The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Early morning wake up but seeing as it was technically today I decided not to medicate and begin my t break as planned. Day one: all is well........... end transmission

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Day two: woke up a few times for reasons internal and external, had my usual wake up on my own and the local coyotes decided to put on a concert around 3, but some how I managed to stay in bed till 6. The weather has been on my side should remain below seasonal for the next few days so nighttime sleeping temperature is ideal and my break couldn't have come at a better time. So far cravings aren't bad and I'm not needing all my willpower to resist, appetite is low but not non existent and I'm not feeling queasy throughout the day. Should have a better idea tomorrow night if I will start to have more difficulties. I'm usually pretty good for 3 day before my body depletes whatever thc is in my fat cells from daytime fasting, then things could get harder. Depending on how I feel tomorrow night I'll decide on extending my break or not but if all continues to go well I'll likely go a few more days. Over and out
Bad Dog,

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Day three: still not doing badly but have decided to probably end the break tomorrow. I miss vaping so perhaps I could be seen to be taking the cowards way out and not pushing it farther to see if I will experience anything like my last break but I don't care. Will be taking a different route to resensitization and ending the break with edibles, I have gummies that are 2 mg each so I shouldn't accidentally get higher than I should in keeping with the resensitization. Ending my break this way to do a better job but also to go a few more days without vaping in preparation for my big break coming up. I'll make all final decisions tomorrow morning, if I feel ok I'll take the edible but if I feel poorly I'll continue the break which might sound odd and backwards but if I'm having problems I want to experience them so I can tell my doctor what exactly is going on but I'm not overly concerned I will experience anything bad tomorrow, I think I just have a very hard time dealing with the heat without cannabis. If I ever quit weed I think I'd have to start summering at the North Pole lol
Bad Dog,

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Early morning wake up and very awake. Decided to end the break........ but not the beginning of vaping 😫 Had my first edible 1/2 hour ago and I can't feel a thing...... must be working I hope. I'll be taking it slow today but if I don't really feel anything I'll up my dose to 4 mg tonight or tomorrow. Definitely don't want to overdo it and I always find edibles subtle till you take to much lol 😂 found a helpful conversation after a bit of searching that goes 1g= 1000mg then X by the percent say 15% if that is what your bud is , giving you 150mg thc. After further crunching the numbers for my regular dose of .05 that should be 7.5mg thc which is plenty to get me baked so a edible dose of 2-4 should get me where I need to be. Fingers crossed I got the math right 🤷‍♂️

Edit: half hour later and I feel a little relaxed but not really high so I think this dose is ok but still...........
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Land of the long vapor cloud
Went on a 3 day trip to health spa/hot mineral pools and visit family for 2 days. Made a conscious decision to take a tea break while away. Have mostly missed my daily vape for nausea control and myalgia relief, but overall it's gone pretty smooth. Tonight I'll be back on the good herb, I'll be interested to see how the tolerance has changed.



Well-Known Member


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
CBD may help you transition to a break from THC:
Cannabidiol for the treatment of cannabis use disorder: a phase 2a, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, adaptive Bayesian trial

In the first randomised clinical trial of cannabidiol for cannabis use disorder, cannabidiol 400 mg and 800 mg were safe and more efficacious than placebo at reducing cannabis use.
I'm going on a canna break just a quick 3-4 day break. I'm just not getting the desired effects and hoping this will be enough. I am using CBD flower to help. I was tempted to go back to concentrates but that ultimately to me feels like I'm delaying the inevitable. I use to use 3-4 GS of rosin on a normal day, until I had to cannabreak finally. So I figured to stick with herb and take a quick break before it turns into a long one because my tolerance is through the roof.


I use to use 3-4 GS of rosin on a normal day,

Damn, that might be the highest I’ve ever heard, not to put you on the spot but that’s almost an ounce a day in equivalent flower. How much flower are you vaping per day right now?

Know what you mean about the muted effects, been vaping so frequently this year from everything going on that it’s harder to get those real breakthroughs.


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Damn, that might be the highest I’ve ever heard, not to put you on the spot but that’s almost an ounce a day in equivalent flower. How much flower are you vaping per day right now?

Know what you mean about the muted effects, been vaping so frequently this year from everything going on that it’s harder to get those real breakthroughs.
An oz. Of flower last me about 3-4 now. With work being slow right now *agriculture* I have more time on my hands to "relax" and I know exactly what you mean by not breaking through. Right now I'm stuck on the brink of haze and cannot catch one, concentrates are a slippery slope for me especially with where I live. Got my good ol state laws to help thank for my 4 year hiatus on this forum. Imo thc is thc no matter what form. If US can abolish crack laws because they were to extreme, they need to blanket law thc as it's own category not flowers, hash, etc.
Sorry diverged the thread. Canna-break already trying to get me worked up. I have been trying to limit my use the past few days to try and lower my tolerance but the couple sessions I have I had to just tap out and come to conclusion that it just wasn't going to get the job done.
With all this spare time I'm ordering 510 connectors, rdas, 18650 kits a pottery wheel and making a kiln. Starting a diy vape. My goal with it is a g43/vapbong. With 18650 in bottom of water piece where the firing button will be, 510 extension from bottom to a 510 heater with ceramic body around it instead of wood.


Land of the long vapor cloud
Damn, that might be the highest I’ve ever heard, not to put you on the spot but that’s almost an ounce a day in equivalent flower. How much flower are you vaping per day right now?

Know what you mean about the muted effects, been vaping so frequently this year from everything going on that it’s harder to get those real breakthroughs.

Yes, but you have to vape all that herb to test that marvelous magical medicine machine you're developing! That's gonna be a real breakthrough.


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Well I failed first day boys... I'll lie to my momma but wouldn't dare lie to you guys haha. My friend bought his first vape off me and OF COURSE it had to be the highly complex Boundless CFX. So naturally I had to help him... lmao, I suck... for real.... I have been cutting down my usage to only a couple maybe 3 times a day and minimal usage. To try and lower my tolerance. I felt like this guy yesterday.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Thinking about taking my big vaping break/quitting tobacco starting tomorrow 😬 This will be my biggest break in a few years. While I'm getting the nicotine out of my system I'll be taking edible thc oil 2-3 a day for the first week, tapering down my dose every day. Then a week of cbd oil, then 2 weeks full cannabis break. Hoping to make it successfully through to the other side............. wish me luck

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Good luck or break a leg, not sure which is more appropriate.
Thanks dude and fuk do I need all the help I can get, had a epic first day fail. First thing yesterday morning I smoked tobacco :doh: I had half a cigar left and rather than having the forethought of just throwing it out the night before I put it in the usual spot out of habit. It was early, I was mentally coasting....... but I fucked up realizing it on the exhale 😾 so I bumped my break by a day 😩 tonight thunderstorms are keeping me up............... always something am I right? But I have no tobacco and had some oil , maybe back to bed but I don’t think it’ll kick fast enough. Putting the kettle on and starting the day. Day 1 it over yet lol 😆 I’m hoping my plan works and my month not to shit but bad things tend to happen when I try and quit smoking, last time COVID happened 😱 sorry guys my bad , just hope the universe doesn’t blink out of existence or something 😬1599032557626.png


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude and fuk do I need all the help I can get, had a epic first day fail. First thing yesterday morning I smoked tobacco :doh: I had half a cigar left and rather than having the forethought of just throwing it out the night before I put it in the usual spot out of habit. It was early, I was mentally coasting....... but I fucked up realizing it on the exhale 😾 so I bumped my break by a day 😩 tonight thunderstorms are keeping me up............... always something am I right? But I have no tobacco and had some oil , maybe back to bed but I don’t think it’ll kick fast enough. Putting the kettle on and starting the day. Day 1 it over yet lol 😆 I’m hoping my plan works and my month not to shit but bad things tend to happen when I try and quit smoking, last time COVID happened 😱 sorry guys my bad , just hope the universe doesn’t blink out of existence or something 😬View attachment 2214
When I felt I had enough vaping, I think it helped me also NOT to visit any internet cannabis related forum.
If it has to be internet forums, sign up to a dogs related forum or anything else you like to get informed into.
Here you'll find notifications and news on existing or upcoming vapes and such and that is no good imho, just when you want to quit or pause that habit.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude and fuk do I need all the help I can get, had a epic first day fail. First thing yesterday morning I smoked tobacco :doh: I had half a cigar left and rather than having the forethought of just throwing it out the night before I put it in the usual spot out of habit. It was early, I was mentally coasting....... but I fucked up realizing it on the exhale 😾 so I bumped my break by a day 😩 tonight thunderstorms are keeping me up............... always something am I right? But I have no tobacco and had some oil , maybe back to bed but I don’t think it’ll kick fast enough. Putting the kettle on and starting the day. Day 1 it over yet lol 😆 I’m hoping my plan works and my month not to shit but bad things tend to happen when I try and quit smoking, last time COVID happened 😱 sorry guys my bad , just hope the universe doesn’t blink out of existence or something 😬
I know I push it a lot, but in case you haven't see it yet, you might also want to check out the Wim Hof Method thread. It's focused on a breathing exercise that triggers a pretty intense calm/buzzy sensation, and can help with pain management, anxiety, stress, inflammation, etc., especially when combined properly with cold water exposure. I wish I knew about it back when I did a 199 day break.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I know I push it a lot, but in case you haven't see it yet, you might also want to check out the Wim Hof Method thread. It's focused on a breathing exercise that triggers a pretty intense calm/buzzy sensation, and can help with pain management, anxiety, stress, inflammation, etc., especially when combined properly with cold water exposure. I wish I knew about it back when I did a 199 day break.
I have already checked out a bit of the thread out a while ago and found what I read interesting and a little familiar I use to be quite the cold water shower guy myself but more so in the past. I'll check out the rest, if nothing else it's something to read and kill a little time.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Well my break hasn't gotten off to a good start....... I'm on day 2 of my cbd only period but i vaped today and will probably continue to vape for the next week or possibly 2. Just can't go more than 2-3 days without tobacco and even not vaping and being on edible oil for the first week didn't help at all. I'm on day 3 of no tobacco and I'm still struggling but since I'm not getting high cravings don't seem as bad and I'm hoping I can just substitute cbd vaping and keep away from tobacco. My thc break is going alright and I'm feeling fine the last couple days, eating, sleeping, all okay. As much as I wanted this to be a vaping break right now it's more important to keep away from tobacco so I will likely worry about taking a longer thc and cbd break some time later. I think I just tried to bite off more than I can chew doing both at once and will have to be satisfied tackling one at a time, but staying away from thc might help me right now.


Well-Known Member
Starting an official break between harvests, usually I end up chopping early, drying up with crappy methods and smoking or vaping great strains but not peak thc, not even close.

Since the start of quarentine I haven't sleep, and now just by thinking about being without weed I'm getting depressed, anxious, but will focus on another aspects: health, not bitting my nails, and hitting the gym/excercising.

Hoping to last 30+ days, wishing the best for everyone out there in the same situation!


Land of the long vapor cloud
@Bad Dog for what it's worth, I think you are making the right choice by staying away from tobacco as a priority. Tough stuff to quit. Good luck and stay strong.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Thanks for the support @TheThriftDrifter 😁 If I can replace it with cbd I'd be extremely happy. Might not get around to the full cannabreak like I was planning but at least I'm still taking a thc break. Now that I can get cbd that I actually like I might be able to make this work.

MUSA Vaporizer

Love, Peace and Harmony
Hey guys,

i vape exclusively AVB to lower my tolerance and it works great! :D
It substitutes very well and gives you a very soft/subtile high. (My AVB is already very dark brown before i use it for this reason)
I suggest doing this for at least one week.
(You probably need a vape with a big herb chamber and with the possibility to swap the loads very fast and without any stress)


Well-Known Member
Well my break hasn't gotten off to a good start....... I'm on day 2 of my cbd only period but i vaped today and will probably continue to vape for the next week or possibly 2. Just can't go more than 2-3 days without tobacco and even not vaping and being on edible oil for the first week didn't help at all. I'm on day 3 of no tobacco and I'm still struggling but since I'm not getting high cravings don't seem as bad and I'm hoping I can just substitute cbd vaping and keep away from tobacco. My thc break is going alright and I'm feeling fine the last couple days, eating, sleeping, all okay. As much as I wanted this to be a vaping break right now it's more important to keep away from tobacco so I will likely worry about taking a longer thc and cbd break some time later. I think I just tried to bite off more than I can chew doing both at once and will have to be satisfied tackling one at a time, but staying away from thc might help me right now.
Have you considered breaking your break down into smaller parts?
Perhaps, something like the following could help make it easier. I would certainly consider going about it this way, however, I am not a doctor, and am in no way qualified to give medical advise, so take what I say as strict opinion.

1. Stage 1: Quitting Tobacco Altogether
-You can still vape pure weed for a few days.

2. Stage 2: Cannabis Dose Lowering
-You can vape pure weed the same number of sessions that you usually vape, but only 1-2 satisfying hits. You should feel a pleasant, albeit mild and short lasting buzz from this. You can do this for a few days.

3. Stage 3: Cannabis Frequency Lowering:
-Vape one less session each day, decreasing by one every 3 days or so, until you are at only 1 session of 1 hit per day.

4. Stage 4: Full on Break
-No Tobacco
-No Cannabis

Some things that I find can be particularly useful when avoiding Cannabis, are the following:
1. Staying Busy - This one is kind of obvious. It keeps you distracted. It's not really a big insight.
2. Breathing Exercises - There are a few powerful breathign exercises which can help lower anxiety levels throughout the day, which can lessen the need for vaporizing Cannabis. They can sometimes help with going to sleep, as well. Two of my favrorites are the more simple 4-7-8 technique, and the more in depth Wim Hof Method.

A. The 4-7-8 technique requires inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and then exhaling through pursed lips, using the diagphragm, for 8 seconds. This can produce a somewhat calm, buzzy feeling, especially if repeated. Do not underestimate this technique. It should never be done while standing or driving, or biking, etc.. Your vision can spazz out and you can crash. Trust me. I have not crashed, as I've been careful where I do these techniques, but I have felt their power while seated, and it can feel like what I would imagine an ultrashort, very powerful psychedelic trip to be like.

B, The Wim Hof Method is too complicated to beexplained here, but there is a thread on it, in the medical section. I recommend you check it out. I may have even suggested it to you before. Lol It generally helps me a lot with anxiety/stress, which both correlate with mood, productivity, and sleep.


Well-Known Member
Starting day #2 and already broke the break in all possible ways, as I keep finding weed all around the house, and also a friend came yesterday to have a couple of beers and brought some, couldn't say no...

Zero sleep last night, woke up really early today to avoid wasting time laying in bed.

Definitely switched from being baked all day (wake up to bed including 8hs or laying awake so 24/7 lol), to 1 shared joint and another solo vape session a day.

I will keep focusing on gardening, taking pictures and cooking, hopefully not getting too anxious, I still have some left so cut down the intake, and do not do the silly thing of chopping the harvest early, the girls are looking amazing with one month to go!

Strenght to everyone!


Well-Known Member
CBD may help you transition to a break from THC:
Cannabidiol for the treatment of cannabis use disorder: a phase 2a, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, adaptive Bayesian trial

In the first randomised clinical trial of cannabidiol for cannabis use disorder, cannabidiol 400 mg and 800 mg were safe and more efficacious than placebo at reducing cannabis use.

If I read this correctly they gave the participants either 400mg of CBD or 800mg of CBD. The place I order my tincture from has 3000mg for $90, the cost to administer these doses is insane. Impractical for me from a cost standpoint. I typically take about 25mg in morning, 25mg at noon, and 25mg in evening if I am abstaining from THC. I think it helps, but who knows.

I need another break soon, just so hard in these stressful times.
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