The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I like consuming cannabis all day everyday, and sometimes I do
You like to consume cannabis all day , or you're doing it because THC is addictive? (your brain is used to THC instead of Anandamide to get the Dopamine molecules to stay in your brain's Synapses)
people use cannabis as medicine though,
Medicine that can be replaced with Anaerobic/Aerobic exercise, so you don't need to inhale organic vapor, and you don't need to be dependent on a substance. just like I did. The thing that drove me to quit was the exercising I was doing since August 2022.
so telling them to not take their medication might not sound good just because your own experience and situation is different now.
who said cannabis is medication anyway, if you can get dopamine from another sources, why not..

I had never seen a proof that THC is a medicine. if you CAN'T exercise, that's a whole different story tho. if you can't exercise, and can't get enough Dopamine or so, then it may be a solution.

if THC is addictive, why not just exercising and get Dopamine? less substance to be dependent on
I get the problem, believe me- when it's so cheap, it's very hard to say no. VERY VERY HARD. like SUPER HARD. it's a hell of a decision for people who can get it freely/cheaply. damn so harsh.
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
then why you need to vape at all? why daily?
Long story short : it helps me with asthenia, psychosomatic disorders and back pain. It just makes my body and mind relaxed.
Cannabis help me to handle the disorders while I try to solve them with psychotherapy, osteopathy and physiotherapy.
THC is an addictive substance.
Unlike nicotine or cocaine, THC does not increase the numbers of receptors it targets in our nervous system. If there is an addiction it is psychosomatic and not physiologic.
there's no replacement for exercising imho.
You are right and I am an involved sportsman. It helps me a lot with both the body and the brain. But sometimes asthenia is too strong and I just can't do any exercise.
I feel much better. I don't need cannabis anymore.. and I suggest you not to vape everyday imho
I try not to vape everyday. I used to do cannabreaks well before I knew it has a name. The longest one have been more than a year.

I do not want to discourage you in your process. It is a hard path and you seem strong following it.
I just wanted to point out that we are all really different in our reactions to this substance. And I am a firm believer that it can be used as a medicine in a lot of ways. No wonder why this plant goes along with mankind since the dawn of time.

I really wish you overcome all the side effects. May I suggest you to try slacklining. It is really good for body and mind once you get serious at it. Stay strong.


AVB Inspector
I had never seen a proof that THC is a medicine. if you CAN'T exercise, that's a whole different story tho. if you can't exercise, and can't get enough Dopamine or so, then it may be a solution
I use it to stop PTSD nightmares so I don't keep waking up at night distressed. Although I'm very physically active every day that alone doesn't stop the terror dreams. Obviously this is anecdotal and not proof. I've cannabreaked for months at a time, had years of therapy but the not sleeping thing I have found best managed with cannabis.


Well-Known Member
It's not deniable that thc can be more addicting than we know. I believe many on this forum might know it though and still do it by choice.

You're right, maybe I don't like it. I Love it.. 😁 I rarely vape all day, but in the weekends or when I have time for it I will. I do vape almost everyday though, but my consumption has gone from combusting maybe a few grams a day to 0.5g - 1.0g. I'm still trying to moderate my use towards microdosing. I will still vape alot but less in total. There's a lot of activities I like to do sober too. I'm never high at work and only been training high a few times. I have many friends that doesn't participate so hanging with them I choose to stay off. Even though I like cannabis I'm trying to use it with care and not rely on it all the time. I'm trying my best to live life fully but still enjoy what I love without all the worries and stigmatizing.

There's many diagnosis that cannabis can alleviate. If something like cannibis works for someone's mental health preventing them from doing self harm, why wouldn't that be considered medicine? Of course the doctor and psychiatrist will do a holistic approach to therapy (enough sleep, right diet, exercise, medication, meditation etc.) but that generalising that one thing can work for all is not true. Excersing is good but not something for all. Btw training will also rise your dopamine levels like cannbis. I think you're a bit hung up on dopamine. As long as you're mindful dopamine can be controlled to somewhat degree, making it spike out of control and far from homeostasis.


Well-Known Member
Although I'm very physically active every day that alone doesn't stop the terror dreams.
Do you do Anaerobic exercise, or just Aerobic? Anaerobic like Push Ups, Squat, Bench, Deadlift etc'....
I understand you, but just not sure the organic cannabis vapor is healthy too. it's like paying the price for the PTSD, I totally understand it.
I am just saying my breathing and my lungs is much better now....
If something like cannibis works for someone's mental health preventing them from doing self harm
Yeah, because it's the easy way to gain Dopamine into the brain's synapses.... but the organic vapor from cannabis is not too healthy for our pathways/breathing/lungs.....
I think you're a bit hung up on dopamine
THC is all about Dopamine.... it sits instead of Anandamide, nothing else.... terpenes are found in tiny concentrations other than THC...
you got CBD too in flowers but the organic vapor from cannabis, again, not sure it's too healthy....
I'm trying my best to live life fully but still enjoy what I love without all the worries and stigmatizing
I felt the same like you. but my health is much better now, without the cannabis vapor.

Anaerobic exercise makes me feel great.

THC is all about Dopamine. and Anaerobic exercise makes me higher than usual. that's why I am suggesting it.
THC does nothing but blocking the Dopamine from coming back to cells, and forces them inside the Synapses and that's why people feel high.
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AVB Inspector
Do you do Anaerobic exercise, or just Aerobic? Anaerobic like Push Ups, Squat, Bench, Deadlift etc'....
I understand you, but just not sure the organic cannabis vapor is healthy too. it's like paying the price for the PTSD, I totally understand it.
I am just saying my breathing and my lungs is much better now.

I enjoy running and calisthenics mostly, but work outdoors every day as a gardener.
Yeah PTSD has probably shortened my life expectancy but vaping only one gram each month probably isn't shortening it any further and may even have positive net benefits, otherwise I'm living on 4 hours of sleep each night.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy running and calisthenics mostly, but work outdoors every day as a gardener.
Yeah PTSD has probably shortened my life expectancy but vaping only one gram each month probably isn't shortening it any further and may even have positive net benefits, otherwise I'm living on 4 hours of sleep each night.
Yeah 1gr per month is nothing.... keep it up and feel better


Well-Known Member
I wish there were 2:1 CBD:THC cannabis over here to balance out the THC. I think that would be a healthier choice of weed to vape.

Dopamine can spike with every activity we occupy our mind and body with. Exercising, listening to music, meditating or having a long walk can all contribute to that. You have to moderate everything if you don't want it to go out of control. Being mindfull and meditation are some things we can practice to bring the levels closer to homeostasis.Today's society gets too much stimulation and dont have the knowledge or tools to care for their mind which results in bad health. Overeating, watching porn, doing drugs,drinking, gambling, inactivity in general can all lead to addiction. I don't find my vaping and love for cannabis to be bad for my health than alot of other things I could have done instead.

You don't have to preach me, I'm finding my own way. The Way 😛 I Hope you all well with your health and journey to quit cannabis for real. Maybe one day we'll be on the same way. I'm open for change if life wants me to.
@GoldenBud said “1.4gr per day (10gr per week) of top or almost top shelf weed.”
That is a significantly large amount of consumption. Clearly you were using it to escape some real world problems even though you said you didn’t use it medicinally. I understand why your body/mind is still missing it. There is no doubt that some people can become “addicted” with more classic and longer lasting negative affects from discontinuing use. But it’s a small % of users. Regular daily users who keep consumption at more moderate levels can be “dependent”. I’ve discontinued daily use once or twice a year over the past 8 years and frankly I suffer more when I stop my daily mug of caffeinated coffee. Some difficulty sleeping and having vivid dreams for a week or so is my experience. D/Cing caffeine causes me fatigue, splitting 72hr headache. It’s listed as a drug that causes dependence even though it is available cheaply all around the world. Cannabis Use Disorder is the proper term for Cannabis abuse, not addiction. For probably 90-95% of daily users it’s a dependent substance that is fairly easy to stop using if necessary. I typically vape 0.05-0.1g per day during 2sessions in the evening. I also vape hemp CBD bud a few times a week. I started taking a gummie at night 5mgTHC/5mgCBD. I’ve been dealing with GI issues requiring surgery in Jan, a shoulder replacement revision in April, and a newly detected metastasize of my prostate cancer to 3 lymph nodes, so, yes, I need a sleep aid. I do not consider my moderate dosing to be addictive by any stretch of the imagination. Obviously you needed to get off a high dosage use pattern. Total abstinence is revealing physical manifestations of various kinds. You can’t lay it all at the feet of cannabis. But I’m glad you are doing what you need to do to get healthy.


Well-Known Member
Dopamine can spike with every activity we occupy our mind and body with. Exercising, listening to music, meditating or having a long walk can all contribute to that. You have to moderate
Not like THC.. THC makes sure you will have synapses soaked with Dopamine for many minutes and maybe ah hour, not like music/sex etc', music and even an exercise raises the dopamine levels in the synapses for minutes.. not hours..
Overeating, watching porn, doing drugs,drinking, gambling, inactivity in general can all lead to addiction
yeah but I doubt the side effects will stay for 90+ days..
again, your case is complex - you get weed very cheap, and it's fun etc', much better than smoking - so you don't have a real reason to quit... it's way different than my case bro
. I do not consider my moderate dosing to be addictive by any stretch of the imagination.
I understand that people with medical conditions need THC, I am not talking about people with medical condition. you're right, I vaped a lot because of it was my "lifestyle" etc' and it took over my life, yeah, but even for people like you, try "Leg Press" for Anaerobic exercise, it may help. medical condition requires THC I understand. and ofcourse if you vape low amounts the side effects will not be as harsh as mine, I hope you will feel better. glad to hear you vape very low amounts.

I will say that again - Anaerobic exercise saved my life. I stopped vaporizing - no more mucus, phlegms, lungs feel better, and ofc my bank account is getting better. not 100% and the road is still long enough, yet, but it's much better now.

D/Cing caffeine causes me fatigue, splitting 72hr headache.
I am addicted to Caffeine and if I don't have a coffee 3-4 hours after I wake up, I'll need some Ibuprofen. I know that. But I was cutting off the THC addiction. 500$+ a month is not for me. I can make my own Dopamine. and I don't have any medical condition so it's fine
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Well-Known Member
Qoute from a systematic review written in the book: Marijuana on My Mind - the science and mystique of cannabis.

"The bottom line is that THC is not naturally found in the body and does not accurately mimic anandamide or other endocannabinoids. It behaves more like a long-acting cannabinoid on steroids, overloading cannabinoid receptors throughout the entire brain and body. This global, unnaturally strong activation of cannabinoid receptors has little immediate medical danger, except perhaps the risk of a moderate increase in heart rate in someone with significant pre-existing heart disease. Many people enjoy the mind-altering experience of THC’s temporary overactivation of their entire ECS, much as many average citizens enjoy the temporary global suppression of neuronal activity following a couple of alcoholic drinks. As long as neither is repeated often enough to modify brain function between each use, this should probably be seen as a lifestyle choice. Whether or not you choose to partake in cannabis from time to time, your choice is unlikely to be of much medical concern."

"Conclusion: While the brain is forced to function differently when our ECS is pushed far beyond its normal balance, THC does not make the brain do anything it is not designed to do. Endocannabinoid receptors are designed to produce negative feedback on upstream neurons, which is also what THC makes them do, although to an unnatural degree. Alcohol, in contrast, disrupts the physical structure of cell membranes, among its many effects, causing cell membranes to become more porous. Over time, alcohol can destroy enough brain cells to cause profound dementia, something cannabis has never been shown to cause.

Using THC to activate our brain’s ECS beyond its normal physiological limits does not produce the same experience for everyone because personalities and brains differ. The circumstances under which cannabis is taken differ. Cannabis strains also differ. But if we listen to what people who use cannabis recreationally say about their experience, there is a great deal of overlap. Chapter 4 takes the reader inside this experience and then analyzes the specific changes in brain function that give rise to different aspects of the typical cannabis user’s high."


Well-Known Member
Qoute from a systematic review written in the book: Marijuana on My Mind - the science and mystique of cannabis.
Sorry, I can't reach it for reading. Did you download it and can share this book? thanks
"The bottom line is that THC is not naturally found in the body and does not accurately mimic anandamide or other endocannabinoids. It behaves more like a long-acting cannabinoid on steroids, overloading cannabinoid receptors throughout the entire brain and body. This global, unnaturally strong activation of cannabinoid receptors has little immediate medical danger, except perhaps the risk of a moderate increase in heart rate in someone with significant pre-existing heart disease.
It's not the bottom line of THC if the author doesn't mention how THC affects Dopamine in the Synapses. maybe the author is addicted to THC too.. idk.. THC sort of mimics Anandamide, but much stronger than Anandamide, it lets the Dopamine stays in the Synapses for longer periods other than how Anandamide blocks the coming back of Dopamine to the cells... THC is much stronger than Anandamide...

Usually if I see some book/research about THC without mentioning Dopamine, it's probably the case that the author is also addicted to THC and won't get into the bottom line of it. again, I understand people who get THC freely/cheaply so they can continue their addiction like I have my addition to caffeine, it's SUPER cheap.
Many people enjoy the mind-altering experience of THC’s temporary overactivation of their entire ECS, much as many average citizens enjoy the temporary global suppression of neuronal activity following a couple of alcoholic drinks.
Yeah, I enjoy the minutes-hours after an Anaerobic exercise too. I feel great after an Anaerobic exercise. really good. and I can think clearly and be more creative. Higher concentration of Dopamine in the brain's synpases is great. it makes me feel real good.
this should probably be seen as a lifestyle choice.
It was my lifestyle choice, and yours, and many many people, the question is what happens when we want to move on?
Don't move on from it if you have work next week, you may have difficulties falling a sleep. like happend to me.
Cannabis strains also differ
Strains differ in terpenes, but usually terpenes are just 8%-15% of the THCa content in dry herb...

please upload or send me this book, i'll check it out. but it's very suspicious the author said "bottom line" without talking about Dopamine. very. I bet 99% he's also addicted to THC.

Day 95. still suffering, but will do an Aerobic exercise and it will help
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Well-Known Member
I understand your point about research being coloured by researchers own interests. But as I mentioned it's a book with backed with many empirical studies (systematic review).

If you type in the name of the book you'll get it. Either download it on Amazon to your ebook or buy a version. I bought it myself.
If you care about it enough you can read more about the author here 😄

Short qoute from the website:

"Dr. Cermak grew up in northeastern Ohio, received a BA in philosophy from Ohio Wesleyan University and graduated from Case Western Reserve Medical School in 1972. After two years as a general practitioner in the Indian Health Service, he completed a psychiatry residence at Stanford University Medical Center. He then served three years as medical director of the inpatient drug and alcohol unit at the San Francisco Veterans Hospital before entering private practice of addiction psychiatry in San Francisco and Marin County, California for the next four decades. He recently retired from clinical practice in order to devote more time to writing."

This is what Anne Lembke MD, New York Times bestselling author of Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence:

“Beautifully written and cogently argued, Marijuana on My Mind interweaves the science and spirituality of cannabis in a book I that would recommend to patients, scientists, students, religious leaders, and anyone wanting to learn more about the science of cannabis, its impact on the human body, and its ramifications for the body politic. A fascinating read from a world expert.”

Also, please provide some resources so we know where you get information from.

Edit: we're probably diverting this threads' purpose now. Sorry about this. I'll stop here and wish you also good luck with quitting cannabis.
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Well-Known Member
Also, please provide some resources so we know where you get information from.
@Tji89 we're not diverting thread's purpose. the Author of this post should add an option to "

Why are you on a CannaBreak?​

which will be : "I don't want to a be an addict anymore" but as I said many people including myself are addicted to Caffeine anyway so if weed is cheap as caffeine it will be very hard decision if to quit weed to.

from mouse party of utah uni:

"thc mimics anandamide and binds to cannabinoid receptors"
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Well-Known Member
Alright, just read the article you linked to please.

Here's what they write on page 3-4:

Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30% of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder. People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults."

"Marijuana use disorders are often associated with dependence—in which a person feels withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug. People who use marijuana frequently often report irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and/or various forms of physical discomfort that peak within the first week after quitting and last up to 2 weeks.20,21 Marijuana dependence occurs when the brain adapts to large amounts of the drug by reducing production of and sensitivity to its own endocannabinoid neurotransmitters.22,23"

"Marijuana use disorder becomes addiction when the person cannot stop using the drug even though it interferes with many aspects of his or her life. Estimates of the number of people addicted to marijuana are controversial, in part because epidemiological studies of substance use often use dependence as a proxy for addiction even though it is possible to be dependent without being addicted. Those studies suggest that 9% of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it,24,25 rising to about 17% in those who start using in their teens.26,27"

"Imaging studies of marijuana’s impact on brain structure in humans have shown conflicting results. Some studies suggest regular marijuana use in adolescence is associated with altered connectivity and reduced volume of specific brain regions involved in a broad range of executive functions such as memory, learning, and impulse control compared to people who do not use.38,39 Other studies have not found significant structural differences between the brains of people who do and do not use the drug.40"
Why take a T-break? Most of us who take T-breaks do so to clean up our system and reset our endocannibinoid system. If you are “dependent”, that is, have some withdrawal symptoms when you stop consuming it doesn’t mean you are addicted.


Well-Known Member
Why take a T-break? Most of us who take T-breaks do so to clean up our system and reset our endocannibinoid system. If you are “dependent”, that is, have some withdrawal symptoms when you stop consuming it doesn’t mean you are addicted.
because I don't wanna vape weed for now, at least for a year+, it's too expensive in my country
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Active Member
My longest break was 47 years.
Started in Vietnam where I smoked morning, noon, and night.
Began again about 5 years ago but only a small amount while watching TV before I go to sleep. Couldn't imagine ever going back to doing it all the time. Had a long term effect on my memory from that period of my life.


Well-Known Member
Began again about 5 years ago but only a small amount while watching TV before I go to sleep. Couldn't imagine ever going back to doing it all the time. Had a long term effect on my memory from that period of my life.
but you're using THC every day now? it's not optimal too imho
sending hugs!
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