Modnote: Merged into the correct thread.
I have no idea where to post this so i chose here because i had 15% success.
I originally got high off the idea of having a vape pen. Literally i wasnt smoking and was looking up vape pens all day. I was gonna go with the Gentlemans vape, but decided to go for quality and get the omicron. It was on my mind 24/7 i would get happy just thinking about it. I went to my dispensary and they talked me into getting a PERSEI and said it was more durable/powerful/had more accessories,etc....
They even hooked me up with free wax to start with. That night i showed my homies who dont smoke at all, and they called me stupid for wasting 200$. It was so hard to make the cartridge work after filling, I deemed it dead and remelted it to a new cartridge which I had success smoking with my brother. Got us a high, and a few days later used it for the second time and after that sesh it was toasted.
I purchased more wax, a new cartridge and melted it in, and went to smoke... with ZERO success.
Since then I have not used it, but only have brought it out to show off. Except when showing it off if someone asks to hit it, I kindly reply no, because i have no idea how to work it.
Since then I purchased 1 Gram of Red Diamond Oil which comes in a syringe and a new cartridge and both have been sitting next to the Persei for a couple weeks now.
I am too pussy to fill up the cartridge for if i make a mistake all that oil is gone.
I have no idea where to go from here. I wish i could trade for something simple as a Trippy Stick, although i go to the classifieds here and i need 50 posts. If anyone has any suggestions, please respond. But dont respond with trades or buys for then I will be kicked out.FUCK COMBUSTION