In anticipation of my alpha arriving I was reading the manual online but I couldn't find ANY voltage information, I'm scared to use my alpha now since i have no idea what batteries to use for the coils! I hope they come with labels on the coils themselfs! What did you guys who got your alpha end up doing? I couldn't find any battery info in the manual which really strikes me as strange lol
The 1701 / donut / brass one is marked "3.7v", but you'll not see it marked on the other two. Technique-wise, I find I really have to juice this one up for a while to get hot enough to start emitting vapor. You'll get some whispy puffs, but I haven't found a solid cloud -- but with the taste you get it doesn't matter. This cart will take time and technique both to learn and in the individual sesh imo. Zen-like.
Both the single and dual coil carts work at either 3.7v or 7.4v, with the idea being 3.7v lets you ride the button for flavor rather than clouds while the 7.4v give you an instant face-blast button that you only want to tap, less it weld itself to your face.. Technique is similar to each, the dual is operating with an extra bit of MANERGY.
At 3.7v with a freshly-charged AW 18650, it takes 3-4 seconds to heat up the first press, and then I can feather the button for 1-2 seconds at a time. If you just hold the button down, the taste can go south in a hurry - if you see anything glow red, it's going to start to taste nasty..
At 7.4v this carts park you in a higher orbit. The button isn't a technique anymore. It's a deathwish. You don't have to learn to time the first hit, feathering to keep the heat to a certain level, etc. You tap that thing like you're petting a snake - press on and gtfo! I see some others saying 1-2 seconds, but on a freshly charged pair of AW 18350s, one second is like ordering 5 star spicy at the Thai place - you're issuing a challenge to the chef - is it going to taste or is it going to burn?
Intuition has us want to hold the button until we get the result we want. Now it becomes tap it and you'll see what you want in a split second. I might start off with an almost second
press, let go and get ready to dodge behind a bulwark for cover, but I left that thing in my mouth. Time stopped for a split second and I start to feel the impact within. But still hanging on and inhaling.
Tap... Don't even think about trying to hold or time it at this point. Uh oh. Yup.
Inhale. Don't
Tap... My eyes grow wider at disbelief at what my finger is doing...
Sip... Tank full.
About 20 minutes later I try to remember if there was a cloud.
I think there was. If there was I bet it was magnificent. What was I doing?
Oh yeah... Copper color seems to be 3.7v only... Color coding? We'll see