I had an opportunity to own a Persei+sr-74 but to be honest I declined for several reasons:
- complexity (I didn't realize how complicated it is)
- I don't really need portability
- the need to put 0.6 in before to be able to start to vape (I vape this amount in 1 week!)
-whole cleaning each 2g
- price
- since I'm in the Uptech e-nail beta testing program I prefer to save funds for it
The combo Persei + sr-74 seems to be the high end product in term of concentrates portable vaporisation but even if I would like to try it, I think I'm not ready for it in term of complexity!
thanks for advices
Complexity is really not an issue it's just talk that scares many away.
Cleaning it it every 2 grams is OCD status, my two hercs I run have not seen a cleaning day in over two months, still going strong. I would say about 15 grams through each ATM.
The 0.6 to get it going is one time thing because the coils need to be saturated.
But I do understand you on not needing it. The Herc is a no compromise device for on the go types.
Edit Lets take this to the next level.
Ill just leave this here for everyone to see in the Morning.
Surprise #3
Anyone who bought a 8 Top cap is actually getting the 6 amp short circuit protection with the kit.
Surprise #4
You will also get the 18350 Tube as well.
Enjoy your support because we are the only company that gives back.
Remember these are full functioning prototypes for final testing and logo placements, and are not 100%