The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
For all of you who are currently on a CannaBreak, and who are suffering with anxiety/stress/restlessness, I highly recommend you take a look at this thread: The Wim Hof Method Thread

To preface this, I'm a science loving skeptic. I look at all ideas with a healthy dealof skepticism, but I try my best to remain open to new beliefs/techniques, when they seem to have some validity upon further research. I had kept this method on the back burner, so to speak, for the last few years, while I occasionally practiced forms of deep breathing (4-7-8 technique is one of my favorites for calming down), but I was drawn back into the world of the WHM this pasts winter/spring, and decided to fully immerse myself (ice bath pun) in the practices, to see what they're all about. My current conclusion is that the claims and benefits are often backed by some solid research studies (available for free, online, including the links provided in the original thread), and that there my lack of negative side effects, coupled with a rekatively storng (especially for a non-chemical treatment) successful results in my own life, make it worth it for me to continue on my WHM journey, and to stay observant and open to what may come.

So far, I've gottn 3-4 people to experiment with a cold shower, or even ice bath dip, and they all immediately replied with "that was amazing". People who would be the first to tell me you're insane, i never doing that shit again". :lol:

The WHM focuses largely on a specific breathing technique (explained in detail, in the thread), and cold exposure, and can have beneficial effects such as (I highlighted the ones most directly connected to CannaBreaks)...
1. Reduced inflammation
2. Reduced stress
3. Improved sleep quality

4. Increased willpower
5. Improved cold tolerance
6. Overall mental health improvement
7. Altitude sickness mitigation
8. Asthma / Arthritis management
9. COPD management
10. Increased immune system effectiveness

It also gives you a mild-strong buzz, which doesn't last very long, but long enough to center yourself, and get some productive meditation done.

No, it's not the easiest thing you'll ever do.
No, it's not a cure all.
No, it isn't going to permanently and immediately remove all of your stressors.
Yes, I find, that with months of self-experientation, it has been worth it for me, so much so, that I have only missed 1 day of completing my WHM routine, in the last 90 days. I ntoice a strong effect on m y physicaolgical and mental states. I am much more calm, focused, and on top of the world, after competing the routine, than I feel when I first wake up.

The method has helped many people feel much better, both mentally and physically, particularly those with mental healthor autoimmune afflictions, so I wanted to share it with all of you.

Feel free to hit me up for any additional information or guidance related to the WHM, eithe ron the thread, or via DM. I'd be happy to share more about my experiences, and personal practices.

***Safety Notes***
I am NOT a doctor, and I do not know your personal physical limitationsn and ailments, so I can't say tha it is 100% safe for you. There is more infor about people who should avoid certain parts of the method, in the dedicated thread, but you should still check with your doctor about how safe each phsase of the method is for you specifically.

For starters, it strongly affects your heart rate, so you should br careufl if you have ehart issues. It also can causeeye problems, if you use the stage which is often referred to as "squeezin you inhaled retention breath" (something I've come to understand as the valsalva maneuver, but this eneds confirmation), if you have any for of retinapathy, including diabetic retinopathy.

You can also faint in the middle of the breath work rounds, so be cognizant of your surroundings, dont do the breath work while standing, driving, riding a bike, or in any body of water, as fainting can have catasrphic effects, in thosescenarios. Set yourself up with pillows, in case you fall. I have yet to pass out, but I can definitely see how others have done so. Don't push yourself past the limits your body tries to make you aware of. None of this method is about pushing past our own limits in a rushed way, It's all gradual improvement over time, and everybody is different. It would not be recommended that you jump into a frozen lake on your first attempt. You can die. Start light. Listen to your body. Remember, that you don't need to push hard Enjoy the feelings.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
It been a while since my last break maybe two or even three months. Typically I take two days off a month plus a few days of only having .1 right at bedtime before the break then starting back up slowly. I'm passed due on a break so maybe this week, tomorrow or the day after. Even though I haven't taken a break for a while I haven't been sitting still, been rationing and cutting back my dose, my last cut was a bit deeper than I've done in the past and it took a while to adjust. I'm trying to get a firmer grip on my cannabis use but I think I've hit the limit of cut backs due to diminishing returns effects wise. It's not that I don't feel high because I do maybe equally so to the bigger dose I was on but I've been steadily feeling worse as I've cut back my dose, my appetite is basically non existent aside from when I vape more heavily in the evening and eating right before bed is not the best thing for digestion. My sleep seems to be worse but some of that is dealing with the summer heat with no ac. And generally I feel unwell even with my daytime micro dosing .1 , 1/5 at a time every few hours. I've been trying everything I can think of from cutting out coffee to be gentiler on my stomach, adjusting levels of other meds, significantly cutting back on tobacco, but nothing works. My doctor has no ideas on what to try to help me other than restarting my steroid treatment but that is no option for me. I seemed to be doing better when I was vaping.5 or more daily, I'm currently down to .25-.3 which doesn't sound like a major change but I'm noticing it and I tend to do a bit better on weekends when I indulge more. I had hoped to eliminate all daytime vaping and further cut back to .1-.2 per day or maybe every other day but that currently doesn't feel like a option.

This break will only be a short one but I have plans of a bigger break looming, I need to quit tobacco and I've got smoking so mixed and intertwined with vaping it's been impossible to quit. Planning on like a month long break from vaping while I quit tobacco , Then slowly restarting vaping. It will be quite the challenge and I'm not sure I have what it takes but I'm not sure I have any other choice either. But I'm not only interested in quitting tobacco though that is the main focus but I also need to see if the weed is helping or hurting me, its been a good 6-7 years since I've had any real time away from cannabis I need to know with more certainty what cannabis is doing for me. Now isn't the time for several reasons but I'm shooting for sometime this fall when it cools off and I have a easier time getting some sleep. Wish me luck

Moses Baca

Colorado State Reformatory #8755
I'm breathing easier so I'm sleeping better. Lots of crazy dreams! I think I've dropped a couple pounds from quitting the nightly beers, too. Good physical results so far, which is what I was hoping for. I'm still working on the mental side, breaking the habits of automatically reaching for the vape and a beer when I'm around the house. I really enjoy a vape and a beer.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.


Well-Known Member
I'm breathing easier so I'm sleeping better. Lots of crazy dreams! I think I've dropped a couple pounds from quitting the nightly beers, too. Good physical results so far, which is what I was hoping for. I'm still working on the mental side, breaking the habits of automatically reaching for the vape and a beer when I'm around the house. I really enjoy a vape and a beer.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.
The odd thing for me was how cannabis put me on an Official BeerBreak that lasts to this day. I look at pictures from even a few years ago and am amazed at how far I let myself go--just by a couple of beers a night. The calories add up.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I'm on my second day of my break and it's going like it usually does, not much sleep to speak of last night and I had double dose of coffee this morning just trying to combat the grogginess. I'm probably suffering more from the heat than daytime cravings, not sure if it's a blessing or curse but it seems to be distracting me. I'm Canadian so I'm quite sensitive to the hot weather, I can feel the ice water in my veins starting to melt and I don't like it ☹️ But I'm not cracking and I'm not vaping cbd either so its a true break, and I think I might have to extend it for a few additional days, due to re registered bs from my grower and longer than usual mail delivery my next order is going to show up a bit late. No big deal a few extra days won't kill me but I expect to not accomplish much the next few days with such low energy levels.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I broke...... but only half way, had to vape a little cbd but I'm staying strong on the thc. Don't know if it's because its been a while since my last break, or the heat maybe both but this break is kicking my ass. Barely getting 2 hrs of sleep a night and my appetite is awful, I only ate 1 porkchop the previous 2 days and still wasn't hungry today. Had to have some cbd to try and help which it did only slightly, didn't give me a appetite but it at least helped with the queasiness I've been feeling and was able to stomach a small sandwich. I'm hoping that getting my stomach to work a little and another dose of cbd and maybe in a few hours I can have a small meal. Light headedness and feeling foggy and drifty, nausea and exhausted from lack of sleep, these aren't new problems to me but I've never been on a break feeling this poorly before. Breaks are unpleasant and not easy but usually it's not nearly unbearable! I'm not willing to quit the break unless my hand is forced by not getting any sleep at all so for now I'm going to keep soldiering on until Tuesday night, that was my plan and I'm going to try and stick with it. But I will be using cbd as needed, and it is needed. 2-3 days is my typical break and I've crossed that threshold, I'm not even sure why I have such a bee in my bonnet about Tuesday, all I know is that I'm not with it enough to answer myself. It's not like I'm even out of weed, I have plenty. Maybe I'm turning into a masochist in my old age or something? Dam


Well-Known Member
I broke...... but only half way, had to vape a little cbd but I'm staying strong on the thc.

How does CBD interact with the ECS?

The other major cannabinoid found in cannabis is cannabidiol (CBD). Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t make you “high” and typically doesn’t cause any negative effects.

Experts aren’t completely sure how CBD interacts with the ECS. But they do know that it doesn’t bind to CB1 or CB2 receptors the way THC does.

Instead, many believe it works by preventing endocannabinoids from being broken down. This allows them to have more of an effect on your body. Others believe that CBD binds to a receptor that hasn’t been discovered yet.

While the details of how it works are still under debate, research suggests that CBD can help with pain, nausea, and other symptoms associated with multiple conditions.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Not sure what made this break so difficult? The fact that I'm on my all time lowest dose of thc, the heat, being a slightly longer break than usual but I haven't had such difficulties........... maybe ever. All I can say about cbd is thank god for it, I wouldn't have been able to continue on without it, though I am a little disappointed in myself that I had to have it. This break was supposed to be a test run for the longer break I'm planning this fall when vaping won't be a option at all if I'm to quit smoking tobacco. I'm already planning on picking up a supply of cbd oil and very low dose thc edibles to help tapper down my dose rather then suddenly stoping. I have the feeling that I'm going to need every trick I can muster for success. Tomorrow night can't come soon enough when my break comes to a end but I'm also going to use the dr saluak method for resensitization, I'm sure any amount of thc will be very welcome.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Bad Dog ... the appetite thing is the worst for me when I am on a forced break ... I literally feel unable to eat at times (I term it "reverse munchies"). I'll feel like I'm starving (I think just psychologically I know I should eat), so I sit down to a meal, have 1 or 2 bytes, and I feel so full I can barely swallow the following bites. I have to force some food down by drinking water with each bite to help swallow it. This will go on for 3-7 days for me and its pretty unbearable.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I hit something of a turning point this winter with my condition and my appetite has been on a slow decline. Other then heavier vaping in the evening I have either no appetite or feel queasy to various degrees. Daytime micro dosing helps with the feeling of being sick but just doesn't seem to be enough to actually give me a appetite and have a hard time eating much more than one of those babybel little cheeses or handful of dry cereal. The first day of my break I actually ate nothing and didn't realize until the next day. I'm doing a bit better on the cbd, it helps with the queasiness but not the appetite as much. At least I know I'm not alone in my struggle


Well-Known Member
dr saluak method for resensitization, I'm sure any amount of thc will be very welcome.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I like this guide as it allows me to follow a structure, and isn't too restrictive as far as use goes.

The thing for me is it is difficult to stop altogether by me just deciding to for no compelling reason. When I have a compelling reason, like for job purposes, I can quit on the spot. Ultimately I would like to moderate my usage and I'll try the dr sulak method.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Decided to break the break a little earlier since I can vape 3 times a day with the resenitization method , hitting it twice today. But I think I might have miscalculated my dose, vaped what looked like.02 , .025 max and caught a pretty decent buzz. A bit stronger than just barely feeling it as the method called for so I hope I didn't screw myself up and will dial it back tonight. Feeling much better even a couple hours later. Thanks for listening to all my bellyaching both figurative and literal , not sure I could have made it through without the cbd and being able to bitch a little lol finally it's over........... until next time 😬


Well-Known Member
I was little confused whether or not the sensitization program from Dr Sulak allowed for cbd usage.

Your post yesterday inspired me and I decided to give it a try. Started the program yesterday evening at 7:36pm, so will break my fast tomorrow evening. I did take some cbd tincture last night and this morning, I know it helps any side effects from fasting. I don't think I can vape cbd as that will just make me want thc bud. Tomorrow will be difficult as I am working from home....

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Well I certainly hope your break goes much smoother than mine 😅 I'm still at something at a loss as too why, some sort of perfect storm of circumstances I guess? But I at least don't think I'll put off my next break for as long anyway. Yes your right he doesn't refer to cbd one way or the other but perhaps it to works for people who use cbd exclusively. But I'm not particularly cbd sensitive to begin with and I a somewhat infrequent heavy user predominantly as a anti-inflammatory for when my back is out. And I've never found using cbd during a break to impede any beneficial improvement to increased thc sensitivity upon thc reintroduction, could just be me but they are different enough from each other to allow it.


Well-Known Member
I hit something of a turning point this winter with my condition and my appetite has been on a slow decline. Other then heavier vaping in the evening I have either no appetite or feel queasy to various degrees. Daytime micro dosing helps with the feeling of being sick but just doesn't seem to be enough to actually give me a appetite and have a hard time eating much more than one of those babybel little cheeses or handful of dry cereal. The first day of my break I actually ate nothing and didn't realize until the next day. I'm doing a bit better on the cbd, it helps with the queasiness but not the appetite as much. At least I know I'm not alone in my struggle
Some studies show that CBD may have appetite suppressant effects, so that's something to be aware of, if you have appetite issues.


Well-Known Member
I did the 48 hour fast as outlined in Dr Sulak's site. I followed the protocol fo reintroducing by taking 1 inhalation and waiting 5 minutes. It took two inhalations to feel a change in my perception. I ended up doing a xpyole of sessions last night, 2 inhalations each and I was very high. Before the break I was doing at least 5 inhalations per session, if not more.

I think that I will use this method when I feel my use has gotten out of control. Working from home for months really tested me and I fell deep into vaping all day every day. In the end I feel better during the day and enjoy my sessions more when I don't vape all day. Once I get into the habit though it is hard to convince myself to cut back.

Im off todsy, so I am about to do my first session of today, still doing 1 inhalation and waiting 5 monitors before taking another.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I'm on my last day and have been very good aside from that first slight screw up but when I had my my last session 30 minutes ago I treated myself to another .2 looking load and may actually feel a little higher than the first day I had the same size load, I'm not high out of my mind but it qualifies as a gentle buzz. It only took a few flakes for me to just feel something and even the smallest of doses was enough to make my stomach feel better all day, though I was using a cbd bowl topped with a couple flakes of thc but it was more effective than the cbd alone. Even though the resenitization is over I'm still going to take things slowly and not go back to the same size loads yet and maybe stick with the 3 sessions a day for a little while............ then again it's the weekend and I could do a dab shoot for the moon 🌙 and wind up at Saturn :o so I have options lol


Well-Known Member
I'm on my last day and have been very good aside from that first slight screw up but when I had my my last session 30 minutes ago I treated myself to another .2 looking load and may actually feel a little higher than the first day I had the same size load, I'm not high out of my mind but it qualifies as a gentle buzz. It only took a few flakes for me to just feel something and even the smallest of doses was enough to make my stomach feel better all day, though I was using a cbd bowl topped with a couple flakes of thc but it was more effective than the cbd alone. Even though the resenitization is over I'm still going to take things slowly and not go back to the same size loads yet and maybe stick with the 3 sessions a day for a little while............ then again it's the weekend and I could do a dab shoot for the moon 🌙 and wind up at Saturn :o so I have options lol

Nice man, sounds like success even with the bumps along the way. That first huge weedeater load is gonna be amazing! Let us know how it goes.

This evening I had some cannabutter in the fridge I needed to use, so I baked some cookies. Of course I had to try a little, and I am starting to feel the 1/4 of a cookie I ate. Probably blew the resenitization, but I don't think I will be going back to all day vaping. I really like the method of taking an inhalation and waiting 5 minutes, it definitely helps me reduce usage and notice the more subtle effects, which I find therapeutic.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
So far my results have been great even though I somewhat blew it that first session, next time I know I can do better. My first day I took it slow, planned on three sessions, first two I just had .02 and just had a nice gentle buzz for around a hour followed by a few more just feeling more well. The last session I saved for a hour before bed , had a load size of .05 dusted with a smidge of kief......... and I was on the moon for maybe a good three hours, maybe longer but i fell asleep lol woke up in the morning still a little groggy weedy hung over but it wasn't anything a coffee couldn't chase away. But I didn't find myself really craving any weed until much later in the day so I only had two sessions yesterday, another.02 in the afternoon that was still giving me a gentle buzz, then around 7 I decided to have a small dab maybe a bit less than half of my normal size but it kicked my ass better than my very first one, left me pretty non functional a hour and I was flying for several more not capable of doing much more than taking my dog for a brief walk, I was still distinctly high when I went to bed and when I woke up a few hours later cause I was to high to remember to go to the bathroom 🚽 before bed, I was still feeling nicely elevated so it made it very easy to just get back to bed and quietly meditate until I fell back asleep. Again today I've only felt the need for two sessions, just had my first session of .05 of some lighter home grown and though I'm not on the moon, I could be in low orbit or at the very least.......... I'm on a plane ooooohhhhhh oohhh I can't complain oooooohhhhhhh oohhhh...... sorry for the bad nirvana reference lol all in all I'm very happy with my results to my tolerance and will be doing the method again.


Well-Known Member
Tolerance would be mainly why I am on day 3 of a break until the delivery of my new Switch. Also saves a bit of money while lowering tolerance so my first hits with the Switch will be legit. :D Possibly going to be a month wait with the way deliveries have been USA to Canada lately though. :\


Fmr. Captain of the 5th Division
With my current job I have to take a break from weed for a full week every few weeks, need to be sharp 24/7 for client issues and calls. Can't get drunk either, but I can at least have a drink or two on the weekends. I do use some CBD as well, doesn't seem to hurt the break and helps with the withdrawal. Makes it easier to avoid being tempted to get high when you could get an urgent phone call at any time of day or night. Today is my first day back to vaping after a week of standby, feels great. Definitely helps keep the tolerance down to take some time off every once in a while. This is perhaps more often then I would normally prefer but at least I get compensated for the overtime.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I do use some CBD as well, doesn't seem to hurt the break and helps with the withdrawal
That's been my experience as well, it just helps me feel a bit more well. I wouldn't have been able to continue my last break for as long without it, hardest break of my life for reasons unknown :shrug:

I'm already planning my next break for the end of the month, shooting for at least 3 days. Haven't decided if it will be another full break without cbd, which I suppose I should in preparation for my big break I'm planning starting sometime in September and I should see if my reaction is as severe which may be something I need to experience and discuss with my doctor.
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