The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Hey Chris, so sorry to hear man, obviously everyone is different, I would have figured a small THC dose would have had you feeling really good, as it does for me after a break, however your tolerance surely dropped so perhaps you need to ease back into it, but how when you're already at such a small dose? Maybe stay away from the CBD man, I hated vaping CBD strains with low thc it gave me a very uncomfortable anxiety ridden buzz that felt "incomplete", but that's just me, but there is a thread here and people say the same thing. Like carpet being swept from under your feet, and people can get very baked on CBD believe it or not, it's just different.

Have you considered CBD oil or tincture? That's what i'm doing because i'm in full blown withdrawal now, not sure why it took so long to kick in, but i'm getting worse night sweats and my sleep sucks. Well it's good, but only for about 4 hours, and then I can't sleep and feel like shit all day (like now). I can feel the CBD tincture, so it helps with the pain and inflammation and it eliminated my headache, but I had to take a good 15 drops or so to get relief.

I'm not sure what else to say, but i've been to the ER before and everything checked out fine, it's just the sleep deprivation causing my issues.

Fuck do I ever feel the tincture in my brain! Might put me to sleep actually...

Are you on any other meds?

chris 71

Well-Known Member
i tried the cbd oil from tweed with 13 percent cbd and .5 thc and it made me feel weird enough to not have touched it again . i cant sleep either but im like this with or without weed . have been for years . i can fall asleep usually but if i fall asleep at say 11 and wake up at 1 thats it in screwed . cant get back to sleep . this has led me to now be addicted to ativan , which i have been taking for years like a decade . but normally just small dosages like . 5 at night most nights . sometimes more and also sometimes during the day wen needed . i have been trying to come off it too but i have got my self in the situation were i have to take it to beable to sleep so i can go to work . i cant go to work on like 2 or 3 hours sleep . so im right now tootaly fucking messed i seriously want off all drug the antityriod drugs too . but all the doc i seen last time wants to do is put me on antiphsycotics which i am not interested in to say the least .
chris 71,
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Chris we have ALOT in common, this is my life too, but without the other drugs, although i'm supposed to be on them too. IMHO, and what my family doctor says, is that you need a "clean out period", off of all pharma meds and weed. It will be impossible to do while working, i've been off of work for 2 years now, I can't sleep, I have the same issues. I think it's 100% the cannabis. If you do this clean out period, and push through it, eventually things get better. The ativan is no help IMO, and the thyroid drugs (synthroid) are an entire different can of worms. Feel free to PM me if you like, because trust me i've been there, and the lack of sleep is the foundation of how you feel. Has been helping me substantially, because you will find a thread there or 10 with someone in your shoes. Don't trade one drug for another, you can always come back to weed when need be, but i'm pushing for several months so I can see the other side. I too thought i've never been able to sleep, but how would I know when the longest i've abstained is only 7 weeks in 10 years, which is sweet fuck all. Our brain changes with use, but can be healed with time.

chris 71

Well-Known Member
well i have a doc note for a month for EI and if i take the antipshycotic he will give me another note in a month . but screw that i will not take that poison. i could get up to 15 week sick leave form EI but that is it . then your suppossed to be back to work . i was on ODSP at one time but i got some what better on my own and went back to work . so now the best i can get is 15 weeks which isnt enough time in my opinion .

also the thyriod drugs i take arnt thyriod hormones but just the opposite , there anti my body makes too much hormone which belive it or not can cause all the bullshit probs i have . and if i were to not take them i could actully go into what is called thyriod strom which can kill you from heart attack
chris 71,
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Well-Known Member
@chris 71 first off, try not to panic about these feelimgs you are having. That may be a driving force. You have probably stirred up some consciousness in yourself from your overdue break, and this may be in your sub and un-conscious.
Just focus on trusting that whatever is causing the extreme anxiety will resolve itself. Your panicked state of concern ABOUT the situation and the feelings, may be inflamong things out of proportion.
The anxiety could well be related to a healing crisis. CBD is very healing and wil, cause unpleasant symptoms in toxic or unwell individuals. It is the basic law of healing.
This might not be the case, i know from experience that die off or detox symptoms can affect you mentally, with extreme anxiety.

My own anxiety also can flare up highly, at any time. There are many factors involved, health especially. Also your physical condition will be impairing your brain function and ability to stay calm, rational and see all sides.

So it is important for you to judt take the pressure off yourself, dont stress about figuring things out, just have some trust in healing and recovery, and be good to yourself.
This positive, more relaxed mindset will help you not over fret and gradually calm down.

I really hope so anyway man. Try to let go of fear.
There are also environmental factors causing anxiety, like chemtrailimg and smart meters. Which are being installed left, right and centre.
I would suggest you look into "orgonite" for EMF protection. It is good stuff tnat neutralises and protects us from harmful EMF's and other wave technologies. You want an orgonite pendant to wear around your neck for protection from EMF sources wherever you go.

And it would not hurt to kit out your home with orgonite as well.
Here is a page explaining how to use orgonite, as well as info on main EMF sources within the home.

Hang in there man, be tough. Dont let worry get a hold of you,,try and trust and relax, that is vital and will make the world of difference!:tup:
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chris 71

Well-Known Member
thanks for the helpful words guys . i really just want a rest and break from the grind and i know that will be the biggest help from stress and get off all the drugs


well i have a doc note for a month for EI and if i take the antipshycotic he will give me another note in a month . but screw that i will not take that poison. i could get up to 15 week sick leave form EI but that is it . then your suppossed to be back to work . i was on ODSP at one time but i got some what better on my own and went back to work . so now the best i can get is 15 weeks which isnt enough time in my opinion .

also the thyriod drugs i take arnt thyriod hormones but just the opposite , there anti my body makes too much hormone which belive it or not can cause all the bullshit probs i have . and if i were to not take them i could actully go into what is called thyriod strom which can kill you from heart attack

I hear you, and don't blame you, I am not taking the antipsychotics myself, but my doctors think I am. Fuck that poison. Obviously stay on the thyroid med, but start researching into more wholistic ways of dealing with it, and perhaps eventually you can taper off of it. You only know in your heart what's right for you, and since you had no problem tapering down the cannabis and cold turkey for 5 days, you can do it, but if you feel like the thc is helping you, then at this point I think you should go back to it. Only you know.

I think 15 weeks is better than nothing! If you're breaking clean from weed even 12 weeks should be more than enough IMO. You need to take time off for "stress leave", that's how it started for me, I couldn't do my stressful job on 2hours/night, and that's what I was doing for months before it nearly killed me.

I'm on day 27 now, and we are always here for you! Definitely take alot at your life, your light exposure (especially at night, a massive carcinogen while the masses sleep and watch tv), watch your EMF exposure (can fuck up sleep, unplug everything and sleep in complete dark), and make sure you drink enough quality water, watch your diet and get lots of good fats in, and rest rest rest....take magnesium salt baths, take a whole food greens supplement and turn your research to your health.

The thing is, even though I practice all those things, the most important thing is TIME.... weed fucks with your hormones (especially my girl's, completely messed up her iron levels due to effects on period), and it changes brain chemistry. Your brain needs time to rebalance and it will due to neuroplasticity, but fuck it takes so long. Check out that forum...people struggle to sleep still after several months, but it seems 8 months is the magic number and sleep gets better, but anxiety continues for some to over a year.

Everyone is affected differently, I don't get that anxiety, but sometimes especially initially ALOT of depersonalization/derealization and horrible doom and gloom mood. Now my mood is super stable, everything is great, except for the insomnia with sleeping only a few hours.

Do you ever dream? Or remember dreams anyway? After being up from 2:30am until 5:30am I had to lay down, and went straight into REM dreaming....they were fucked up, but not nightmares.

It takes alot of time for melatonin to ramp up, but it will balance... if you've been high going to sleep, it's like quitting a sleeping pill, and whatever weed helped you with, you will experience the complete opposite when you stop. I always felt that since you went 5 days, you should have kept going, but things can go downhill past with Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS), every so often, like every few weeks, and then 3 months, 6 months, 9, etc.... check out that forum for more support, or we're always here for you man. I'm just sitting and waiting it out, since I simply cannot function. It fucking sucks because i've lost alot of muscle because I can't workout, and that depresses me.

Lost another 3 lbs over night. And already the CBD has worn off and my head hurts. I think i'm going to pass on the CBD from now on and just face this head on.

EDIT: Fuck, the CBD is kicking in again? It comes and goes in waves, similar to my "tingles" i feel from withdrawal. I really hope these tingles go away....last time they lasted my full break, and i've read anecdotes where people say it never goes away. Fucked if I know! But weed isn't so benign of a drug as I once thought, otherwise I would have never hit it as hard as I did.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, even though I practice all those things, the most important thing is TIME.... weed fucks with your hormones (especially my girl's, completely messed up her iron levels due to effects on period), and it changes brain chemistry. Your brain needs time to rebalance and it will due to neuroplasticity, but fuck it takes so long. Check out that forum...people struggle to sleep still after several months, but it seems 8 months is the magic number and sleep gets better, but anxiety continues for some to over a year.

Wow - sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time. But I am curious, if weed has caused you so much trouble, why are you even thinking about starting again after your break. I would never start again if I went through what you are describing.


Well-Known Member
well i am doing absolutely terrible . after my break for 5 days i started vaping again but just tiny small amounts . and i tried the CBD only strain for a bit and im not sure whats going on but im in rough , rough shape . im thinking the cbd is somehow really messing up my brain and guts or something . i cant even seem to use any cannabis now even tiny amounts of CBD or THC or strains with low amounts of both . now seems to send me into terrible anxiety and panic attacks , hell even without any weed at all i am experiencing really , really bad anxiety and panic now . it feels like now that i took the break im really screwed up bad . i went to doc and almost went to emerge .

i dont want to even look at weed for now . this is terrible , i have wondered about CBD before because of some reactions i was having . but all the stuff you read about it makes it sound so good but im wondering if for some peoples brains it screws them up big time . all i know now is i feel tottaly messed since i went cold turkey for 5 days and seriously when i say i have only used tiny amounts since starting again i mean it like i bet i havnt had half a gram tottal since first going off break . and that was like 8 days ago
I've never heard of a "CBD Only" strain. I've heard of heavily CBD dominant strains, but none with 0% THC.

Perhaps you just lowered your tolerance to the point where THC causes panic/paranoia like it does in complete beginners.

Also, why are you so adamantly against taking meds from you doctor? Some psychological/psychiatric issues need checmial help to treat properly. I know a lot of weed lovers and other natural-remedy seeking people tend to treat prescription medicine like the plague, but they truly do help a lot of people. Breathing exercises, a good diet, supplements, and will-power all are great, but aren't always able to cure everything. You won't hear that a lot on weed forums, or on homeopathy forums, simply due to their general demographics, but that doesn't mean it's not true.

Whatever you do, I hope everything gets sorted out for you sooner than later. Good luck!


Wow - sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time. But I am curious, if weed has caused you so much trouble, why are you even thinking about starting again after your break. I would never start again if I went through what you are describing.

It's not the weed, it's me. Well maybe it's the super strong hydroponic super strains and chems/ferts, but overall it's a long storey. It has to do with using weed as medicine, as well as recreational, dealing with shift work, ptsd, mental health, and pain. I don't see any reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. It's also a personal challenge to myself, and seeing if it's causing me more harm than good. It's not easy, but neither is stopping other psychotropic medications, especially cold turkey. I love weed, and need it for medicine, just need to get back to baseline, reset the brain and receptors, do a complete cleanout and then start fresh again with much more knowledge. Alot of people would be very surprised if they went just a few months without but if you can, great you're lucky you haven't reached my point yet.

I've never heard of a "CBD Only" strain. I've heard of heavily CBD dominant strains, but none with 0% THC.

I've never seen 0% but i've seen like 1% i'm pretty sure.

Also, why are you so adamantly against taking meds from you doctor? Some psychological/psychiatric issues need checmial help to treat properly

Like me probably because of the absurd side effect profiles and destruction of your organs. Most of these AAP's are absolutely brutal, and cause constipation, erectile dysfunction, extreme weight gain, and changes to your lipids, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. They don't call is SeroKILL for nothing. And if you thought my cannabis withdrawal was bad, people KILL THEMSELVES taking this shit. But the choice is the patient's (usually), and being a zombie through life isn't much fun. Alot of these people literally just "tune out", which is why they have that blank and glossy stare in their eyes. WEED > psych meds anyday! IMO all those pharmas just make things WORSE, and never solve anything.

chris 71

Well-Known Member
yep the side effects are crazy , some say well even asprin or tylanol have side effects but . the antiphsycotics are really bad . there is one call i believe zyperex or olanzipine ? that i did try in the past even had a 600 million dollar law suit or some such . they had to pay out . and believe it or not , its still on the market .

i have personally seen people at the mental health clinic i went to in the past start going for treatment being a healthy weight and like three months latter they have put on like 30 pounds then a couple more months they are like 60 pounds over weight and climbling . then there is a little something called tardive dyskinesia . a unreversable movement disorder , were you might end up smacking your lips like a cow or uncontroable jaw movements and crap . so ya you might not have some of the original mental health probs but you might end up 100 pounds over weight walking around lip smaking or worse with no control over it lol screw that shit

im not so bad as to need this treatment i wouldnt mind some Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT
but that is not what they want to offer sadly its just straight to the toxic meds . im already dealing with bad side effects from the anti thyriod meds im taking there is no way in hell i would even think of taking any more even worse drugs that will end up fucking me up so much i wont know what the hell is the cause of my probs lol no thanks

as for the strains with no thc i ave one here now that is 0.52 percent THC and 13 CBD and another that just says under 1 percent THC .
these two strains i have the buds look just like regular buds to and if someone were to smoke a joint you wont not beable to tell by smell they were basically 0 thc its almost the same in that regard

check this out too

when i tried to talk to the doc about this he would not even attempt to listen to me only to push the toxic crap .
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Yep, they are legalized drug dealers plain and simple. They have pushed on me Seroquel (similar to olanzapine but not as strong), latuda, lithium, valproic acid, a slew of SSRI's and concerta. Bunch of bullshit and a great way to get addicted and be in the system forever. The horror stories on youtube are so sad, and like I said before they can actually CAUSE you to get WORSE and more anxious, depressed, etc. I tried the seroquel and it's a fucking brutally strong med that made me wish I was just awake all night because it's like the fog and groggy feeling don't go away all day, and then there is the not shitting factor.

They ALL causes sexual disfunction and impotence or inability to climax, and each poison has its own set of problems, like lithium makes you super thirsty and piss all the time. Everyone is different though, some people don't experience all the negatives and surely some people need them to function properly, but fuck that shit. I don't feel like having twitches in my face or clenching my jaw constantly.

BTW the closest pharma to weed is seroquel! No wonder you crave carbs and get fat with it! Class action lawsuits indeed! The biggest BS is that they sometimes just "label" you with a mental health disease, and then use meds on trial and error basis to "rule out" other diseases!

Chris, I understand you may have grave's disease? I don't know much about thyroid and meds but a co-worker of mine was hypothyroid but eventually with lifestyle changes and naturopath was able to get off of them. She was once a super fit fitness competitor but completely trashed her hormones and blew up significantly in weight.

I think STRESS is a huge factor, so take some time off bro focus on yourself and I wish good things happen for you.

chris 71

Well-Known Member
bio , yep i been on Seroquel too . and the sexual dysfuntions you speak about are real . it wasnt seroquel i was on at the time but another one . and it wasnt that i was not able to climax as you say , but nothing came out of me when i did lol
i was like what the fuck is going on ?!?! then i found out why and i was like ya ok fuck this lol like WTF !!

hypothyroid is the opposite to what i have but they are both autoimmune diseases that in the end most time end up in the destruction of the thyriod gland and then you have to take the hormone replacment for the rest of your life . i am trying diet changes and yes stress is a huge factor


I've only taken a 25mg seroquell (seroKILL, what Charlie Sheen was on for his bipolar), and one time took 50mg, that's it. And I tried taking a concerta one time as well. Not for me, anything that messes with my junk is immediately out the door! I mean what the fucking fuck? It's supposed to treat depressive cycles, but how is one NOT to be depressed when that shit is affected?? WEED and SEX are like my two highest rewards in life! lol I felt zero emotions on the serokill the next day, like I wasn't anxious, I just didn't care, but I couldnt even feel happiness? Literally zombie. I was too afraid to try the zyprexa because it's like triple the strength of seroquel I think and really for schitzo and severe bipolar. I probably need it though to quell the hypersexuality, but that's for another thread! (bipolar) lol

Immune system is mainly in the gut, so focus on it's your job! And mental health issues can improve while off the herb for a while...checkout my posts in the bipolar thread where I was super stable after a month, but that also could be the bipolar talking! hahaha

Focus on the nutrition forsure, mindfulness, meditation, yoga if you have the energy, walking in the wilderness, deep breathing, check out wim hof method, etc.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are side effects, but there are many different varieties of each class of medicine. You can try several different drugs in one of those classes, before giving up on them, altogether. The same way one antidepressant might work much better for someone than another antidepressant, not everyone will experience significant negative side effects from every drug they try.

I also know that for certain diseases/disorders, the side effects are worth the relief provided by the pharmaceutical drugs. It's a matter of weighing the pros and cons of everything you put into your system, and finding things that work best for you.

Also, there are reasons why psychiatrists are supposed to push medicine for certain disorders, like Bi-polar Disorder. They aren't just mindset issues. They have undeniable physical causes that need chemical treatment to be properly managed. Some people with those disorders choose to stay unmedicated (prescriptions... I don't like calling getting high, "getting medicated"), but I believe that a lot of times, that's only possible due to the fact that they aren't on the severe end of the spectrum. Someone with severe Schizophrenia is extremely unlikely to be able to effectively treat themselves with over-the-counter supplements and herbs.

I'm not a pharmaceutical drug pusher, but I am definitely not against them just because they are made by big companies.


I don't like calling getting high, "getting medicated"

Opposite for me! Can't even stand the term "marihuana", it has such a negative slang connotation IMO.

As for the severe end of the spectrum, I disagree... I have enough experience in life to know I have severe mental health issues (if you can't tell from my posts!), anxiety, ADD, Bipolar, however I manage and deal with it. It's not easy, it's fucking hard as fuck... you know obsessive thoughts, voices, your brain radio station stuck on "scan", but it takes serious effort and work. And what i'm going through now doesn't make it any easier. I've spent alot of my life researching those meds, and to me it's a no brainer that they aren't for me. Even if i'm homicidal :freak: I made it somehow till now without even knowing my issues, and achieved an extremely high level of education and profession, but I still don't even know how I managed it all, but it sure wasn't easy on top of not being easy.

I also know for a fact that weed has been a trigger for me at many points in my life, both in mania and depression, so i'm still working on it... but that's more for the bipolar thread.

The Beagle

Bubbles & Bags
Started yesterday an at-least-three-days break after getting back home from Holland. Tolerance was out of control even before and one week unemployed with no gf at home followed by a week in a country where you can buy weed in stores didn't help.
No cravings and didn't experience any problem sleeping, I hope to skip the vivid dreams remembering part as my mind seems to only like weird fucking dreams that leave me unconfortable with myself for the whole day. Fuck you brain, seriously.
I plan to try the Dr. Sulak gradual resensitization method for the first time once I'll start back vaping, I'm pretty curious to see how it works.


That's awesome Beagle! I think the Dr Sulak method (well it's not really his, it's been around for a long time) sounds like a great way to sustain sensitivity. It's something I will be using hopefully every single week when I return to vaping. 2 days/off per week doesn't sound difficult, especially since it takes that time for withdrawals to even kick in.

Finally slept last night! I think maybe around 6ish hours and feel so much better. Today is day 28! However the night sweats reached a new level and probably worse than when I first stopped vaping. REM rebound was huge! Weird trippy dreams but nothing nightmarish whatsoever.... and mostly in the morning when I was 1/2 asleep. Still somewhat conscious in the night as i'm frequently noticing nocturnal erections, but after the last 2 nights and days of feeling like complete garbage, i'll actually be able to function today! My brain just feels less inflamed, and perhaps it's because I didn't take much of the CBD tincture? I only used it first thing in the morning, and then decided it's possibly slowing down my progress. But who knows, I just don't want to be feeling those tingles today...or perhaps just a much lesser dose of only a couple of drops instead of a dropper! lol

Getting there! Still tired, but not obliterated.... i'm feeling weird tingles in my brain, feels like my brain is just trying to re-balance...hard to explain.


Thank you so much for your kind words Beagle, it means alot. Not alot of recreational users can understand sometimes, and also that recreational use can over time turn into medicinal use, so just be careful and don't get to the point where you think you're medical just because you're trying to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Best to take a 1-2 months off, and if nothing changes then you're not dependent. If you are experiencing tolerance and dependence, then re-evaluate quickly before things escalate too far. It took about 5-6 years for things to start going south for me with side effects, but it was so much worse when combusting or high temp vaping. At one point many years back I even developed a speech impediment. That scared the shit out of me, but has never occurred since thank god. It's all about respecting the sacred plant, and developing a relationship with it that you can sustain.

I wish I was only a recreational user.... some people have no idea what it's like to have sound mental health and have the ability to sleep properly, but eventually as you age shit happens, and your body starts to fall apart from all the abuse in your teens, 20's and 30's. Man, if I could do it all over again it would be so different!

The Beagle

Bubbles & Bags
be careful and don't get to the point where you think you're medical just because you're trying to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Best to take a 1-2 months off, and if nothing changes then you're not dependent. If you are experiencing tolerance and dependence, then re-evaluate quickly before things escalate too far.

Thanks for your advice.
At the moment I feel ok even if periodically building an high tolerance as from time to time I feel the need for a t break and I never experience withdrawal symptoms while abstaining. I also find it very easy to go cold turkey even if coming from months of high usage when I feel the need to.
Strangely enough this never happed to me during my combusting years, probably because the side effects of combustion always prevented me to intake large quantities of cannabinoids as I do now.
The dangerous thing for me at the moment is that since I started growing I have a basically endless supply of weed so I don't need to worry about going dankrupt or money issues so I really need to take care of my tolerance.

Diggy Smalls

Most of the time it's my supply that I can't reach that causes me to break, like now. It'a usually just a few days. I don't let it stress me. I could find another source, as I have multiple, but I have a preference.
Diggy Smalls,
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chris 71

Well-Known Member
little update here , i was awaken at 3 am with stomach cramping and all hot and uncomfortable , then my heart starting racing scary as shit pounding in my ears and everything . had to wake girlfriend and head to hospital as heart wasnt slowing .

find out it is my thyriod . my levels have gone back up in the red .
and was causing my heart to go off on me . my thyriod levels were in the green for a while now but just barley for like the last few months .

what i find very interesting is this happens to correlate with me stopping my cannabis use . i see it as proof that the vaping was indeed helping some how with keeping the disease at bay . now i need to ease back into it as i really believe , if i didnt attempt this break that these latest episodes woulndt have happened .

i will definitely be telling my thyriod doc this , as soon as i see him . he knows i use cannabis and asks me at every appointment if i am still using it . i now have to up my dose of the antityriod meds because my levels are to high . i believe because of the break . and now not being able to vape the same do to my tolerance being lower its gonna be a little difficult to vape like i was before to start anyway . but ya i really do think it was helping control the graves somehow working in conjunction with the meds .
but man oh man i do not want that to happen again


Hey Chris, man am I ever sorry to hear that! It sounds like you know why, and only you and your doctor can figure out what's best for you to do with the meds and cannabis. In your case, it sounds like taking a break was the worst thing you could have done. I know how much of an effect cannabis can have on hormones, including your thyroid, I just never knew such fluctuations could occur in only 5 days? I suppose that's very possible though, considering your cannabinoid levels would have tanked in your blood, but since it's stored in fat tissue, you would think it wouldn't affect so quickly. All the best man! Hope you figure it out and get back on the path of good health and feeling better.

My sleep is completely fucked, but been here before....after a great night the other night and amazing day yesterday (like summer, and was extremely productive) I went to sleep at 10:30 and up at 2:30 feeling that pukey feeling in my mouth and essentially felt like I haven't slept because I was 1/2 awake during those 4 hours. I'm hoping for a turnaround soon, like in 2 weeks because only being able to feel refreshed once maybe twice a week is starting to take a toll. Fucking endogenous melatonin takes a while to kick back in, and I think tonight i'll experiment with my sleep supplement again.

Day 29, and going.... this is a bucket list thing, I want to know if my sleep and life will be improved without cannabis affecting it, so I gotta go all the way....because if my sleep sucks this bad in another 2-3 months, I will never take a break like this again in my life, unless I have no access to meds, which in that case would be horrifying. Fucking hell!
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