okay updating my reports on bender.
several things I have found that work.
Vaping is keeping temperature as controled as possible. Staying cooler vs hotter works better.
I start with bender empty and heat up until Hammer glows. no top on. (apx 15-20 sec) Then I fill with about .25 or about half way up the rod inside bowl.(dont grind to much as too fine and u will have trouble with material coming into mouth) Put top on and press button and start very slow draw. (be careful as drawing too hard will cause herb in mouth) Hold button for 5 -10 seconds and keep drawing for at least 10 seconds after releasing. I get most of my good hit after button released. Stayin on cool side I get 5-8 draws from .25 stirring between each hit. You will tell if you are heating it up to much or not continuing to draw after release if you see smoke vapor when u take top of to stir.
I am finding that by using less material and stirring i can optimize hits. These are not massive clouds but just perfect vapor. Using Aromed for 5 years has made me realize how temp control most important. Aromed works with a light bulb and sorta like a dimmer switch control by thermometer. U see the light get brighter and hotter as well as dim and get cooler as you use vape.
Only problem I am really dealing with is the dryness of vape and drawing small particles through.
Notice dry burning mouth after using. (would mean temp too hot and not having water between vape so I need to drink more while using. And if I do draw hard when temp gets too hot I get material in throat.
I found filling bowl full caused more material in mouth and more chance of overheating and burn taste.
G if you could figure a way to have a fine screen between mouthpiece and bowl that is removable might work. I am going to try to cut one of mine to see if it woud work just not sure how to hold in place.
Taste is great as long as you stay cool on temperature. It is easy to burn if u stay on button to long.
Design wise this thing is built well and fits hammer tight. Just be careful leaving bender on persei as it can fall over easy etc.
G I wonder if you got a connector that would take a halogen light bulb and use that for source of heat might work just as well. The visual of a light bulb easier to read then the hammer rod. If you check out an aromed or their site you can see how similar concept in heat. Light bulb might be easier to control heat then hammer? More for herbal usage then concentrates etc.
After 24 hours I am very impressed. Just have lots of batteries. This is a great personal portable tool.