never seen a crome o ring on the persei almost looks like a zmax or somthin sick
Pick a weapon grab a water piece look for some fitting to adapt!
Your drawer should be equipped with:
14mm to 18mm reducer bushing
18mm male to 18mm male adapter
14mm male to 18mm male adapter
18mm female to 14mm male adapter
18mm + 18mm females x 18mm male adapter
I have more and will still get more.
Glass fittings are a must!
Think like a plumber!
Ash Collectors
Water pipes
Even some tubing!
Plus W9 TECH gear.
I'm sure I forgot a boat load of stuff.
Tomorrow is a new day!
As the Chief say's: "Go big or go home"!
never seen a chrome o ring on the persei almost looks like a zmax or somthin sick
I had the CHROME PERSEI first.
The BLACK ring was originally what it came with.
So I bought a BLACK PERSEI with a CHROME ring and switch them.
My favorite color is RED so I got a RED one.
Now they have a TEAL BLUE one that looks cool.
I started A@@ backwards and finally got a OMICRON.
LOVE it!