No nibbler for me...(sorry).
Non-related question: I'm still trying to decide whether I need an SR-71. I've been looking through the forums, watching you-tube videos, etc. The THC Scientific guy in the official video says something like "The Hercules SR-71. Why do you need one? I don't know!" I just thought that was amusing, because I'm having the same problem. Here are the positives I'm aware of:
1. High grade materials
2. Insulator/heat shield
3. Ceramic core that heats more evenly
4. Interchangeable cartridges
5. Different air hole design
6. Handles water-extracted oils well
If anyone would like to chime in with a positive or even negative comment about the SR-71, I would enjoy the input before making my decision!
The highest positive of Herc SR, for me, is that it is, essentially, not disposable, where the Omicron cartridges are. The function of the Omi-carts, as far as I can tell, depends on a wick that will eventually run out, heat wires that can be easily fried with misuse, along with the condition of your oils.
New users, careful though they may be, are likely to ruin Omi-carts off the bat by overheating during a fill, putting the wrong consistency concentrate, putting too much or too little concentrate, priming incorrectly, dry-burning ("pre-oxidizing"), drawing too hard or too little, overheating by the button, the list goes on. In short, it's a lot of conditions for someone new to the product line to keep track of.
Let's say it takes an average new user 3-8 cartridges to overcome the learning curve in filling and usage. Buying them individually they'd spend about as much on 8 carts as they would on the Herc SR. The 8 Omi-carts will probably have a shorter life span than Herc SR (unless you're Vitolo), won't be able to handle such a broad range of concentrate, will hold hostage .2 of your concentrate just as a "lubricant", and can fall victim to any of the above conditions. For new users there is a lot that can go wrong from the get go, I mean, you can ruin your cart from
filling it wrong, never mind the further trial and error of actually getting to use it.
The Herc SR seems to address most of this. Given you assemble it correctly and use it at proper volt, you won't have problems filling, overfilling, overheating, and you won't have to start over with a fresh cart every time you do something wrong. It's the prepping process that has made the full function of the Omi-carts inaccessible for some, and it is the prepping process that the Herc SR sidesteps. The bulk of the learning comes from how you draw from it and how you heat it with the button, and IMO that simplicity is far more valuable in the $120 Herc when you consider the time, frustration, and oil you'll be saving yourself.