I can attest to that. Just got a call from THC, it was a good chat. I now will not hesitate to recommend his products to budies(although I'm sure they sell themselves with sample tastes).
My latest success with the 4 ohm carts has gone like so:
Fri: Filled the 2 carts that came with the Persei. Slight preheat, fill, and slight(but strong enough melt down. Prime at 7.4+/- (fresh batteries so closer to 8.4). Started hitting good, holding button down for 5 to 6 secs at a time. Tried a double cart, fell on floor with my eyes crossed

, decided to stick to a single, because I'm not a dabber. I got a total of about 12 rips before my first one died(RIP "Cartalingus"..never name a cart, it will just die). On to the next. Couldn't get rid of the oily taste after 15+ hits(don't worry, they're on it). Reclaim. Opened a 5 pack of 4 ohms. Same filling method, but Dub mentioned its a good idea to prime with 3.7(makes total sense with the kind of heat these 4 ohm carts can produce). So with it known that the standard 2.4 carts at 3.7 take a while to heat up, I wasn't worried to take 10 - 15 second hits w/4 ohm @ 3.7. I ripped it off and on 30 mins or less, probably 10 good long ones to make sure the wick is fully saturated before it found its way to the 7.4 setup. Once it got on there, I was very cautious, I've been taking "perforated" hits 2-3 secs on and 1-2 off, and repeat 2 or 3 times. I've been using 1 mainly, but I did test my other(out of the five pack) plenty to make sure its good and ready incase I need a double barrel. Both carts are working awsome, taste great.... I'm happy. Thanks THC/Dub, I don't know how you handle C.S yourselves, with my tile install business, I have a customer every couple weeks to make happy once, and then I don't here from them for a couple years when they need more work. Good work. I'm going to try and step up the time of my perforated hits, maybe to 3-4 secs on with 2-3 off. Any one who's still burniing out carts, remember, OVERheating anything will burn stuff out. This definitely a "TOMV", and easier to medicate than ever b4.
P.S. Were all going to get through the learning curve of these 4 ohm carts together.