A long while back I found a trick that made a cart of mine work FANTASTIC.
THC Scientific asked me to send them that cart to study... and I did.
I had a "straight pin" ... but not one with traditional flat head.
This one came with a newly wrapped shirt, as one of pins holding the shirt together...
It had a rounded (beadlike) head, that was ever so slightly smaller than a regular straight pin head.
This was before filling tools.. when we used to use a toothpick or pin to "guard" that hole during filling.
My in was in place... That was when I realized the head was smaller than normal.. as I watched the bead that was this pin's head slip into that hole beyond my reach..
I figured my cart was toast.
To my surprise that cart never clogged and gave the greatest hits ever... always flowing free...
somehow the pin plugging that hole helped.
As I said I sent it to THC Scientific to look at.
I did this with a couple more carts.. with same results.
Somewhere along the line I forgot about doing this and began just using carts as normal....
and "unclogging" the usual way.. with bursts of power, and oral suction.
.....unless I gunked it up just right and got lucky this time.
Could be.. maybe both of our unusual performance was coincidence~