The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Thanks for your feedback, it helps massively because my girlfriend vapes in a pattern similar to yours (very light use once per night) before her break a week ago and she too has been saying that her withdrawal is the best and easiest yet. She can sleep much better than I can (completely different usage pattern, I was morning until night) and had some dreams however today marks 2 weeks for me, and save for one dream within a couple of days of quitting I have not dreamt at all, or at least can't remember.

I fall asleep quickly, sleep like the dead, but then wham 4 hours later i'm up, sometimes I can get a little more in, but overall about 5 hours/night now. I could be worse!

Still getting night sweats but I think they are disappearing. Can't wait in another 2 weeks when I get the month mark, but one day at a time. Looking forward to the more restful sleep so it can make for much happier days.

Doktor Dub

Well-Known Member
@biohacker - Don t you get pretty intense Dreams, which make up a little for less Hours sleep and not being high?
I think problems to fall asleep are the hardest Part of making a Break, the Dreams that come are the best Part.

This is such a great and interesting Thread to read, although i don t have to contribute so much myself, thank you all for your Input.


@biohacker - Don t you get pretty intense Dreams, which make up a little for less Hours sleep and not being high?
I think problems to fall asleep are the hardest Part of making a Break, the Dreams that come are the best Part.

Hey man, thanks for your post! For some reason, my dreaming doesn't come back until like week 3 or 4 I think. I'll try to dig up some of my old posts from my withdrawal last year just to help anyone else reading since this thread is the "official thread" lol.

Alot of REM activity occurs in the early morning hours...REM actually IS NOT deep sleep, but very shallow. I know the exact state, but cannot achieve it at the moment. My theory is that because cannabis dampens endogenous melatonin production, perhaps I cannot stay asleep long enough?

My entire life sober has been nothing but problems falling asleep, but I hacked that years ago with light, diet, and lifestyle, only to be disrupted by a decade of stressful shift work. For some reason, and i'm certain cannabis is a great part of it, I now generally NEVER have any issues falling issue is STAYING asleep. I always wake up after 3-4 hours, and once that happens I can't fall back asleep. It will get better in time, it always does as the brain's neurotransmitters rebalance and my body and brain clear of metabolites.

As for the dreams being the best part. I'm still rocked to this day about a NIGHTMARE I had last year that was SO real and vivid, it still gives me the creeps.... quick personal storey:

I was 28 years old, and living the dream on top of a mountain snowboarding everyday. One day 3 of my buddies and I decide to head into town to restock groceries, etc. and make our way down the hill in a small compact car in snowy/icy conditions. My buddy freaks out and overcorrects and we end up sliding and moving off the road backwards, and down the side of a mountain we go. Talk about HO-LEE-FUCKING-SHIT!!!! I remember telling the boys to brace themselves we're going for a ride (everyone froze), I was in the backseat holding on for my life on the front seat. We go down about 100feet or so taking out various small trees and than stop on a medium sized tree with a small "jolt". That was it. We survived. We we on such an angle that we could barely even get out of the car, I couldn't move the seat up, but we all squeezed out, and see below about 300-400 feet of cliff which we would have NEVER survived. Fortunately a vehicle saw our tire tracks vanish, and stopped because we would have never been able to climb up that mountain since it was steep and snow covered. But with some straps thrown, and near frostbitten hands, we managed. Talk about being mentally shaken up! My buddy was hilarious, he was like uh, I think I need to start going to church or something lol.

Anyways, my nightmare involved my wife and I in a similar location, on vacation....and I can't remember who was driving, but we went off the road on a mountain, free floating in mid air, looking at eachother knowing it was the end, without any time left to do anything. It was so real and vivid that it shook me to the core possibly even more than my original accident. And it lasted with me for soooo long. Now I remember it, but it doesn't affect me like it did before.

Fortunately, my girl and I visited the site of the accident last summer, and although from time to time I was shitting my pants driving on these mountain roads, and seeing crosses and flowers from people that have gone over and died there, we were all safe and had a great trip.

Don't wanna derail, but just through i'd share that piece of my life... just one of my near death experiences, the other one made my ass pucker, but i'll save that for another time :)

Doktor Dub

Well-Known Member
OK, don t want to experience the Story or the Dream..... that is threatening shit, glad to hear you are all alright.
I remember having really bad Nightmares as a kid, Grown up not so much. There is one Dream i had at the Age of 4 or 5 which i still remember good.
At this Time i was at Kindergarten and in my Dream, i was just in my Kindergarten as it was in reality, but i knew sombody had poisoned me and i was to die this Day. Nobody else knew, so i just walked around the Place and knew it was the last Time, being sad that my Life would end soon.
I think this is a cruel Dream even now as an Adult, scary shit as Child - i have no idea what made me Dream this.

On the other Hand side, i remember the most realistic and detailed Dreams i had with perhaps 25 - 30:
I went on a short Holiday to a very small Island nearby with no Cars and LOTS of fresh Air. I smoked regulary back then but made a break during the Holidays.
All three Nights, i dreamed about having Holidays on an Island, bit different than the real one but anything Realistic...
This Dreams feeled so long and were so near to the Reality, that i really did and see more during my sleep than during being awake in this Holidays. When i think back it s very weird because the Dream Part of the Holidays is more present than the real Part.

Don t know if this is a good contribution but wanted to share :-)


Pot Head formerly Septon Sefton
I stopped smoking 18 months ago, ive felt that good compared to when i smoked that i havent even considered a break. Im starting to think i should take one just to prove that i can...

chris 71

Well-Known Member
just wanted to say im going to try this out . im going to try and take a break till 420 , as in april 20th not 420 pm lol .
this will be the first time in as long as i can remember going without for more then a day , it was christmas 2013 when i went one day without to meet my girlfriends family , that was the last time i had a day without . latly though i have been dropping my usage a lot anyway , down to one or two small solo bowls a day after work for a couple weeks now , so im hoping this wont cause me any trouble . but we shall see . wish me luck ;) will let you guys know how it goes


That's great news bro! A week will probably be worth it, especially since it's 4/20! I think this will be my 2nd 4/20 in a decade where I HAVEN'T enjoyed on the day! lol

I honestly think you went about this the right way if your usage has been scaled back. But i'm interested in hearing how your sleep goes.

The hardest breaks are for people like me who vaped from morning until night IMO. I have started week 3 today, and slept 5 hours straight last night with some shitty nightmares, but at least the dreaming mechanism is returning and i'm starting to feel much better, albeit still somewhat fatigued.

Best decision I made and continuing to stick with it because I can't wait to feel what I will feel after another couple of weeks....and then months.

Strength and honour bro ;)


Best night of sleep in MONTHS last night! About 7 hours, and then another hour of light dream state sleep.

Messed up nightmares though....mostly related to car accidents, and some other weird shit from the past thrown in, like from over 20 years ago!? But at least i'm at the REM rebound stage.

Sweats are minimal, and the mental clarity is getting awesome, same with motivation and mood.

Unfortunately my dog smacked me in the chin hard yesterday with his head, caused me full blown whiplash (already have been in 3 accidents rear ended and have disc herniations) as well as a minor concussion. FML!

chris 71

Well-Known Member
coming up on 48 hours for me , slept fine last night but i did take .5 ativan .
tonight will go sleep with nothing . i am experiencing vivid dreams , but i was all ready starting to have my dreams come back , possibly because of using high cbd cannabis as well as high thc anyway 48 hours isint much yet but i plan to stick with it . and i should note that all though i was scaling down my usages in the weeks before doing this that i was a morning to night vaporist as well as the occasional smoke throwen in too


.5mg ativan isn't much...I was trying to sleep on a previous withdrawal last year and tried up to 3mg with no effects. Regardless, better off dumping the pharms IMO.

I found this posted by a doctor on another forum I frequent, I think it could help others and put some perspective on why withdrawals hit hard for some, and not for others:

Due to presence of several factors it's become very hard to say that what exact time you needed to become THC free after quitting weed. But Armentano cites a study says that-

"THC can stay in your body up to 100 days afterward- depending on presence of it in urine, blood and hair."

Excretion time that means half life of a toxin (THC) depends on several factors. That's why time required for complete excretion or detoxification vary in person to person.

Factors included:

Age :

Excretion of THC varies at different ages. Human excretory organs--Liver & Kidneys doesn't able to work perfectly in extreme ages due to underdevelopment or ageing process. If you are young, you can excrete any toxins very quickly due to having full functioning excretory organs. It becomes easier for you to attain THC free body and overcome cannabis withdrawals smoothly.

Sex :

Female usually have more fatty tissues comparing with male. That's why they can store more THC and after quitting weed excretion takes long time than male.

Height & Weight :

THC get stored by our body in different parts. The more height and weight, more storing of THC depending on frequency and duration of consumption.

Percentage of Body Fat :

Predominantly, THC accumulates in the fat cells of brain,liver & kidney. Persons with more body fat needs more pot to gain desire effect. At the same time, they accumulate more THC comparing with lean persons. That's why time required for excretion after quitting usually shorter in lean persons.

Metabolic Rate :

The main site of metabolism is Liver. The metabolic capacity of liver was determined by individual genetics. If you have faster metabolic rate then you will get quicker excretion of toxins from your body.

Frequency & Duration of Exposure :

If you use cannabis every other day then it gets harder to remove THC quickly from your body and withdrawal's persist for long time. However, occasional and less frequent user experience less of both.

Healthy & Balanced Diet :

Diet containing antioxidants, essential minerals & Vitamins may helps you to attain healthy state by removing THC where it accumulates. Vitamin E, C, A--are called antioxidant vitamins that can keep you evergreen by averting aging process. Green leafy vegetables has great role in removing stored THC from intestinal muscles. It also decrease absorption of THC when you take marijuana orally (THC containing beer) and relieve constipation quickly.

Volume of Fluid Intake :

60% of your total body weight is water (the universal solvent). Everyday body fluid gets cleaned from harmful substances by blood circulation through your kidneys and excrete them by production of urine. Water is a universal detox that helps to clean your systems quickly if you intake it more.

Immune Status :

You may know that THC can decrease your capacity of preventing diseases by lowering immunity. Non excretable stored THC are cleared by immunocompetent cells - Macrophages, WBC, NK-cells. You can re-establish your immunity by daily exercise and balanced diets. Exercise, healthy diets and maintaining own hygiene increases the number of immunocompetent cells that helps you to remove more stored THC. So, intact immunity is essential to achieve a THC free body with little cannabis withdrawal symptoms.

Associated Diseases :

Pot users with compromised kidney and/or liver function (CKD or CLD), metabolic rate become decreased and excretion rate of THC also reduced. Liver has capacity to convert toxic and fat soluble THC into non-toxic and water soluble THC-COOH for elimination from the body. If you smoke pot in spite of having concurrent diseases, you will develop toxicity after taking a small dose. Withdrawal symptoms also persist for longer duration due to inability of your body to excrete it. It requires very long time to gain THC free body when you smoke pot despite of having severe kidney or liver disease.

Presence of Excretion Inhibitors :

Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and taking too much caffeine may reduce your excretory organs capacity to excrete THC after quitting weed. THC remains more in your system when excretion reduced. Tissues containing THC release it slowly into your blood stream and produce long lasting withdrawal symptoms.

Pregnancy & Lactation :

When you're pregnant, you are the owner of two lives in spite of one person. You may know that THC is harmful for both you and your upcoming little one.

Surprisingly, less withdrawals may develop despite of decrease excretion of THC when you become pregnant and quit smoking weed. Probably due to presence of pregnancy related hormones--HCG, Estrogen, Prolactin. But still it may affects development of fetus. Pregnancy related complications may occur in lesser extent in contrast with non-smoker. Stored THC slowly released in the blood stream aren't strong enough to cause pre-term birth and development of child attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There is very little chance comparing with active weed smoking pregnant mother. You might be benefited from our ways to quit weed during pregnancy.

After termination of pregnancy, THC excretion rate is high and withdrawals resolve quickly. This period also harmful for your baby because THC can also excrete trough your breast milk. With little chance, this also may leads to child ADHD comparing with active weed smoking lactating mother. So it's better for you to quit weed before getting conceived.
How Long Does Marijuana Withdrawal Lasts?

The symptoms of withdrawal from marijuana vary between each user. Most all of these symptoms fade to normal emotions by three months. Some people with mild marijuana dependencies may able to stop on their own. However, chronic and heavy users who have built up a tolerance might need more help to kick their habit.

Many symptoms can appear when you are in withdrawal phase. Not every person will necessary experience all the same symptoms as others.

THC-COOH In Urine :

Presence of THC-COOH in the urine sample depends on frequency and duration of your weed smoking. Urinalysis is the most common method that used to screen marijuana use.

Probably, you may undergo to a urine test for screening while going for a job. You can get more accurate result about your urine test from online by drug test calculator, without any charge.

According to "NCBI"- a study about THC-COOH excretion pattern in urine of 86 chronic marijuana users after their last use shows that - (Method of detection: colorimetric modified Jaffé reaction on a SYVA 30R biochemical analyzer)

*The mean excretion time for all chronic users about 27 days.
*After 27 days, most subjects had one or more separate sequences of negative urine test results, lasting a mean of 3 days each and followed by at least one positive result.
*They have positive results for THC-COOH in urine at 20 ng/ml or above on the 46 consecutive days from admission, and can take as many as 77 days to drop below the cutoff calibrator for 10 consecutive days.


Well-Known Member
@biohacker sorry buddy, I missed an alert here and I thought you might've gone away for few days at Easter maybe, so not been around to support you.
Had a rough week myself, as my poor luck prevails, with yet another coxsackie virus due to being so run down and immuno-compromised.

Making good headway but it jusy seems i possible to have any realistic hope of ever escaping this trap. The homeopathy will knock every infection out, but I always keep getting more due to never getting enough, or any restful sleep due to demands of symptom management and poor digestion (very much related to constant inability to cook my damn food right cos Im always so exhausted afer doing steam inhalations for hours every day, morning to night. )

10 days ago I started feeling like gold! The hard pill to swallow is knowing that if I hadn't got a new virus TWICE since then, probably everything would have been gone now, the first time ever.
So close, and yet so far! I could knock out all my respiratory infections with a powerful and amazingly effective electricity treatment (not a PEMF device, and different and way more powerful than my zapper), but as a result of the unfortunate optic nerve injury, I justv ant use this treatment because it re-injures the optic nerve for some reason.

The optic nerve is actually much, much better from the homeopathy, I have the remedy to treat it directly, and this is the best it has been so far since it happened 14 months ago.
If I do the electricity treatment on my chest and throat, I will go from suffering from illness, to feeling great overall (after a few days of a raw chest from massive die off), but my optic nerve will go back almost to the beginning!

So it is a real hard dilemna. My chest is so bad I cant really enjoy life or doing anything. If it stayed like this forever, I think it would not be worth the nerve actually healing, as it is.

But it is such a depressing thing to have it set way back again, so Im tussling with the dilemna.
I keep telling myself to wait until my homeopathy is over in about 5 days, and see how thongs settle down.

Anyway, folks, I TOO AM NOW ON A CANNABREAK!! I have been on a vapor break for my homeopathy, since maybe 3 weeks ago with one exception load. But I have been eating my coconut oil abv each day.

But the stuff (edibles), just doesn't agree with me. It debilitates me musclularly, greatly enhancing my chronic fatigue. And it does affect my chest badly too. I have struggled for the past year plus to leave it alone, not finding the motivation or incentive.

Really stuck in a mental rut. But I have FINALLY come to my senses and accepted the edibles just aren't right for me and this is my 3rd day of no weed now! Im not lookimg back, I really dont want them anymore. No appeal, no benefit. Too debilitating.

Im feeling flat, empty, and bored. But the only hard bit in leaving them alone is when my stomach is upset and I dont feel like eating, but really need to. The edibles sort that out instantly. I swear it raises stomach acid, I am chronicallt low in stomach acid, but cant take vinegar, lemon, HCL or digestive enzymes, probiotics etc, all severely lacking.

So the edibles have been helping a lot here, but just not right for me.
And I look so much better, brighter in myself. I have noticed that my facial appearance suffers when I eat pot, but vapor is okay. I can move my body much better.
I still feel like the next day feeling. I've been eating pot numerous times daily for a very extended time, so it will take a while to feel "clear", as you have been covering very well in your posts.

I have no target as such. Just the right direction that's all. I will be getting back to my vapor some time soon after my homeopathy, which runs out in about 5 days.
So just over a week break at least, but not bad. I needed to do it. I havent been feeling happy, fresh, confident, motivated, and ESPECIALLY, excited about life for ages, like I used to!

Vaporizing doesnt stop me from waking up every day excited about the new day, but with the edibles, it's like there is nothing to look forward to.

Anyway, that is my story. Just dropping in, now actually "partaking", to announce that.

I'm missing loads of sleep from food digestion issues. The only way I really get into proper sleep, is to not eat, or eat one tiny meal early in the day.
But I have plenty CRAZY dreams, one the other night- literally with witches, wizards, and goblins!

And this crazy Cyclops figure, who was like a Tibetan monk on a moutainside monestary, like an angel in disguise, who put this mad healing energy into me, with so much love! Bizarre, just as I was getting ready to do battle with this wicked witch!

And the next scene I was eating octopus!

Stay strong all, especially you Biohacker! You have a lot to look forward to if you can hang in there, allow the situation to develop, unfold, and heal, then when you can get back to your Supreme, boy will I be jealous of all those damn fine meds you have around!!:rockon:
Last edited:


Hey "bro"? :lol: Sorry to hear about your recent issues.... sounds like a complete nightmare :ugh:

Anyway, folks, I TOO AM NOW ON A CANNABREAK!! I have been on a vapor break for my homeopathy, since maybe 3 weeks ago with one exception load. But I have been eating my coconut oil abv each day.

But he stuff (edibles), just doesn't agree with me. It debilitates me musclularly, greatly enhancing my chronic fatigue.

Same with me, I feel edibles tax the system way too much, and use up alot of vitamins/minerals and leave me completely drained for a long time. I feel that they are extremely hard on the system, and like dabs it's very possible to overdose. I know you have it dialed in, but giving your system a rest can only help IMO.

I think you should give yourself more time to give your system a proper reset, but only you know what's best for you.

I havent been feeling happy, fresh, confident, motivated, and ESPECIALLY, excited about life for ages, like I used to!

Oh how I know that feeling, and it was motivation enough for me to take a break. I've been reading some incredibly scary stuff about not getting back to "normal" for a very long time....some people feel medicated and "off" for years! Ofcourse, most users will never know because they don't stop using, or at least for a long enough period of time. I know the problem isn't the weed, but the user though.... I watched the Culture High, great documentary!

But I have plenry CRAZY dreams, one the other night- literally with witches, wizards, and goblins!

There is your REM rebound! I'm starting to notice positive face doesn't look as "deflated", i'm feeling so much better and less fog during the day (except for my present concussion), I get insane morning wood (giggity!), and feel so much calmer, happier, and optimistic. Win win for me, especially since i'm sleeping more and sweating less.

I feel like i'm learning to enjoy things sober, and appreciate them more, and hoping to get back to vaping to simply enhance the things I do enjoy, instead of feeling apathetic and anhedonia.

Can't wait until I test clean on a piss test....i'll give it a shot in another week or two.

Stay strong Alexis! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Hey "bro"? :lol: Sorry to hear about your recent issues.... sounds like a complete nightmare :ugh:

Same with me, I feel edibles tax the system way too much, and use up alot of vitamins/minerals and leave me completely drained for a long time. I feel that they are extremely hard on the system, and like dabs it's very possible to overdose. I know you have it dialed in, but giving your system a rest can only help IMO.

I think you should give yourself more time to give your system a proper reset, but only you know what's best for you.

Oh how I know that feeling, and it was motivation enough for me to take a break. I've been reading some incredibly scary stuff about not getting back to "normal" for a very long time....some people feel medicated and "off" for years! Ofcourse, most users will never know because they don't stop using, or at least for a long enough period of time. I know the problem isn't the weed, but the user though.... I watched the Culture High, great documentary!

There is your REM rebound! I'm starting to notice positive face doesn't look as "deflated", i'm feeling so much better and less fog during the day (except for my present concussion), I get insane morning wood (giggity!), and feel so much calmer, happier, and optimistic. Win win for me, especially since i'm sleeping more and sweating less.

I feel like i'm learning to enjoy things sober, and appreciate them more, and hoping to get back to vaping to simply enhance the things I do enjoy, instead of feeling apathetic and anhedonia.

Can't wait until I test clean on a piss test....i'll give it a shot in another week or two.

Stay strong Alexis! :rockon:
Thanks for the positive words of support bro! My situation is very different from your own. Im really not actually concerned about withdrawals or lingereing side effects from my cannabis use. It has been very moderate in comparison.
My problems are all really to do with the impossible nature of my illness. Take all that away, and I know I would immediately be feeling on top of the world. Whether I abstain from weed, or keep vaping moderately, I dont see too much trouble.

It wouldn't take long off of weed to feel very clear and free from it, but I do LOVE using cannabis! I just love gettimg high and going out in the world, doing all the usual things in life.
To be well would just be amazing.

But a break will always have benefits. Sometimes it is very much needed for refreshment and renewed perspective.
I am already much better in myself for abandonig the edible route. You may detect a different tone. I wasn't myself mentally for some time, hence my ridiculous off point posts, trying to find an avenue of expression to distract myself from the blur and trap I have been in.

Im ravishingly hungry now so I will stop myself from drivelling shit!:nod::lol:

I have a small dish of potato, brocoli, peanut butter and green olives, and another yummy oven baked chickpea bread (whole gram flour soaked in water, with curry powder, coconut oil, salt and baked in oven dish), with a sauce of olive oil, turmeric, cayenne, cinnamon, and cardamom.

Well nice bruv, trust!;)

I am actually more robust emotionally as well. I have been unedged and highly temperemental. I actually get back to being myself really quickly once I make the necessary changes!

Bloody mosquito coming at me now the little fucker, I will see to that! :goon:


It has been very moderate in comparison.
My problems are all really to do with the impossible nature of my illness. Take all that away, and I know I would immediately be feeling on top of the world. Whether I abstain from weed, or keep vaping moderately, I dont see too much trouble.

Not to discredit your medical issues, but how would you know unless you abstained for at least a month or longer?

I am already much better in myself fro abandonig the edible route. You may detect a different tone. I wasn't myself mentall for some time, hence my ridiculous off point posts, trying to find an avenue of expression to distract myself from the blur and trap I have been in.

:lol: I completely empathize! I'm starting to feel more myself everyday...

Im ravishingly hungry now so I will stop myself from drivelong shit!:nod:

Oh how I can relate! It's weird, I dropped 8 lbs of water (and maintaining now) and my appetite is through the ROOF now! And I only crave healthy foods! I LOVE not being dependent on vaping to eat now!

I am actually more robust emotionally as well. I have been unedged and highly temperemental. I actually get back to being myself really quickly once I make the necessary changes!

YES! again! I can't wait to see what the future holds....I still fear PAWS, because you can be great one week and then wham you get blindsided and back to the insomnia, anxiety, irrational thoughts, etc.

Bloody mosquito coming at me now the little fucker, I will see to that! :goon:

OMG! I've been living in the country for a few months now, and there is some water nearby and mosquitos are everything! The former owners had cats so there are holes in the screens! :bang:

Thanks for chiming in here again Alexis... was starting to think I was talking to myself and it's not a very popular thread (obviously) so i've been finding comfort in the other forums I frequent. Not that i'm having problems or bad withdrawals, but it's always comforting hearing what others are going through, because i've been there too. I'm glad I took the plunge, way too many side effects from long term heavy use for me.
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Well-Known Member
Best decision I made and continuing to stick with it because I can't wait to feel what I will feel after another couple of weeks....and then months.

Strength and honour bro ;)
How long are you planning on breaking for, and why are you planning on using again if you feel so much better on break?
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Why throw the baby out with the bath water? Kinda extreme no? Not using again vs. responsible moderation? Dude, i'm probably just in the "honeymoon period"... and have alot of work ahead of me. I'm feeling better because i'm not as apathetic and unmotivated, depressed, irritable, moody, sleepless, etc. But yeah, I feel WAY better than when I vaped 2g/day from morning until night. That should never happen again, at least it's my intention.

The break depends on a few things, but at this point i'm trying to be clean for a test in the upcoming months, whenever that may be. And I also want to see the 'real me' since i've never abstained for longer than 7 weeks in the past DECADE. That's insanity, and my mental health reflected it dearly. Just my own real life experience.


Well-Known Member
Not to discredit your medical issues, but how would you know unless you abstained for at least a month or longer?
Yes there is probably fair point here, and in the name of honesty, I havebto confess- I am so comsumed by illness I never actually get round to examining the negative role cannbis plays in my life. I just sort of accept it and have not questioned it, taking it for granted in a way.

Anything I ever say, it is by no means set in stone, so if ever I express a view and there is a response, I am fully open to changing my view or recognising a deeper, more accurate truth.
I certainly could explore the concept that my cannabis use needs some examination to see where it is not working for me. This has always been pushed to the back.

Truthfully, what really could be examined is the reasons deep down for my using it, as much as the effects of using it. And this also may tie in heavily to any negativ effects it has. Emotions really are at the heart of just about everything, we often underestimate this!

I still fear PAWS, because you can be great one week and then wham you get blindsided and back to the insomnia, anxiety, irrational thoughts, etc.
I can certainly relate to this rocky changeability. It's like when I have been really really ill with respiratory infections for a long time, too unwell to worry about anyhting much except the next basic survival task, and then when it eases up, a ton of anxiety about life in general floods in suddenly, that just didnt matter or exist when it seemed like the end of the world.

On the other side of the coin though, when my condition, and especially my chest ,suddenly improves a great deal, virtually all my anxiety just sweeps away! The relationship between not being at ease of breath, and being burdened with worry is huge.

When we are feeling physically well, it's amazing how calm, confident, peaceful and freemyou can feel, no matter what is going on around you. The viruses I am plagued by in particular, are such a driving force of severe anxiety. Like 24/7 burdened by worry and negative feeling, without me even realising.

When they clear, it all just magically lifts, and outlook changes profoundly.
But when you are in the thick of it, no matter what you tell yourself, it is just impossible to see things that way.

There is so much emphasis put on the mind and emotions causing physical maladies. I accept thisl but it is so strongly pushed as the root and only ultimate factor.
I feel it works both ways equally. We live in a physical world, where we are assaulted daily. Shit happens,,and this has a huge bearing on our consciousness which is undone when a purely physical change occurs, like the clearance of a particular pathogen especially.

My dinner was delicious! I enjoyed the experience of eating so much more than in a VERY long time, after 72 hours since my last dose of cannabis. I am surprisingly pleased to have laid off for the moment. My longest break since August.

Still, as you say, lots of rocky waves to ride. Ups and downs to come my way, as is life. Still, in a stronger, clearer mental condtion, keeping steady feet and getting back up is easier, and the "ups" come around quickly enough.
However, I still am inclined to feel that I can return to using weed again whenever I feel ready, and keep my mental stabiltiy,,once it has stabilised. Just have to be moderate,,and prepared to dip out again anytime you feel unsettled really.


Well-Known Member
Why throw the baby out with the bath water? Kinda extreme no? Not using again vs. responsible moderation? Dude, i'm probably just in the "honeymoon period"... and have alot of work ahead of me. I'm feeling better because i'm not as apathetic and unmotivated, depressed, irritable, moody, sleepless, etc. But yeah, I feel WAY better than when I vaped 2g/day from morning until night. That should never happen again, at least it's my intention.

The break depends on a few things, but at this point i'm trying to be clean for a test in the upcoming months, whenever that may be. And I also want to see the 'real me' since i've never abstained for longer than 7 weeks in the past DECADE. That's insanity, and my mental health reflected it dearly. Just my own real life experience.
Haha. That makes sense. I was just curious why you'd go back to using it if you only feel better when you don't.

I do think you'll be better off, overall, being able to use <1g/day vs 2g daily, with your lowered tolerance.


Anything I ever say, it is by no means set in stone, so if ever I express a view and there is a response, I am fully open to changing my view or recognising a deeper, more accurate truth.
I certainly could explore the concept that my cannabis use needs some examination to see where it is not working for me. This has always been pushed to the back.

Truthfully, what really could be examined is the reasons deep down for my using it, as much as the effects of using it. And this also may tie in heavily to any negativ effects it has. Emotions really are at the heart of just about everything, we often underestimate this!

This is why I like and respect you so much! You are probably the most open, non-judgemental, and non biased person I know! Thanks for giving me hope in humankind! :tup:

Haha. That makes sense. I was just curious why you'd go back to using it if you only feel better when you don't.

I don't think I ever said I only feel better when I don't imbibe? It's been an easier first couple of weeks off of my binging that i've ever experienced...same with my girlfriend, and the kush sweats are finally gone!

As i've mentioned numerous times, I use cannabis medicinally for mental health issues, so for all intents and purposes, i'm basically off of my meds. I refuse pharmaceuticals, but whether cannabis or pharmaceuticals, both can reach a level of saturation/tolerance, and just like many experts and doctors suggest, it's a great idea to take a week or few off for every 3 months on. Perhaps I will use this strategy in the future. All i'm doing is detoxing... doesn't one usually feel better after a detox? No different than when I quit coffee. At first it was AWFUL, maybe even worse than weed withdrawals for me.... constant night sweats, insomnia, extreme daytime fatigue, hot flashes, etc. But eventually, I started feeling BETTER in the mornings than with coffee, and now i'm starting to feel the same without cannabis. It's nice waking up with a quality sober sleep without REM suppression not feeling strung out.

I also quit alcohol well over a month ago, and feel great because my body composition is beach body ready. Does that mean I will never enjoy an ice cold Heineken again? Life is all about balance, but when you are bipolar, that balance is a very challenging task to achieve. This is something i'm working on, and feel I can conquer (ofcourse I can, I can do ANYTHING :brow:). I've achieved things in life that many people without mental illness could only dream of. WITH a major handicap.

I do think you'll be better off, overall, being able to use <1g/day vs 2g daily, with your lowered tolerance.

Thanks, I fact I believe that micro dosing is the only sustainable way for me. Doesn't mean I won't have a binge here or there ever again, but like alcohol, I really can't remember the last time I was actually drunk. I just don't like the feeling anymore. I like getting ultra baked, but need to treat it like being drunk. Rare and extremely infrequent.

I slept somewhat crappy last night...woke up before 4am, and then some broken light sleep. I had a dream that I was hitting the Solo 2 for the first time, and was blown away with how easy the airflow was! :lol:

Went for a great hike this morning, nutritious breakfast, a nice nap, and generally feeling very high on life, but not in a manic way.... just calm and content. I haven't felt these feelings in a long time, so it's refreshing when just being stone cold sober feels like a high in itself.

chris 71

Well-Known Member
well coming up on 72 hours here , and quite honestly , i cant believe how easy it has been like i said before i am ,was , and have been , a serious cannabis user . for all my life pretty much starting at age 13 . and for the last while except for the last couple weeks leading up to the break . i was a wake and vape and vape all day and night kinda user even all day at work , medical user as well .

i feel sorry for the type of withdrawal you write about biohacker , that truly must suck ! and im not trying to down play anything you have said you suffer from when you stop using . but i gotta say, for me im quite shocked to say the least . i thought i would be suffering some how . but nothing , i feel pretty much the same .
i tried to quit coffee a while back went two days and the suffered an extreme headache . so bad i had to have a coffee quick but this is seriously a breeze for me . im not even really craving it , i really am shocked its only been three days but i think if i was truly addicted , in any way , shape or from to any of the harder drugs there is no way it would be this easy . the only thing i can say im experiencing is that my dreams are coming back .

i guess it goes to show every body is different


Forsure, and I posted about all the different variables. However, your withdrawal may just be starting, as it usually takes 2-3 days and then peaks and gradually gets better as your system clears metabolites.

Give it a month, and see how you feel then to really assess, but if you're golden after a couple of weeks and your sleep isn't affected, I think you're in the clear! Don't forget, and perhaps you didn't read all my posts, but I have medical needs, which could explain why it can be harder for me. Then again, as I said a million times - this time it has been a complete BREEZE. Still no definitive reason why, but i'll take it!

Did you get your RMA GH back? :brow:

And does anyone know if these are safe to use so I don't fail a piss test? Thinking about picking up some of those Pharmabee CBD isolate crystals to vape! If there is no thc, why not enjoy??


Well-Known Member
This is why I like and respect you so much! You are probably the most open, non-judgemental, and non biased person I know! Thanks for giving me hope in humankind! :tup:
Thank you Biohacker for these very warm and kind words. It means a lot for real. It is always nice to be appreciated, and just being received well is huge therapy for me.

I am glad as well that you see it like this. So many people just dont get my thinking and my philosophy, but I dont ever take this as a deterrent that I am on the wrong track. I honestly feel that the vast majority just dont get "IT" full stop. They are not sane. I am crazy in many ways- extreme and unusual, but at the same time, in many ways, I really feel I am as sane a person as you may meet, just in an unusal way, with many handicaps and defects albeit.

Life just messes us up doesnt it? Show me a person who is not at least a little screwed up by this world, so I take that as a given. I certainly dont aim at or expect perfection, but having a true heart, pure inner being, and commitment to living rightfully and as selflessly as possible- those are values I consider very important, as well as the value and power in being truthful to ourselves and the world around at all times?

White lies to protect, and for the right reasons- to bring about a positive outcome and mutual beneifit- are fine in my book. Sometimes the absolute truth can lose you the chess match, when you are the rightful and worthy winner!

It is really good to hear that you are noticing improvememts all the time, getting more and better sleep, feeling more positive.
I hope you can use the CBD with good benefits.
I have actually made real good progress again with my infections, and my chest has been much better again, much quicker than I expected.

The 2 viruses I picked up the last 2 weeks, I have no doubt they are the same ones I have been treating with the homeopathy. Which is actualltmvery fortunate because they are being treated directly from the moment they come. That is why they have hit me bad each time. Not only is there the new illness, but the die off intensity goes right back up again, after I got everythong down so much and the die off was much easier.

So it seems worse than it is. But at the moment, I am feeling okay enough to not need to do the electricity treatment onnmy chest, which will knock the shit out of infections, but will likely re-injure the still vulnerable optic nerve.

It is so up and down though, the respiratory symptoms. If it stays like this now, after the medicine I should be able to continue to make progress without needing to risk the nerve re-injury.

But if it stays at an unbearable level, and life is just miserable, I may have no choice.
My optic nerve has improved very very much this time. The most yet since the injury. I can see colour, read easier, really enjoy being outdoors visually. When it is bad, it is like the "light" doesnt come through, like a dimmer switch, directly causing depression, as well as directly in other ways, and indirectly in many ways too.

@chris 71 , that is sounding really good for you and well done man seriously. But as Biohacker says, it can take several days for any difficulty to begin. I think as well, there is a "novelty" faftork where it is kind of nice to have a change. You have been stoning constantly for so long, abstinence is like a new drug.

Probably forgotten what it is actually like! When I used to be a heavier user, the first few days were interesting as things were kind of changing and there was still a sort of afterglow effect that shifted into feeling straighter and clearer
But after more time, it could become mudane or boring, flat or predictable.
I hope this will not be your experience, I do feel that you can kind of saturate your need for something on an emotional or psychological level, and suddenly realise that you dont actually need it as much as you thought you did, after many years of constant use, or "service".

It has "served" you. This is the concept we need to be conscious of and honest with ourselves about when we are assessing how cannabis use is working for us, and against us.

The edibles I at long last abandoned 4 daysbago exactlt, were just not "serving" me. I knew it, but dragged my heels for so long.
I do genuinely feel that vaporizing does "serve" me well, when I am well enough to enjoy it moderatelt without it compromising my ability to stay healthy and live as comfortable, happy and healthy life as possible.

This is always much easier and automatic when I am more well.
There is my philosophical account for the day! Thanks so much for all the continued, unabating warmth, support, and openness in this thread everyone!:tup:

chris 71

Well-Known Member
i will keep you guys updated on my progression , i like this thread . i have thought about a T break for a while before this . i think this is good for if we need support actually doing it .
i really do hope that i continue to not have any problems regarding withdrawl.
i should mention too that one of the reasons for me wanting to do this is because i was wondering if cannabis could have been the root cause of some issues i am having . im being treated for graves disease and lately over the last few months i have been experiencing some really rough times , with nausea and bowel problems .
which cannabis is suppose to help , but it seemed that i was getting worse . i wondered if i might have been experiencing one of the paradoxical effects that i had read about were the opposit starts to happen from just to much use .

the only thing is that the graves disease itself , and the meds im taking for it also can cause the same sort of things . so i wanted to see what would happen if i stopped for a while . i was worried about withdrawal symptoms from stopping . but also maybe i could get worse if the cannabis was actually keeping some of the symptoms at bay as well as it could be keeping the inflammation down .
my thinking was i could get better or i could get worse or i could stay the same .

so far it seem to have not changed anything but as we know its only three days im just glad that so far , as far as withdrawals go i seem to be not suffering at all . as far as the other symptoms go there still the same im actully leaning toward it being the meds im taking for the graves . i cant wait to be abe to get off of them

edit ... one other thing i forgot to mention is my teeth and gums are starting to hurt this was kinda starting to happen a couple days before i took the break . but as i mentioned i had slowed down my use a bit before so im not sure , but wondering if maybe my use might have been keeping some inflamation down and now its starting to surface .. not sure but as i type this i am having some good amount of pain with a couple molars and gums at the back of my mouth

edit number two lol . bio , still waiting to get the hopper back but i see the solo 2 is for sale now lol at least we know that one should not break down
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Well-Known Member
Day 39 here, and still, the only "benefit" is some more clear energy. However, like I said a while ago, the trade-off for this bit of energy, is a lot of boredom (including lack of interest, even in things that are purely pleasurable*), a short temper/no patience for anyone's bullshit, and much less comfortable nights.

*This lack of interest carries over into hobbies and relaxing activities, such as Netflixing reruns of That 70's Show, Friends, etc.. It's a shame, because even though the hobbies are interesting, they don't captivate my focus for very long anymore.

Likely going to start "microdosing" (~0.1-0.3g doses) soon, and seeing if the lack of energy is significant enough to be worth abstaining from daily use.
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