Well-Known Member
ok guys who wants to skype and see this little bad boy in action lets talk about it and see whats up group skype?
Don't have a camera or a mic on this computer but I'll lurk like there's no tomorrow!

ok guys who wants to skype and see this little bad boy in action lets talk about it and see whats up group skype?
You missed the best part:
And I calculated it to be 20 watts at 400F and 10 watts at 380F. (It's un-calibrated so the temps could be different)
So it can be like hitting two mflb's simultaneously for 15 mins or like hitting a single one for half a freaking hour!![]()
I'm still not sure how to tell the resistance of my cart
Sorry, Joe, you lost me on that math. Can you pass it by again a little slower? I'm not following how we have twice the power but only a 5% increase in temperature?
thcscientific im on skype now will be ready in a few minutes
Can't find you on skype, tried thcscientific as your skypename and regular name...
No problemo, I mentioned it on one of my earliest posts but only copied the "good stuff" for vitolo
Basically G said he hadn't calibrated the temperature display with the temperature inside the unit so the numbers might be completely different, maybe not even linear?
As for the wattage I went solely off of his reported runtimes and the batteries. He was using AW 700mah cells at 7.4v.
700ma-hours is 42,000ma-minutes
Divide by his run-time gives you the current and multiplied by 7.4 nominal voltage gives you the wattage.
The only two runtimes he definitively gave were 15 minutes at "400F" and 31 minutes at "380F", which would indicate the temps probably are very different because that does come out to 15 minutes at 20 watts and 31 minutes at 10 watts...
Sorry, Joe, still not with you. First off, back in post 1853, the Man said:
"Ok so 31min run time
2x18350 700mah IMR batteries.
7.4v from start to finish.
First test 400F 15 min
Second 380F 15 min
Third 380F 1 min"
So I think that clears the confusion about total run times (there was some for sure....). But I'm still not following how that relates to powers used to attain the temperature. I'd expect much closer to half the power for test one, the remainder for the others? Why 10 and 20 Watts for 380 and 400 (relative)???
thcscientific im on skype now will be ready in a few minutes
Oh I see what he meant after looking at it for at least the fifth time now, if you look at my quotes I had thought he made a typo.
And I also thought he was giving us runtimes from start to finish on one set of batteries at a constant temp value. If he changed the temp during the run there is very little we can say other than the average power was:
42,000ma-minutes / 31 minutes = 1355.84 ma or 1.36 amps * 7.4v = 10.025 watts for 31 minutes
Hard to tell how much higher the 400F wattage was than the 380F
Thanks for keeping me honest!
hows the testing coming along that group Skype thing is awesome
i sent you an add contact on Skype so next time your doing some testing id like to see the performance.
3 bowls down
Batter voltage is currently about 3.9v
I think 5-7 bowls on full charge.
on Skype he put around .3g in itOK, I give, how big are those bowls?
That matters to some of us you know.....
on Skype he put around .3g in it
That's what he told me too, so his story checks out
I use to own a collective and helped patients out for about 2 years, i think i can eyeball a .3 give or take a .08