How many hits are my fellow Herc users getting per tank? I know there is a learning curve for all new tech but I'm only getting 10 hits per tank, which equals about the same efficiency of a nail rig :-/ I am probably doing something wrong.
Regarding a few questions:
Airflow-very very easy to pull. As flow reduces, there are 2 air holes that could possibly clog (and can be pin cleared with the Herc fully assembled and hot.
"Caution Hot" is not printed on the insulator to cover G's ass legally. Its there to save patients from seriously burning ourselves. This thing really retains heat. It also appears that either the inner sleeve (metal) expands or the insulator (delrin) contracts; either way the result is I have to flip the mouth piece over and use it like a tap press to drop the herc internals from the insulator. Also, do not attempt to inspect or swap tanks until the herc has fully cooled (10 minutes give or tank at room temp, putting it near a duct or a fan helps) because you will drip wax all over your pants and desk (yes...this happened, good thing levi's has a black friday sale. It felt cool enough to not burn me...but was still hot)
Battery efficiency: Better than The Bender, but not in the realm of carts (you wont get 200 hits from a charge). This should make sense as soon as one looks at the heater core. It's 75" the size of a bender core and also ceramic.
I plan to record a few clips and take pics of the cleaning I will do today and will post links later