@biohacker sorry buddy, I missed an alert here and I thought you might've gone away for few days at Easter maybe, so not been around to support you.
Had a rough week myself, as my poor luck prevails, with yet another coxsackie virus due to being so run down and immuno-compromised.
Making good headway but it jusy seems i possible to have any realistic hope of ever escaping this trap. The homeopathy will knock every infection out, but I always keep getting more due to never getting enough, or any restful sleep due to demands of symptom management and poor digestion (very much related to constant inability to cook my damn food right cos Im always so exhausted afer doing steam inhalations for hours every day, morning to night. )
10 days ago I started feeling like gold! The hard pill to swallow is knowing that if I hadn't got a new virus TWICE since then, probably everything would have been gone now, the first time ever.
So close, and yet so far! I could knock out all my respiratory infections with a powerful and amazingly effective electricity treatment (not a PEMF device, and different and way more powerful than my zapper), but as a result of the unfortunate optic nerve injury, I justv ant use this treatment because it re-injures the optic nerve for some reason.
The optic nerve is actually much, much better from the homeopathy, I have the remedy to treat it directly, and this is the best it has been so far since it happened 14 months ago.
If I do the electricity treatment on my chest and throat, I will go from suffering from illness, to feeling great overall (after a few days of a raw chest from massive die off), but my optic nerve will go back almost to the beginning!
So it is a real hard dilemna. My chest is so bad I cant really enjoy life or doing anything. If it stayed like this forever, I think it would not be worth the nerve actually healing, as it is.
But it is such a depressing thing to have it set way back again, so Im tussling with the dilemna.
I keep telling myself to wait until my homeopathy is over in about 5 days, and see how thongs settle down.
Anyway, folks, I TOO AM NOW ON A CANNABREAK!! I have been on a vapor break for my homeopathy, since maybe 3 weeks ago with one exception load. But I have been eating my coconut oil abv each day.
But the stuff (edibles), just doesn't agree with me. It debilitates me musclularly, greatly enhancing my chronic fatigue. And it does affect my chest badly too. I have struggled for the past year plus to leave it alone, not finding the motivation or incentive.
Really stuck in a mental rut. But I have FINALLY come to my senses and accepted the edibles just aren't right for me and this is my 3rd day of no weed now! Im not lookimg back, I really dont want them anymore. No appeal, no benefit. Too debilitating.
Im feeling flat, empty, and bored. But the only hard bit in leaving them alone is when my stomach is upset and I dont feel like eating, but really need to. The edibles sort that out instantly. I swear it raises stomach acid, I am chronicallt low in stomach acid, but cant take vinegar, lemon, HCL or digestive enzymes, probiotics etc, all severely lacking.
So the edibles have been helping a lot here, but just not right for me.
And I look so much better, brighter in myself. I have noticed that my facial appearance suffers when I eat pot, but vapor is okay. I can move my body much better.
I still feel like the next day feeling. I've been eating pot numerous times daily for a very extended time, so it will take a while to feel "clear", as you have been covering very well in your posts.
I have no target as such. Just the right direction that's all. I will be getting back to my vapor some time soon after my homeopathy, which runs out in about 5 days.
So just over a week break at least, but not bad. I needed to do it. I havent been feeling happy, fresh, confident, motivated, and ESPECIALLY, excited about life for ages, like I used to!
Vaporizing doesnt stop me from waking up every day excited about the new day, but with the edibles, it's like there is nothing to look forward to.
Anyway, that is my story. Just dropping in, now actually "partaking", to announce that.
I'm missing loads of sleep from food digestion issues. The only way I really get into proper sleep, is to not eat, or eat one tiny meal early in the day.
But I have plenty CRAZY dreams, one the other night- literally with witches, wizards, and goblins!
And this crazy Cyclops figure, who was like a Tibetan monk on a moutainside monestary, like an angel in disguise, who put this mad healing energy into me, with so much love! Bizarre, just as I was getting ready to do battle with this wicked witch!
And the next scene I was eating octopus!
Stay strong all, especially you Biohacker! You have a lot to look forward to if you can hang in there, allow the situation to develop, unfold, and heal, then when you can get back to your Supreme, boy will I be jealous of all those damn fine meds you have around!!