes is there going to be a difference between it and the persei?
I know the threads and wiring are different but pure function is there going to be a difference?
Half the size, located on the bottom half of the tube, and rotated 45° to the righ, so the unit has more of a classy professional look while still being considered youthful and innovative. Like just for men's a touch of gray lol.@THC SCIENTIFIC, The 8 is a work of art, but as a professional designer I would suggest making the logo half the size it is right now. It goes against the wishes of every client I have ever had, but please, make the logo smaller. It will look much classier.
Is it still 25 % off if I order today ? I hope I didn't miss out like I did with the 8 -- but i can wait on that ---
but I have a nice order for today n would love that discount ? any help ?
will it work for the hercules and persie ?The coupon code will not work for pre orders.
will it work for the hercules and persie ?
thx scientific … and what is code plz my friend
much respect 4 all u do !
thank u my friend --The 8 is a stand alone vaporizer. It will work with everything we have and also with 510 cartridges. Please go back a page and see the last post with all the pictures. This will help you get an idea of what it is.
thank u my friend --
can you plz let me know the actual coupon code - i went back a bunch of pages but maybe missed it ? thx in advance
I think it looks GREAT with the logo. I'm soo excited....methinks it would look better without the logo....
Is the 8 machined from steel in the USA or abroad?
Complexity is really not an issue it's just talk that scares many away.
Cleaning it it every 2 grams is OCD status, my two hercs I run have not seen a cleaning day in over two months, still going strong. I would say about 15 grams through each ATM.
The 0.6 to get it going is one time thing because the coils need to be saturated.
But I do understand you on not needing it. The Herc is a no compromise device for on the go types.
Edit Lets take this to the next level.
Ill just leave this here for everyone to see in the Morning.
Surprise #3
Anyone who bought a 8 Top cap is actually getting the 6 amp short circuit protection with the kit.
Surprise #4
You will also get the 18350 Tube as well.
Enjoy your support because we are the only company that gives back.
Remember these are full functioning prototypes for final testing and logo placements, and are not 100%