I wish I had someone to share all this fun with!Can we pick one for you? or do you share?
This week I will fill the TANK with CO2 OIL on the OPHOS.

I wish I had someone to share all this fun with!Can we pick one for you? or do you share?
yes, and yes.I've noticed that some of you seem to be very knowledgeable and experienced, so here's a beginner's question:
After about three weeks I just burnt out both 5 ohm carts that came with my Persei, on the same day. Although I'm thinking about switching to the Hercules when the time comes, I'd like to learn what caused this.
Two things I was doing that seem suspect to me are 1) Sticking a paperclip down the air hole until it hits the heating element (I may not have been gentle enough) and 2) I may have been heating the carts too close to the heating element/seal when filling.
I'd like to know other possible causes, if any, so I can zero in on this.
Will the new Hercules will make these problems obsolete?
Any comments are welcome, thanks.
When did they die? you could just break it immediately or damage it and shorten its life by either of those.
Also, over heating in use. the 5 ohm/7.4V (and maybe 6V) combo heats quickly and uses oil fast. Sometimes before the 2nd heater can heat the supply to flow to the wick. This causes dry fire and quickly over heats the coil. The oil is a cooling source too.
It's good to know that I can minimize this problem, at least, by using lower volage/ohms, or at least that's how it seems to me.
Yes, but that wasn't my point. Pulsing the power w/o changing the ohms/voltage. Its temperature control.
The beauty of an electric vape setup is the ability to control the temperature which yields the best vape on all fronts (my opinion). Using a torch/flame just can't yield the same results. The Persei using the high voltage and therefore a higher resistance cart (5 ohms) can produce a great deal of vapor and it also allows temperature control by the user modulating the power on and off plus using air through the cart. This is the secret sauce for using the Persei/Omicron cart setup. The other secret(s) are effective loading, knowing when to reload, knowing how to clear a clog, knowing when there is a bubble (between the wax and the wick) and how to remove it![]()
OK, keep your finger on the bottom of the cart, if it get too hot to touch, stop hitting the power and cool it via air flow. If it doesn't get too hot to touch, all is OK. Same with filling.
These are all things I have learned from other member(s) here.
Wow, I want a shot of my dog with a roller like that. All I got is this. Guess he likes drinking more, but I would like to get him into vapingI think thats why it's usually recommended you master the 2.4's at 3v before you move onto anything else really... i burnt out my original 5 ohms too not really knowing what I was doing. The 2.4's at 3v are pretty hard to overheat &burn unless you're doing it intentionally.
I am so into this thing but one of the things scaring me is the amount of variations out there. Then there's all the attachments, then power options. Totally fucking confused! The way it looks is if I buy everything that we all ta'k about it seems that I'm spending cloud type money for a port? I want something for oils on the go and maybe flowers at times. I feel like I am buying an erector set!
I loaded .8g of
You might be happier with one of the smaller variants, like the normal Omicron or an O-PHOS/Omicron Light!
The whole point of the Persei is to be able to support all sorts of wacky attachments and different power levels!
I know why your carts are leaking....![]()
If I absolutely must explain, you unfortunately managed to miss all the warnings about how you shouldn't load more than .5 on an empty cart.
I feel like I am buying an erector set!
It says .5 to 1g in the manual. The owner told me .7-.9 so I loaded .8. Explain
I was absolutely looking for a very different response then just to look into an easier unit. Thanks for your efforts.
Understood, but many of us look at that very thing as a feature don't you know..... Modular design is a good thing to many. Here, I think, you just need a little more research. And some experience.
For starters, I'd suggest a Persei (since you eventually want to do bud) and some 2.4 Ohm Omicron carts. Not 5s like come with it. Buy a pack of 2.4s and learn to use them well and you'll be a happy camper with good quality concentrates. Hundreds of us are.
Persei has the power so you can later go to 7.4 Volts (rather than 3.7 for the 2.4 Ohm carts) and get serious power to drive a bender or maybe the new SR-71 depending on how that plays out for bud (still being evaluated now). But you're on the right track, get the Persei and some 2.4s. Weigh your carts before you load them (they're all a little different). Be careful in your loading to preheat the center well before melting the load down (following the instructions on the D9 site). Load only .5 grams at most to start, wait until you're down to .2 left before adding more. Never do dry burns for any reason. Be sure to cool it down after a hard run.
Stick with concentrates that pass 'the foil test'. Put a tiny dab on some foil and heat it from below with your lighter. You want it to quickly and completely melt, flow freely and evaporate cleanly off leaving at most a tiny deposit. Anything less will jam the cart and fast. Otherwise you'll probably get 3 grams or so useful life at say 300 hits to the gram if you're careful. 'Mid weight' concentrates work best (avoid really thin ones and 'shatters' and glasses until you're up to speed). Favor lighter colors, they usually work out best in many areas.
Yes, I'm sure he's well aware of the manual. Most of us have read it. He's trying to give you the benefit of our experience, take it if you want, but I see no reason why he should be explaining other peoples advice.
IMO using 5 Ohm carts as a rookie is guaranteeing trouble. Leaks and burnt oil are sure to follow quickly. As will putting a heavy load of concentrate in and not controlling the heat properly (because you're a rookie....) will give you leaks with near 100% certainty. 5 Ohm cart are for experts, seriously. That's 'in the manual' too you know. IMO you're fighting over your weight.
I'm sorry you're having troubles, but frankly it's to be expected given what you're doing. Persei is not a toy, it's a powerful tool and you need to be a craftsman in it's use.....
Please read my advice above, I think it'll set you right. Switch to 3.7 Volts, get some 2.4s, load them carefully no more than .5 with good concentrates and learn to work with the carts. There's two heaters in there and wicks that need feeding.....that part's your responsibility. Soon enough you be able to use 5s successfully.....but master 2.4s first.
Good luck.
WTF, over.....
Can I use the double barrel on with 2 2.4's and a 3.7 v battery?
Thank you.
with a heavy learning curve, this should be shipped with 2.4 volts. Can I use the double barrel on with 2 2.4's and a 3.7 v battery?
You're welcome. I assume you meant 2.4 Ohm carts (3.7 Volts), but don't agree. Persei is for experts, you wouldn't believe the rants that would happen if they did that ('....why did I waste my money on this POS? My Omicron did this....'). Guys buy Persei specifically because of the 'weapon of mass vaporization' theme.
Once again, being all things to all men getting messed up in practice.
Speaking of practice, get those 2.4s and practice, practice, practice. One of the great punch lines of all time, BTW.....'how do you get to Carnegie Hall?'......Practice, practice, practice.
Best wishes.
I just took too many shortcuts, but wanted the best.
How do I put a signature line in with all my toys so far? cant' seem to find in profile settings.
How do I put a signature line in with all my toys so far? cant' seem to find in profile settings.