@THC SCIENTIFIC Can you tell us more about the recent modifications to the Kiss Globe dual Ti coil carts?
I noticed the most recent ones seem different than the first batch. The grade 2 Ti wire seems thicker than the kind used on globe coils in the past. Also the ceramic cup looks much more shallow than before. The two coils now sit flush with the lip of the cup just like the Kiss AC dual coil carts.
@THC SCIENTIFIC The coils look all around beefier on that new globe skillet... Are they capable of going to a higher voltage, like a KISS AC skillet?
@elmoe420 or anyone else who's used both Nibbler G and Okeanos v2:
I see from your sig you have both

- how would you describe the relative cooling and moisturizing of these two? Similar? Nibbler is better? I'm trying to decide between the two. They sort of seem to occupy similar space. I'm trying to understand why one would choose one vs the other.
I'd be using this with an Omi HVD. I'm deliberately leaving the coil choice out of the equation for the moment as that's a whole other variable that confuses the decision
Thanks for any comments!
@jezmund : What
@elmoe420 said.
I don't have a nibbler to compare to; just a generic "aqua bubbler" in place of the nibbler G, and I find that slightly better than the Okeanos as far as water filtration/cooling, but just by a smidgen.
The Okeanos holds something like 2mL of water (micro bubbler), and does not provide a very satisfying bubbler experience, IMO; It's better than just a globe, but it's not going to replace a solid piece for home use, just for travel. it is very durable and replacement glass can be ordered if you DO break it, so i assume it was designed as a travel piece - almost feels like it's made for camping.
The Okeanos is 601 thread and the globes are 510, so you'd be using different coils in each. You didn't want to bring coils into the equation, but that's kind of an important factor to remember.
Also to bring into consideration is the advent of the KISS AC - it has a special diameter, so the nibbler G will not work with it if you eventually use it. I don't know if the new v3 KISS carts will fit the height of the Okeanos like the old ones and the KISS mini, but because of the 601 threading the Okeanos can use more skillet options.
If the Okeanos water level was more forgiving, I'd recommend it in a heartbeat, just for its versatility of skillet type and rugged construction; it sounds like you're looking for a daily driver, which is what I think the nibblers are designed for. If I misunderstood, and you're looking to take something on hikes, go Okeanos.
The Okeanos and the Nibbler are not really designed with the same purpose in mind; the Nibbler G is all glass, has more water volume, and fits a globe only; the Okeanos fits 601 skillets (height is the biggest issue with fit, here), is incredibly rugged/durable, but has a very low max water volume.