Persei is a solid unit for sure, and it is as you say, evolving. My understanding is G is about ready to start testing prototypes of the new Universe design. Assuming that goes well, I'd guess we're looking at two months to delivery? I'll take "September first" in the pool..... The 8, I think, is in for some serious redesign over heat issues (always a tough issue with this kinda stuff). That will no doubt take a bit of time, especially since the new engineer will no doubt be part of it and will need some extra time to 'get to speed'? IMO it's too cool a product to abandon.....and I tested it.
Not to forget 'plan B' which I think is nearly ready to go (working on the glass part?). It's the fall back using the Hammer (or is it nail, I get confused looks more like a nail than a hammer to me....) to heat herbs.
Iris is, I think, the upcoming Variable Voltage Persei. You'll be able to select the voltage you want in .1 Volt steps. You'll also be able to read power delivered, cart resistance and a bunch of other nerd stuff to keep both of us happy. Cool product, I hope it comes in other than chrome.....
Then again, I could be way wrong, happens often enough......